Dawn of War 2 peoples!


I don't play them on a constant, semi-devout basis some people like to play Starcraft in. I've been enjoying occasional RTS play for a long, long time. Since Red Alert.

Back on topic: On single-player, the game's a lot of fun, although the missions become somewhat tedious with time, fighting on the exact same levels, albeit beautifully crafted, also gets a bit old. Forget huge armies, this game's about squad combat, on a smaller scale than its predecessor. Cover offers real advantages, and the gizmos you pick up along the campaign, your squad selection and squad abilities are crucial to the success of a mission.

On multi, it's somewhat similar to the original DoW, although, again, the lack of base-building makes it kind of 'empty' to me.

Overall, I like it.
really sounds like Ground Control from what Wooz said. except GC didn't havea ny items that you could 'pick up' on a mission. you could equip your squads with special items though.
Special items galore.

And the characters' taunts are pretty much awesome.
No base building? So you have a fixed amount of units and have to cope with it or what? Or can you call reinforcements?
Buxbaum666 said:
No base building? So you have a fixed amount of units and have to cope with it or what? Or can you call reinforcements?
i suspect that you are faced with the same restrictions as Ground Control?

you have your squads, and equip them in advance. you'll usually start with all of them, but in some missions you'll start with a part of them, after you succeed in a part of the mission, you get to call the reinforcements (which you selected yourself).

i suspect that some missions will allow you to rescue some troops, which will then be under your command?

it works well in single player RTS. makes you value your troops more (especially as they gain experience) and fuckups REALLY hurt.
No base building. You start the missions with a fixed number of units, divided into four squads. Each squad has 3-4 guys in it, and their sargents are ultimately unkillable. They fall and have to be 'revived' by another squad leader, or by the commander activating a healing power. Whenever the squad members die, you can 'refill' them at antenna array thingies scattered across the map.

So no, fuckups don't really hurt until everyone gets killed, which only happened once to me during the entire game. However, you have to pay attention to the combat constantly and use your squads as a team. There's practically no chance of one squad doing the entire work even during the smallest skirmish, and you have to use their abilities wisely.
I like it so far great improvement over DOW 1 campaign. The squad outfitting reminds me lot of Chaos Gate which I have missed from most WH40K games. But as mentioned the repeating remind me of MMOs instas where you farm boss for loot and later get reward for quest. But its a improvement, the characters are memorable. I found Cyrics ironic attitude fun, guess being a scout does that to you.
Right the bad part, yet again 3rd party soft that im forced to use., few game breaking bugs.
In the end it remains to see if Star Craft 2 will turn out better then this.
Wooz said:
So no, fuckups don't really hurt until everyone gets killed, which only happened once to me during the entire game.
boooohoooo... weaksauce...
I played it a bit at my friend's, don't really know if I will buy it at all,bBecause it is bascially Company of Hereos in Warhammer setting and I dislike CoH.

I have mixed feelings about this game. I like the more tactical approach, but execution is a bit lacking. Organising an attack is a mess, everything is happening a bit too quickly and with no active pause, I found it difficult to lead my squads effectively. Perhaps I'm not skilled enough, but the mechanics seem a bit messy. I don't mind smaller armies, since I imagine that Space Marines rarely go into combat in the strenght of 6 full squads, 2 Predator tanks and 5 Dreadnoughts, like it was all the time in the previous games.

However, there is little creativity in the mission design - go there, kill the boss, clear out the map if you want to. Maybe it'll get better later on, since I did only a couple of missions.

Items and traits are a very good idea, it was boring to have all the abilities from the start, like in Dark Crusade and now you can also choose those you will really use and forget the one you don't need.

I'll give it some more time and post my thouihts.
While I can understand why GW doesn't want to make a good simulation of their games on the computer (except maybe shadow of the horned rat/dark omen), the result is that the table top games beat the living shit out of the computer derivatives.

I know, let's make a tactical-squad-spam based star craft crap game out of our franchise of strategic turn based games, where armor penetration and losing men matters. The closest thing to warhammer on a computer is Medieval: Total War, sadly the later iterations are so easy a shaved monkey could beat them on very hard with ease.

I haven't played this game yet, DOW was a huge disappointment to me as a warhammer game, and a meh experience as a generic RTS. However, it seems to be a great improvement over the last one, though replacing men at antennae along with unkillable squadleaders just kills the 40k roots of it again. Space Crusade and Final Liberation still seem like the two best 40k universe representations :p

Well well, at least it looks good...
It's a very fun game overall, somewhat departed from DoW 1; at least is an original approach, mixing RTS and action RPG.

I also hope they put in the IG, but i think the mood of the game is against them (no massive amounts of lasgun-toting hordes...).

A friend of mine also gave me Final Liberation, i'll give it a spin! I like the Epic setting, although i don't know much about it (those screens in the first page were really sweet...).
I grew up with Final Lib. It's a blast to play and the blue screen FMVs were pretty decent for their time.

Hope the Guard get included in DoW 2 as well. Not all Guard regiments are just flak armed with nothing more than cardbaord armour and flashlights.
Some regiments are actually pretty tough on a squad scale so it could work. Especially with something like a stormtrooper regiment (with the pigface gas masks rather than the karsikin look-a-like ones).
Alphadrop said:
I grew up with Final Lib. It's a blast to play and the blue screen FMVs were pretty decent for their time.

Yeah, i was surprised, those FMVs are not bad! Shame that they don't work in-game on WinXP, and you must watch them in Bink out of the game.
Only tried the training, but i'm liking it so far! There are tons of units (if the Codex doesn't lie), and the combat system is good (i like turns...).

Alphadrop said:
Hope the Guard get included in DoW 2 as well. Not all Guard regiments are just flak armed with nothing more than cardbaord armour and flashlights.
Some regiments are actually pretty tough on a squad scale so it could work. Especially with something like a stormtrooper regiment (with the pigface gas masks rather than the karsikin look-a-like ones).
In certain mission in DOWII[spoiler:6feaf688db]you encounter Stormtroopers, they give a hand, and are surprisingly durable, at least compared with the previous installment of the IG[/spoiler:6feaf688db]
Anyway, i kindof liked the flashlights, when massed (and apropiately supported) they were fun to deploy in Winter Assault (and in Dark Crusade, to a lesser extent).
Few useful links.

Netrogors Campaign Mods v1.2

Commander Items in Terminator Armor

Wargear mod

Squad mod 1.1 + badges

Oh yes if you want to have a laugh at WH40K. Look at Eldar link and Eldrad stories.

And finally a useful topic that I found..
so i finally get my copy, install it, and try to run it, only to have it crash because Windows Live shit doesn't work as it should. to make it work, i need a hotfix that isn't available in my xp install language? yay! this rocks!

not only depending on Steam but ALSO on Windhoos LAIF, what a great idea.

edit: got it to work after 45 minutes of fucking around. ugh, how i hate this kind of crap... at least at work i get paid to troubleshoot stuff, here i actually PAID for troubleshooting this crap!

this game better be worth it...
SuAside said:
so i finally get my copy, install it, and try to run it, only to have it crash because Windows Live shit doesn't work as it should. to make it work, i need a hotfix that isn't available in my xp install language? yay! this rocks!

not only depending on Steam but ALSO on Windhoos LAIF, what a great idea.

edit: got it to work after 45 minutes of fucking around. ugh, how i hate this kind of crap... at least at work i get paid to troubleshoot stuff, here i actually PAID for troubleshooting this crap!

this game better be worth it...

In the grim darkness of the far future it is the 41st millenium...and there is onlyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 'n lag!

:lol: ,
The Vault Dweller