Brother None said:I actually find it interesting that Bethesda seems so bent on copying real-world locations in the Fallout setting. Fallout 1 only had one location whose heritage was that in-your-face, and that was LA Boneyard, though both the Hub and Necropolis (Bakersfield) are similarly based on old locations. Fallout 2 had more, obviously, but still not a lot compared to this flood.
Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
Well, I can see a lot of the appeal in showing existing landmarks bombed out and given new utility that warps real life viewpoints (Such as the Alamo being refitted as an enemy base to be infiiltrated rather than defended from invaders)
I think that the main difference is that in Fallout 1 the entirety of Los Angeles amounts to, what, 4 screens? Like it or not, Fallout is now less about traversing the vast wasteland than it is exploring a single highly concentrated area. And in a situation like that you need decisive landmarks, especially if those areas are based on existing cities.