It Wandered In From the Wastes

Languorous_Maiar said:So why not give yourself infinite carry weight?
Man, it's real life stuff, like organising some things in your backpack or so...
But seriously, if you can't benefit from specific perks because of options you picked, you shouldn't complain about them.
I only fail to see the benfit of it, not that I actually hate it. You all seem to think that no matter the situation, pack rat is the god perk of carry weight perks. I hate that people assume that when that is wrong. There are benefits, true, but none of them can actually help you kill a deathclaw, whereas being able to blow one to bits quickly will help.
At the end of the day, if I Blow your brains out with an AMR, it won't matter whether or not you have pack rat, as you would be dead. Same with any enemy in the game, best to kill them before you get killed, and Pack Rat, in my opinion, fails to help you kill the enemy quick.