DLC pack #2 ad gives a glimpse of Point Lookout

Brother None said:
I actually find it interesting that Bethesda seems so bent on copying real-world locations in the Fallout setting. Fallout 1 only had one location whose heritage was that in-your-face, and that was LA Boneyard, though both the Hub and Necropolis (Bakersfield) are similarly based on old locations. Fallout 2 had more, obviously, but still not a lot compared to this flood.

Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

Well, I can see a lot of the appeal in showing existing landmarks bombed out and given new utility that warps real life viewpoints (Such as the Alamo being refitted as an enemy base to be infiiltrated rather than defended from invaders)

I think that the main difference is that in Fallout 1 the entirety of Los Angeles amounts to, what, 4 screens? Like it or not, Fallout is now less about traversing the vast wasteland than it is exploring a single highly concentrated area. And in a situation like that you need decisive landmarks, especially if those areas are based on existing cities.
I'm telling you guys! On the end of FO4 (or 5), the wasteland will become green and full of life, with new creatures crawling on the surface and different kinds of humanoids like Orcs, Elves will be born to start a new, wonderful age...The Elder of Scrolls age.
bhlaab said:
Well, I can see a lot of the appeal in showing existing landmarks bombed out and given new utility that warps real life viewpoints (Such as the Alamo being refitted as an enemy base to be infiiltrated rather than defended from invaders)

I think that the main difference is that in Fallout 1 the entirety of Los Angeles amounts to, what, 4 screens? Like it or not, Fallout is now less about traversing the vast wasteland than it is exploring a single highly concentrated area. And in a situation like that you need decisive landmarks, especially if those areas are based on existing cities.
What you adress is just as I see it one of the bigest differences between the original Fallout 1/2 and the target Fallout 3 has respectively what it wants to achieve. Exploration frankly never was the strong point of either Fallout 1 or 2 but that also never was its target. You have some locations that would fall in that definition, but they are rather small areas and most of the time thight with a story, different to the approach of Bethesda which has a lot more content in that regard its more a Sand-Box game then a story telling RPG.

Considering that situation, it has a need to show what you explore cause thats the core of a Sandbox game. If exploration is the strongest point, but that is what cant be delivered, what is the meaning of the graphic anyway. It did not matter so much if L.A or Necropolis had 3, 4 or 6 Screens to explore. The characters and story behind it was more important. In Fallout 3 its the other way, exploring the landscape in a "immersive" way is more important then the characters you encounter.
I agree, in few words I would say fallout 1/2 is deep while 3 is wide. 1 and 2 cram a lot of quests, npc's and events into a small area, in 3 there are a lot of places with no dialog, just remains, computer monitors, notes and junk.

I love the exploration of fallout 3 (especially finding monuments) but they would most certainly benefit from some lively hubs a la Fallout 1/2.
I have to be really bored or drunk to pay 20 pounds for a game which best thing to do is "explore". Anyway, that's what says on the back of a box "explore this, explore that" crap.

When I was younger, yes I would play game and explore every damn corner to see what's in there. Now my standards gone up- I want to see what's in every corner, but I don't want it to be empty or with a door that has a sign "Fuck You" behind it.

It's just wasting your brain for visuals, like watching porn- you watch, it's cool but you won't score with it. And while you spend your life exploring some artificial world in some game, the real world is breaking apart by those who were taking it over when you weren't watching.

Wow, what a conspiracy theory!