Dawn of War 2 peoples!

I tend to avoid fan made mods. They usually lack the spirit (not that I say that they can't be good) and therefore I know none.
DoW XP is fun, it tries to bring the game closer to Canon, and adds a significant amount of diversity to the game, it also makes the models smaller making transport vehicles a sensible move to some degree.
Mord_Sith said:
DoW XP is fun, it tries to bring the game closer to Canon, and adds a significant amount of diversity to the game, it also makes the models smaller making transport vehicles a sensible move to some degree.

Right on. That sounds pretty good. I'll give it a go.
DoW XP kick ass, Tau is superb on that mod. Just stay away from DoWPro, it's too crazy - good, but too crazy.
i apologize if i am posting this in the wrong topic - but while waiting for DOW2 i am considering buying Soulstorm as i just replayed Dark Crusade and got a taste for it again ...


i hear bad things like the balance is thrown off a bit and that the air units really mess up the flavour of the game.

Should i still buy SoulStorm ?
I bought it simply for completion sake, it's got some neat differences, but aircraft were implemented poorly, they simply hover rather than pass over on an attack strike a-la-C&C like they should due to canon specs.
I really hope Dawn of War 2 is a bit more like table-top. But I'm not holding my breath since the RTS take on the franchise is pretty cool. If it's going to stay the same, I would simply like to see improved graphics and more single player planetary conquest maps.
Anyone can give me the DoW-XP link? Can't seem to find it anywhere. Oh, and BTW - with which expansion is it running on? Is there a Soulstorm version?
I can't express in words how awesome DoW 2 will be both in the quality of graphics and animations (already great in the current DoW despite it's age) and the changes they are making to gameplay. In fact let me just give you a link of new gameplay footage instead of trying to talk on the matter.


The Vault Dweller
The Vault Dweller said:
I can't express in words how awesome DoW 2 will be (...) let me just give you a link of new gameplay footage (...).


The Vault Dweller

You are one sick bastard, TVD... :lol:

Anyway, here is a chat I had with Moe, one of the moderators in the Relic News Forum. He went to an event at Relic HQ and saw some stuff there, so he imediately teased us in the boards:

Moe said:
Hey guys, just bumping this (a thread that was locked "until further news") to say that we met with Relic today and that we did mention the Soulstorm issue to Relic, and that we got a positive response. We unfortunately had to sign an NDA but I'll try to find out if we can post any details tomorrow.

To which I replied:

Makenshi said:
Moe, I don't think they'd make you sign an NDA just because you met them and they said something about Soulstorm.. you did see DoW 2 stuff, didn't you?

I know you can't say ANYTHING about it, but can you post one of these short expressions?

A) Chill man...


B) Awesomesauce

That way we can wonder how you're felling after this meeting, hehe. To express how you fell in one word doesn't break an NDA, right? :mrgreen:

Here's his answer:

Moe said:
Again, I am not sure what we can talk about so at this point I can't confirm anything, but I can tell you this: The stuff they showed us was not merely good, it was HOLY MOTHER OF GOD THIS IS SO COOL. If there were any Blizzard spies in the audience they were most likely going "oh shit we're so fucked" on more than one occasion.

I know Moe for long enough to assure anyone that he's not kidding/joking/lying when he says this game will ZOMGWTFPWNBBQ the RTS genre. Also, he's always been against any sort of Blizzard x Relic discussion, to the point of locking threads that went into the matter, under the argument that both companies make great games, that both games are cool and that anyone can like dislike w/e they want or both, etc, etc.

If he's completely changed his mind, to the point that he now believes that DoW 2 will impact Blizzard somehow... well, Relic has some pretty heavy stuff in the works, not merely "gloom'n grapheex".
Indeed? I have my doubts after playing Company of Heroes (and Opposing Fronts), which was pretty lacklustre. Although it had some milestone elements, it lacked balance and soul. The best part of it was the engine and hopefully, this will fuel DoW 2's road to success.
I like the voices and the animations and the setting of course and the graphics and ... some more things. I hope it`ll turn into a good multiplayer game where i can show off my mad skillz.