Dead Money trailer out

cndblank said:
True and come November 2012 we would be playing it.

Come early 2013 they would have most of the major bugs worked out and the first modders would be hitting their stride.

It has been 2 months and we have over 3000 files on FONV Nexus.


Didn't you see those screenshots I posted? Have you played the VB tech demo? That thing was supposedly 90% done when the plug got pulled, so it would have been out earlier than Bethesda's Fallout 3. No one is suggesting that Obsidian should switch to a new engine-- Bethesda would not let them. The point is that they are entirely capable of creating their own game engine, and it's one that looks pretty good.


Also, RE: Suicide booth

Those arms inside of it sort of make it look like Caesar's auto-doc. Maybe it is a suspension pod or something, like the ones in the restoration project's EPA.
Little Robot said:
Also, RE: Suicide booth

Those arms inside of it sort of make it look like Caesar's auto-doc. Maybe it is a suspension pod or something, like the ones in the restoration project's EPA.

Android repair pod?
Brother None said:
It is a "slam dunk" model sequel. Feargus invented and popularized this model in the mid-90s.

Ok, could you please elaborate on this "slam dunk sequel" thing? I read the term multiple times and while I think I understand what you mean I'd like to be sure I know what I'm reading/talking of.
It must be an error. "ZOMBIES hate camera phone flashes"?

In Fallout?

What's next? Dragons?!

edit: Oh, I got it. It's a joke. Right? :shock:
grayx said:
It must be an error. "ZOMBIES hate camera phone flashes"?

In Fallout?

What's next? Dragons?!

edit: Oh, I got it. It's a joke. Right? :shock:
It's a link to a different video.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
Brother None said:
It is a "slam dunk" model sequel. Feargus invented and popularized this model in the mid-90s.
Ok, could you please elaborate on this "slam dunk sequel" thing? I read the term multiple times and while I think I understand what you mean I'd like to be sure I know what I'm reading/talking of.

Slam Dunk is kind of Feargus' nickname amongst old Interplay forum users from back in the day, though we still love him to bits.

The model is as obvious as it is simple: when a game is a hit, you don't need to spend years creating a sequel. Create a sequel within the engine's shelf-life, adding to the core design without changing it and focusing mostly on adding a new story. Fallout 2 and Knights of the Old Republic 2 are two of the best examples. Bugginess is not part of the design but a consequence of the haste.

This is hardly a novel concept but Feargus came up with the term and has - from what I've heard - an established reputation for being able to oversee good slam dunk titles.

People confuse slam dunk sequels with big expansion packs but they're not, since they have to be, by definition, full games. The term DLC is just ridiculous because these aren't downloadable titles, they're retail first.
OakTable said:
Found a picture of the pod the lady came out of:

Speculate, you nerds! Speculate for my amusement!

Masturbation Chamber... :look:
Little Robot said:
The point is that they are entirely capable of creating their own game engine, and it's one that looks pretty good.

All we know about that engine is from screens and 1 tech demo. For all we know, the engine could have been just as buggy as Gamebryo.

"It looks pretty good" is what they kept saying about Oblivion back in the day, you know.

Just you wait until Dungeon Siege 3 comes out and that all-so-beautiful engine of theirs crashes you to desktop every 10 minutes.
WorstUsernameEver said:
gumbarrel said:
All we know about that engine is from screens and 1 tech demo. For all we know, the engine could have been just as buggy as Gamebryo. .

[nitpicky]It wasn't a tech demo.[/nitpicky]

Really? I guess that you must know what you're talking about, but it's called a "tech demo" in the files section and guide, both on NMA.

I'm personally taking more issue with this:
gumbarrel said:
For all we know, the engine could have been just as buggy as Gamebryo. .

I don't think that anyone would mind much if it was as buggy as Gamebryo, as long as it kept the Fallout feel as well as proper RPG mechanics. On the other hand, Beth's Fallout 3 had neither of those and had an engine which, by definition, was "as buggy as" Gamebryo.
Brother None said:
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
Brother None said:
It is a "slam dunk" model sequel. Feargus invented and popularized this model in the mid-90s.
Ok, could you please elaborate on this "slam dunk sequel" thing? I read the term multiple times and while I think I understand what you mean I'd like to be sure I know what I'm reading/talking of.

Slam Dunk is kind of Feargus' nickname amongst old Interplay forum users from back in the day, though we still love him to bits.

The model is as obvious as it is simple: when a game is a hit, you don't need to spend years creating a sequel. Create a sequel within the engine's shelf-life, adding to the core design without changing it and focusing mostly on adding a new story. Fallout 2 and Knights of the Old Republic 2 are two of the best examples. Bugginess is not part of the design but a consequence of the haste.

This is hardly a novel concept but Feargus came up with the term and has - from what I've heard - an established reputation for being able to oversee good slam dunk titles.

People confuse slam dunk sequels with big expansion packs but they're not, since they have to be, by definition, full games. The term DLC is just ridiculous because these aren't downloadable titles, they're retail first.

When he decided to ask Sawyer and a few others to work on Icewind Dale II he said it would be a slam dunk, even if it was made in six months. They suspended work on Fallout 3, and made the not so much slam dunk.
One thing for historians to find is if the expression was first used by Brian Fargo or Fergus.I still don't know, maybe Ausir knows.
A post of a focus tester regarding the bald girl in the trailer
Schlegel Mach posted:

So, is the bald girl as much of a stereotype as I think she is?


A stereotype? A stereotype.

You have no loving idea. I'm not even going to go into it, because she's one of the best-written characters I've seen in forever. Her dialogues are sublime, I'm talking Planescape-level awesome, and you guys should all experience her for yourself.

I will get (deserved) hated on by saying this but I don't even care anymore how much Fallouty it is.
Briosafreak said:
When he decided to ask Sawyer and a few others to work on Icewind Dale II he said it would be a slam dunk, even if it was made in six months. They suspended work on Fallout 3, and made the not so much slam dunk.
One thing for historians to find is if the expression was first used by Brian Fargo or Fergus.I still don't know, maybe Ausir knows.

I liked Icewind Dale II far more than the original, for what it's worth. 'Course, Fallout 3 would have been better received by me (and several years earlier, as I only got around to ID II in 2008).