I'm not sure about that figure, though: 6 million jews? They only found about 3 million corpses, you know. The other 3 million can't just have gone up in smoke now, can they? (Hehe, get it?)
And something else that's pretty funny: Zyklon B was developed by... a jew! Isn't that friggin' hilarious?
Ah well, I still think negationism should not be considered a crime. I'm sure postmodern thinkers will back me up when I say that history, the account of history, the stuff you find in books, documentaries, films, recordings and pictures can never be trusted. Sure: Photoshopping wasn't exactly hot during and after WW2, but what you see is never what it was/is. Who was that Frenchman who stated that the war in Iraq did not happen because all he saw where those subjective reportings on CNN? That's not a retarded statement. In fact, if you follow a certain train of thought, it is perfectly reasonable to say these kind of things.
History books contain lots of mistakes, flaws, 'coloured' information. I'm sure no one is exactly sure how many jews died during WW2. I mean, come on: did someone travel the globe and count all of them before the war started, and did someone travel the globe again afterwards to check that figure? That's bullshit. 6 million is most probably an exaggeration. It looks nice in propaganda pamphlets and it makes people think. 'Wow, 6 million, that's a lot, that's what they mean with German gründlichkeit, those nazis sure didn't fuck around, we better watch our back that a thing like that never ever happens again, let's invest in American companies so that they can get an economic boost, build a super army and protect us again when a new Hitler comes to power somewhere sometime.'
Pffft... I'm telling you, I've got it all figured out.
alec's statement of the day:
[1] WW2 did not happen! It's not because some books say that it did, that it actually took place. Hell, when I was 10 I read books about some guy called Sherlock Holmes, I even saw movies about him, but when I was 11 I discovered that he belonged to the realm of fiction. Talk about disappointment! From that day on I swore never to trust words again. As Jeanette Winterson wrote: it's all about 'Art and Lies', reality is - ultimately - a work of fiction. Deal with it.
[2] I'm willing to believe that somewhere between 1939 and 1945, a few million jews 'disappeared' or 'went up in smoke' as they say. It is however my opinion that these jews did not die in so called concentration camps, but instead that they climbed aboard giant space ships and fled this sad and lonesome planet to find their salvation on Titan, one of Saturn's moons.
[3] Hitler did exist. He started out as a painter, but soon discovered that he was way more skilled with words. That's when he wrote the only book he ever wrote: Mein Kampf, a true masterpiece which sold millions of copies. Mein Kampf is a novel (an thus fiction) about a man who hates jews and who wishes they all just climbed aboard giant space ships and left earth for good. Which a lot of them actually did.
I uh rest uh my uh case uh!