Dead Money trailer out

I do think it will be a better DLC than those of Bethesda but I also think it will be a very linear experience and not a region you can explore freely after and do other quests.
Is it just me or does that trailer remind you of this...


With an evil mastermind (the Director) assisting you during the game to satisfy his blood lust. Just sprinkle some Fallout fairy dust on it...with some Mutants and some Ghouls, blah, embarrassing.
Surf Solar said:
It looks like some bizarre mixture of SAW, Stalker, BioShock and some ghost game, but not like Fallout. :( When I first heard about this DLC I was kinda "meh, ok", but this video most certainly didnt kick for me.
Exactly nothing in that trailer really sticks out as interesting in my eyes. It all depends on the content inside. But feels more like the house of hounted hill theme (yay for holographic NPCs ...) ... and I never thought "horror" stuff fits that well in to the Fallout world.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Okay, I missed it.

His point is they won't get full moneyz from PC users because those consumers will be upset and have downloaded it already.

This is partially true, but figure a few things:
- People who pirate this shit might well pirate it anyway.
- PC is the smallest of the three markets this game is released on.
- This is exactly what Microsoft is paying for: to compensate for losses made for exclusivity. Microsoft is heaping money on Bethesda to keep the DLC off PS3 and PC. You can bet your ass piracy and lost PC sales factors into that, though somehow I think PS3 users losing interest is a bigger deal to them.
So, virtual lasers? Okey...

I don't think anything can be lower in quality then Fuckship Zeta, but this DLC does have some strange things in it indeed. At least I bet it'll have a better story. As if that's tough thing to accomplish... Better be some good surprises though, because this doesn't look super promising.
Wait wait?

Are you guys seriously discussing that this looks less like Fallout than Mothership Zeta or Achnorage?


Ok, I guess a little hyperbole is to be expected. As far as the DLC goes I'll wait and see. The trailer really doesn't tell you much and the scenario, at least for me, sounds interesting.
C2B said:
Are you guys seriously discussing that this looks less like Fallout than Mothership Zeta or Achnorage?

Less or more are matters of discussion. What's important is that it looks like a silly idea implemented because the developers thought it's cool, and not because it fits Fallout. The same logic spans all three DLCs.
C2B said:
Are you guys seriously discussing that this looks less like Fallout than Mothership Zeta or Achnorage?

S'far as most of us are concerned anything FO3-related is about as relevant to a Fallout discussion as BOS. That said, this trailer doesn't look and/or feel like "Fallout" very much at all. What it does look like is SAW or something equally retarded and next-gen.
Little Robot said:
I think that a lot of people are annoyed, myself included. But since it's Obsidian, people are willing to wait and see what the reviews say before dismissing it entirely (especially because I would guess that Beth, who does PR and Marketing AFAIK, probably created this trailer).

Pretty much my point of view.

At first glance, reading about Mr. House I had my concerns about how it wasn't going to be a giant cliche. Obsidian did a decent job on this.

When I first read about The King's, I was filled with skepticism. Obsidian handled this well.

All of the previews about Tabitha & Black Mountain had me thinking that a cross-dressing mutant would be a complete miss. Obsidian managed to reign in the 'lulz' enough for me to accept it.

Aside from the Legion, they did a pretty good job avoiding too much 'stupidity'. I suppose that is why I'm not willing to dump on this DLC until knowing/reading more.
Lexx said:
cndblank said:
And if you look at Fallout New Vegas, it is really just a giant DLC.

No, it is not.

First, I mean that in the best possible way.
If more DLC was like New Vegas then people would complain less about DLC.

Second, there is no doubt that New Vegas stands as a fully realized game in its own right, but there is a case to be made that it was also an example of the best DLC ever.

There is no direct connection between DC and New Vegas but that is a good thing since the Wanderer from Fallout 3 would have had a cake walk.

Not all DLC needs to be for the main character of a game. It was time for a new lead character, a new location, and a new story.

Obsidian was able to do what they did because they are using a polished Fallout 3 engine and assets and didn't have to start from scratch.

I'd really like to see more of this.

Deus Ex looks awesome.
A fully realized but separate "expansion" would be great down the road.
cndblank said:
Obsidian was able to do what they did because they are using a polished Fallout 3 engine and assets and didn't have to start from scratch.

Obsidian didn't need a Bethesda engine (and, honestly, one that's widely accepted as pretty crappy) to make a good Fallout game.
cndblank said:
A polished Fallout 3 engine and assets.


Seeing polished and Fallout 3 in the same sentence makes me laugh a little. Anyway, like said, they could have made a good Fallout game without that crummy engine, that they did make a good game with it should give them a bit more credit, removing all the "NV is just an expansion" junk from thought.
cndblank said:
New Vegas stands as a fully realized game in its own right, but there is a case to be made that it was also an example of the best DLC ever.

It is a "slam dunk" model sequel. Feargus invented and popularized this model in the mid-90s. It well predates DLCs, which isn't a term that even remotely applies.
True and come November 2012 we would be playing it.

Come early 2013 they would have most of the major bugs worked out and the first modders would be hitting their stride.

It has been 2 months and we have over 3000 files on FONV Nexus.

My point is if you have a world class RPG studio why make them mess with the technical side when they can be playing to their strength and working on the story side.

Hoxie said:
cndblank said:
A polished Fallout 3 engine and assets.


Seeing polished and Fallout 3 in the same sentence makes me laugh a little. Anyway, like said, they could have made a good Fallout game without that crummy engine, that they did make a good game with it should give them a bit more credit, removing all the "NV is just an expansion" junk from thought.