Do you have a home in your dreams?


Keeper of the trout
In almost all the dreams where I - for any reason - relate to home, home tends to be the street where I grew up. It's been 15 years since I even set foot there, but my subconcious seems convinced I still live there.

I have since moved 6 or 7 times, I sortof lose count, and this manifests in my dreams as well, where I will sometimes find myself owning several scattered and anonymous seeming flats. These are of very varying quality and location, like the real life flats I've lived in, except in my dreams I have several at once, and I find myself puzzled at how I could have forgotten entire flats - some fully furnished, including computers with installed contents.

Otherwise, I invariably "belong" to my old street. Some of my most spectacular disaster dreams took me right back to my childhood home, watching ginormous floods approaching from the horizon. Higher than the horizon. Goddamn water-dreams...

I asked someone I know, who admitted to never having experienced this phenomenon - but also never lived long in a single place. Slightly older than me, he has moved 20 times - much more than me. In his words, he could not wrap his mind around the idea of growing up in a single place.

What are your experiences with your perception of home, in your dreams?
Does your subconcious have a specific home in mind, or do you relate to it differently, because of a different real life situation?
My subconscious also still lives around the ages of 5-17. This causes me to usually dream of the homes I lived in around the time, as well as the people I interacted with and the schools I went to.

I don't understand it either. Honestly I think we are all just twisted and hardened versions of an eight year old.
I rarely dream, but I have NEVER been in my home(s) ever. My dreams always take place in random locations some realistic and some purely imaginary.

The Vault Dweller
It always seems to be overcast in my dreams, never a blue sky for some reason, all my dreams are either at night or on a grayish day with greyish light. Maybe my subconscious is colorblind? :|

I remember the most awesome dream I had to this day, I was a kid when I had it, between 8 and 10 maybe? Awesome in the way that it blew my mind, and I remember weird details. I was in Vietnam maybe? I was american I suppose because we were armed with M16A1's with the short 20 round clip, and we had M1 steel helmets, we were firing on an enemy machine gun nest, we were running low on ammo and we couldn't kill the guys on the nest from where we were, so I loaded a fresh clip and jumped out of cover and sprinted towards the nest while the other guys were suppresing them, and I swept the nest close range. Then a bunch of enemies (I even remember their uniforms as being north vietnamese regulars) came charging from the left and shot me from behind. I remember falling on my back and the last thing I see is my buddies fighting the charging troops like they were trying to avenge me.
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As far as I can remember, I've never dreamed my homes. Only one time in the dream I was in a tall apartment building similar to my childhood home.
When I was young, most of architectures in my dreams were related to escaping from them and/or being chased by some entities. The goriest dream in my memory is I tried to escape from an underground bunker.
Most of my dreams have some kind of bizarre fixation on school locations. I smiled when I listened to a RoosterTeeth Podcast where they discussed how "dreams where you're late to class" are such a common phenomenon among adults who hadn't been in education for many decades, because of how much of a prominent portion of our lives schooling took place. It's been many decades since I've been out of elementary school, but I sometimes have dreams where I'm there... flying. Sometimes I dream I'm in my neighborhood where I grew up, again flying, going from rooftop to rooftop like a Batman Arkham game... XD And I can't even count the times I've dreamed of being late to my high school, even though it's been well over a decade since I've been to the place.

It feels like I don't so much as visit a "home" in my dreams so much as many different places I knew intimately well growing up.
Interesting. I've moved several times from my birthplace, just like zegh, and I'm dreaming about my first home occasionally - once or twice per a few years. Those dreams are crazy somewhat. The house is distorted terribly most of the times, with incredibly detailed and colourful scene and I'm doing the most insane stuff in those dreams usualy, jumping out of the roof and flying fast above landscape like a friggin jet aircraft for instance. (Just for the record, no acid trips on my part!)
How about dreams with dead people? Sometimes in the middle of the dream I go "wait... weren't you dead?" then I realize I'm dreaming.
It's interesting how varied these patterns are. I've never dreamt of dead people, ever - but I do recognize SnapSlav's mention of school settings. That is indeed a strange recurring theme, where I will return to my childhood school, and be on some kind of mission. I'm usually armed in these dreams - in fact, being armed is another strange recurring theme in my dreams :D

And as for the recognizeableness of my home - my childhood home is usually very faithfully represented in my dreams, down to exact furniture! But my "flats" are typically completely ass-random, and have nothing to do with reality!

Interesting to see that some never even dream of homes - while others share the exact same pattern.

