Democracy sucks ass.


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
Well, the most evil man in the world just won the local elections here. I believed in democracy, I really did, but now I see it's just the means for the stupidest people to choose the most evil people to rule them.
Maybe people should get voting points based on IQ tests and education level, so people who went to college and can count to more then ten while wearing mittens would get like 10 points and the illiterate inbred pieces of shit who are usually first to vote would get like 2.

*sigh* I know I'm not making much sense and that I'm whining like that little bitch Wesley Crusher (Thank you, Dove) but I'm so fucking frustrated by this.
Member of Khans said:
Stupidest people, most evil people, on what definition?
I think he's referring to the fact that list led by Milan Bandic just won the elections for city council in Zagreb (Croatian capital, for the ignorant among you). Political career of Mr. Bandic has so far been nothing but a long train of corruption scandals, malversations with city property, mishandling city funds, appealing to idiotic voters by throwing millions of dollars into greedy paws of sub-par football clubs and investing billions into useless megalomanical projects like the annual world ski cup event. Up until some years ago he was the mayor of Zagreb, but was forced to resign after causing a traffic accident while driving intoxicated and attempting to get away from the police. The fact that he later found out the name of the policeman that busted him and arranged to have him fired just serves to show what a vengeful and insensitive asshole he is. In a civilized country this alone would be enough to end his political career and land his ass in prison, but this is Croatia, so he not only managed to remain in politics, but now his list won the elections and he will once again become mayor.

There is still hope, however. Last year Bandic had a pretty serious stroke, and with some luck he will have one again - hopefully fatal.
Woohooo! Chance of Croatia to get into the EU -1! Go Croatia!

Unspecified topics like those really aren't allowed, though, DDD. Despite what you may think, most people don't know what the hell is going on in Croatia at the moment. Specify what you're talking about and what issues you have with it.

And no offense, but I also don't think this is a world-shocking issue. Sucks for you, tho'
Whoever said Democracy would be a safe system?

If la majorite (pardon my French) is stupid, how can a system allowing them to vote work out?

Oh, wait. I'm German, I'm not allowed to question democracy.
Go kill him if you think it's such a bad choice for your country. I can give you a site with great sniper rifles.
Any government structure is as flawed to the extent of the human presence within it. All democracy means is that the ruling caste is decided by popularity, nothing more.
Okay first of all the thread does have a point, as some of you have picked up on it, it is about the obvious flaws in the democratic election process and how the old adage "it's not the best, but it's the best we have" doesn't work anymore, and it's about time we found something better.
Secondly, Ratty, you egocentric maniac I'm not talking about that dumbshit running Zagreb (who cares about Zagreb anyway)
I'm talking about Mr. Branimir Glavas, a man compared to whom Bandic is a fucking daisy. In his 15 (fifteen) years of fascist, nationalist cowboying in my county he managed to cripple the entire economy for a third of Croatia, stole from every big business, during the war was personally responsible for the fall of several villages and towns, ordered the destruction and looting of Serb properties (at the least), destroyed the city bridge and other places outside of the city in fear of invasion and blamed others, has changed the directors of the courts, police, local administration etc. and many other bad, bad things. Also, no strokes for him, the motherfucker is probably immortal.

Pipboy, I just might take you up on that.
its not really flawed, you're just part of a minority. either learn to deal with it or move away :roll: why do you have to be such a whiny bitch pussy lump all the time
With due respect Mr.President, you are an asshole, to quote Joschka Fischer, megatron and DDD.

*hurrys away 'cause has nothing to add to this thread*
The best system is monarchy - of course if there is a good ruler (me ;))

If not monarchy, then maybe a forceful takeover.
Of course ole George Lucas was once quoted as saying the best form of government is a benevolent dictatorship. I guess we know what his thoughts on democracy are. :wink:

The downside of that form though is; what happens when you get the asshole Dictator? :look:

Cheers Thorgrimm
Okay. Think of democracy in this light:

If the gaming industry was a democracy, then the majority of gamers would vote for games nothing like Fallout. In fact, games like Fallout would most likely cease to exist.

Capitalism says 'vote with your dollars', so we produce a ton of games like 'Run Through and Kill All The End', and music by the Britney Spears of the world, and books like 'Dr Phil and You - Shape up Soldier!'. But where are the great philosophical works? Artistic works? Brilliance spurred from passion and genius?

They seem to be lost to the pop-bubble gum culture of the masses...
megatron said:

OMG "StarWars is not science fiction, it's a futuristic fairy tale" -- What's the news in that one?

Not every story is a political statement. And not ever political statement brainwashes people into its ideology.
Thorgrimm said:
Of course ole George Lucas was once quoted as saying the best form of government is a benevolent dictatorship.

Yes, but Lucas also invented the Ewoks, so his opinion = -99999999999999z0rz.
Who is better - Ewoks or Jawas? and should Jar Jar's race be considered in the discussion?

Democracy as it stands is flawed.

Pretty much like communism.In the perfect world communism would be a pretty damn good government.But this is not a perfect world.

In the perfect world people would vote for the good politicians.The ones who get things done.Keep the city in low crime.Good economy.Stuff like that.

Unfornately democracy is like a player driven market MMORPG that did not have any items at the start.People see a way to enrich themselves and take it,without regards to morality and such.They argue that its "within the rules",so its not wrong.If it is legal to kill babies,killing them does not make you a good person.

Side note here : wasnt there a MMORPG that came out for beta sometime early this year?FPS,no skills or levels?I played that one and within.......say 3 days.......some guy basically took GM spawned items(that were intended to help players get started,they were put on market at fair prices),and sold them at over 10 times the original price.

In 3 days he had countless millions,the most expensive apartment in the game,and the best weapons and armor obtainable with pretty much infinite ammo.

So anyway.....democracy is something like this.Th politicans dont go "if im good i will get elected"Oh no.They go "if i make myself look better,if i promise a lot of stuff that will never get done,i will be elected".

Its all all about making yourself look good in the hopes that you get elected.Bullshit a lot,lie a lot,try to make the other politicans look get the idea.

Wasnt the original intention of democracy to prevent totalirian rule by the government?

Technically speaking its really easy for the goverment to rig elections you know.Nobody knows the vote count,the percentages,etc.

Whos to say that the government is lying if they choose to say : x person got y votes?How will you prove it?

In theory,this can be easily done.