Vault Fossil
Crni Vuk said:its probably like always a bit more complicated like that. You had usually always the issue that doping would be very harmful and pretty dangerous.
But today you have many ways which fall in some kind of "gray" area. It can go so far where extremely conservative people consider it already doping if you do your training in areas with less oxygen to breathe because your body would somewhat get used to it.
I am not a friend of doping obviously it is against everything that sport stands for.
But I have read once about people that have genetical mutations in their blood cells or muscles (no clue really i cant remember anymore), which gave them a small advantage in endurance, simply because the way how their body and blood reacted to oxygen was different o "usual" people. It was something about the sport Biathlon.
Yeah, but that's not controllable. Obviouly all humans are different, and reaching the highest level of a discipline requires a gift. You don't become a world-class chess player with average intelligence, same as you don't become a repeatedly gold medal athlete without a distinct advantage. Hussein Bolt is a good example.
Special training is not doping as I see it. It gives you an advantage. but no more than, say, someone who studies under ideal conditions vs the guy who does it the day before full of stress. At some point complete equality is impossible in both skill and method. Doping is when you willfully ingest something that makes you perform beyond what you could possibly do, I don't think even the most special of training does that.
But I am curious, how fast could a human be made to run, with limitless and legal performance enhancement?
Probably not that much faster, at least not safely. There's a point where your heart and muscles can't take much more, no matter how many drugs you pump into a person. I imagine it's why even a separate, dope-legal league is unfeasible. There starts to be a lot of safety concerns once you give them free reign to fill people with chemicals. I read once that it's a reason (along with wounds, of course) why football players don't last long after their careers are done; many take so much drugs their body is ruined once they stop.