Another strange recurring pattern is "fast travel" :'D I got family in Spain, and in some dreams, I will basically "fast travel" to Spain, using some kind of super-metro-system. I've also gone to "America" (supposedly) and other Norwegian cities. Every time I amaze myself at the fact that I've gotten there so quickly and efficiently. None of these places are in any way based in reality, or ever look real. The Spanish scenery, or Norwegian towns look nothing like the real places I've visited.
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Quite the opposite, actually. In most of my dreams these days, I often tend not to have a home. In a manner of speaking, it usually feels like I'm "on the road" without any destination; I go on some kind of surreal detour, and then I end up back on it without a scratch. It's like I'm some sort of travelling hobo.
I tend to dream of trees. Huge twisted trees that I'm living in, running through or just enjoying their beauty. I also tend to be a racoon like creature.
While I've always been somewhat of an intense dreamer and sometimes lucidly, so lately that seems to have died off. The first dream I can remember having was somewhat strange. I was at an, at the time baby sitter's, whom to this day thought was a piece of shit, hated and has since has passed away, house. I remember at the age of 7, having this dream in which the home of the aforementioned babysitter's home had been in a horrible earthquake. The house had collapsed with me inside, still seeing the hanging light fixture and about 2 feet of space for me to crawl in. I remember the dream starting that way but crawling my way out. Only finding something more disturbing on the outside. There was a wake. My wake, outside with the few friends I had giving eulogies. For me. The oddest part though was the fact that my memorial was made out of the simple square plastic blocks that the baby sitter had. In reality she had these simple plastic blocks I had played with often. I'm sure that my brain had attuned them to fiction as they were reality. It was my first confrontation with mortality and it has stuck with me to this day. It very well been my first taste of humble pie and am grateful to my subconscious for this gift. Though it does freak me out to this day. Lately though my dreams have been fucking with me to the extreme.

My latest dream was a sex dream and sorry if the details offend some but I doubt it on this forum.

This happened last night and it seems odd for me to share this with strangers but this forum seems to be my only outlet without judgement because I have gotten strange looks from co-workers, friends and even my wife. Though I understand why. This isn't a joke nor some attempt at erotic fiction. This is this dream I had and my stupid, primitive brain came up with. I work with woman and I really don't like her. Not that she is completely unattractive or anything but her personality and work ethic are deplorable. I don't like her and the way she does things. Calling into account that she uses tears and fake work ethic to get her way and really give my boss a reason to believe she really gives her all on any given day, even though the rest of us veteran cooks do more than half of her job, a job I used to do until she was hired and was expected to do what she does on a daily bases and much more or else I was a real bastard in their opinion. Which in a restaurant, unfortunately means a lot. Either you are in with a crew or you aren't. I risen to the occasion like cream rising to the top. I do not wish to bore you with details so I won't any further. Long story short, I feel as though she doesn't give it her all but still maintains a job in a very rough environment.

This dream, it wasn't a wet dream by any means and I have never had one in my life but this one was very intense and made me feel pleasure in said dream. It was her and I. The sex was intense. I took off her clothes and began a bit of cunnilingus while I played with myself. When the sex itself began I removed her underwear and began having sex with her, even seeing in my dream that I hadn't fully removed said underwear but they had hung off of her left ankle, even able to count the digits on her toes, her toenails were painted purple, which is odd for a dream because if you dream, even lucidly, it's odd or rare to be able to count anything let alone fingers and toes. They usually look alien in nature in dreams. This time, I remember every detail, right down to the look on her face as I ravaged her. It was consensual in the dream. Not violent, not rough, just passionate sex. After the deed was done I simply woke up. The feeling of waking up was strange and felt unnatural. I saw my wife's face and then things went back to normal. I encountered the woman, whom I have nothing but utter disdain for most of the time, today but was met with a strange melancholy. There weren't any romantic feelings or anything but a feeling of peace and realization of my my personal overbearing assholeness that I had been practicing on a single mother of two, whom like me has just been struggling to live, in a world where money is power in most cases.

Why did I just share this story on a random forum? Listen to your dreams, they may not be real nor the answer, they just may be your mind trying to tell you something. As for the first story of my first memorable dream, it was a realization of hatred and what it is.

Thanks OP I just got something off my chest from 21 years ago and yesterday. I hope I didn't come off as an idiot but that may be a positive dream for another day. Sleep well NMA.
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Listen to your dreams, they may not be real nor the answer, they just may be your mind trying to tell you something.

I like how you approach this. I tried to tell people often, that dreams are not necesarily mystical riddles to be solved, but rather just a reflection of what's rumaging around your subconcious. You may not be able to solve anything, but you may be given clues as to what you are supressing in your awake time.

And no prob :]
Most of the dreams I've ever had took place in my grandparent's house, which was my favourite place to be when I was a kid.