Dethroned Princess

Four Suited Jack

It Wandered In From the Wastes
I'm sure some of y'all will appreciate this, assuming you haven't done or seen this already.


Also, for discussion value: ridiculous concepts.
I am kinda stupid so ... would be nice if someone could explain what I just watched. And most particularly "why".
Crni Vuk said:
I am kinda stupid so ... would be nice if someone could explain what I just watched. And most particularly "why".

I'm on this one too.

I see no point in this video, beyond the excessive waste of Youtube memory...or something...
well if someone wanted to show how silly, ridiculous, unnecessary and illogical Lamplight was. Then it probably served the job well enough.
Crni Vuk said:
I am kinda stupid so ... would be nice if someone could explain what I just watched. And most particularly "why".
Well at least you can do something to the fuckers, not like you can just vapourise the little fucker with a Yuma Flatts Pulse Rifle anymore is it?

Ah, old times at the Den... :cry:
I'm so glad childkilling mods exist.

Seriously, were Bethesda drunk on-top of their retardation when they decided to put a place full of kids which annoy the fuck out of you in a game where you can't kill kids?
Somehow I don't think people would have minded the retardation of Little Lamplight so much if they'd been able to blast their edgy little asses to kingdom come.
I think there were two children in Megaton.

Edit: But child killing was okay there because the explosion was lulz and you got like infinity bad karma.
yeah true.

Still I think its a good sign of hypocrisy.

"oooh look we are sooo mature and we care about everything so youcan not kill children!"


meh. That is Fallout 3 for me. A lulz-simulator. Vegas was at least only Lulz-Casino.
Aren't there children in Vault 101 too? You can also blow that up if I recall correctly.
I think not. You can just blow the water chip or something (have I seen that somewhere before?), forcing them chipmunks out.

Anyway, Overseer killed and ate all the kids in 101 together with roaches when the mutiny started. Epic.
Never mind, I just looked at the wiki and apparently everyone evacuates the Vault first.

However you can kill:

- The two children at Megaton.

- The child at the Citadel with Broken Steel.

- The kid in Tranquility Lane.
Courier said:
- The kid in Tranquility Lane.

Which is the good thing to do. Seriously the concepts and morals of the game were completely wonky.

I ended up using explosives on Little Lamplight, even making the kids killable you still had to deal with the incredibly overpowered dogs that are meant to quickly kill you.
The idea behind Little Lamplight was cool (an elementary school field trip to the caverns, bombs drop, society forms) the execution was not (a society entirely of children? Right next to the mutant factory? Where the hell do all these kids come from anyways?).
Well the question there is not where do the kids coem from, girls can egt pregnant as yougn as 13 years old, they woudl probably die during childbirth. but the maximum age in there seems to be 17 years so you get a steady supply of kids. The question is how can they live right next to the Mutant Factory and continue alive? Are those kdis Genre Sawy so they know they are immortal? the other question is how do they actualy survive, they mention cave fungus as their sole food source, but that is pretty unsustainable. You can't live off fungus forever.