DLC, cheap expansions that keep the game alive, or overpriced patches that should be given for free? This is a topic that is very close to Fallout 3 and all these "amazing" expansions bethesda keeps giving out. Dogmeat armour!
<blockquote>"My anger comes from this, I have enjoyed quality content from top developers for years through the PC format and now I see people forking out for content that by all rights should be given for free. Capcom even had the audacity to charge people for the multiplayer mode on Resident Evil 5, something that was already on the disc at purchase! Unfortunately this is not going to go away in a hurry with people wanting the content offered and having the classic gamer lack of patience, only if we stopped buying the content that is being over priced will we get reasonable responses from the industry."</blockquote>Link: DLC – What Is It Good For?
<blockquote>"My anger comes from this, I have enjoyed quality content from top developers for years through the PC format and now I see people forking out for content that by all rights should be given for free. Capcom even had the audacity to charge people for the multiplayer mode on Resident Evil 5, something that was already on the disc at purchase! Unfortunately this is not going to go away in a hurry with people wanting the content offered and having the classic gamer lack of patience, only if we stopped buying the content that is being over priced will we get reasonable responses from the industry."</blockquote>Link: DLC – What Is It Good For?