Oh, you were talking about Glavas. I agree, that man is an uneducated, primitive, vindictive, sadistic and homicidal barbarian and psychopath responsible for almost every bad thing that happened in eastern Slavonia in the past 15 years, including, but not limited to, corruption, war crimes, persecutions, defamations, nepotism, assassinations and just about any despicable deed anyone can imagine. His impressive resume contains incidents such as storming into a local TV station with a Kalashnykov to pressure them into becoming loud media advocates of his policies, removal of over 300 public officials and directors of state-owned firms using despicable and utterly unacceptable methods such as threats, blackmail, ostracizing, public defamation, arbitrary arrests and framed legal processes, sponsoring and even actively participating in collective thefts of every state-owned company that exists or has existed in Osijek county, wartime destruction and mass slaughter of populations of entire villages, orchestrating persecutions and murders of Osijek intellectuals, ordering assassination of wartime chief of police in Osijek, influencing outcomes of trials through violence and death threats, abusing members of parliament both verbally and physically, and many other criminal actions. But despite the fact that his modus operandi and lack of integrity have been well-known for years now and reliable evidence exists of his involvement in every scandal and every criminal activity attributed to him, he remains untouchable for judicial organs and popular among the public. His election victory is a slap in the face of democracy and legality, and anyone with slightest trace of reason and civil awareness would rather be caught naked in Elton John's bathroom than willingly vote for that murderous neofascist. However, it seems that all non-idiotic voters decided to stay home yesterday, so the fate of Osijek was determined by a small, but vocal minority of right-wing morons. Delenda est Carthago...DirtyDreamDesigner said:Secondly, Ratty, you egocentric maniac I'm not talking about that dumbshit running Zagreb (who cares about Zagreb anyway)
I'm talking about Mr. Branimir Glavas, a man compared to whom Bandic is a fucking daisy. In his 15 (fifteen) years of fascist, nationalist cowboying in my county he managed to cripple the entire economy for a third of Croatia, stole from every big business, during the war was personally responsible for the fall of several villages and towns, ordered the destruction and looting of Serb properties (at the least), destroyed the city bridge and other places outside of the city in fear of invasion and blamed others, has changed the directors of the courts, police, local administration etc. and many other bad, bad things. Also, no strokes for him, the motherfucker is probably immortal.