And I envy their mud huts and spears endlessly.
And they envy all the unbelievable blessings of our modern civilisation with it's wallstreet-gamblers and Mc Donalds-type of food endlessly.
See. I can play this game of ridiculous hyperbole too!
Don't assume people can't be happy just because they don't have sinks in their home and a TV screen in every room.
Many animials have a chosen mate for life. Usually the more intelligent species.
You mean like most primates who have actually changing partners. Actually animals living together happily for the rest of their live till they die is the exception, and those that exchange wedding rings have actually died out.
I am not even going into the concept of "love" here, but for most animals their relation does not extend outside the mating season. And it has a reason why this happens. Diversity with the geene pool. The more offspring the female has in her live with different partners, the less danger to end up with bad genes. Imagine if you're a Chimp and you bond with a partner that simply can't get children. Whoopeee! Well, your mistake! You chose for live mate!
Obviously, many animals have developed different strategies to survive in nature and all for different reasons. There are some who bond for ever. But like I said, that's rather rare in nature. And I really would not mix in "intelligence" here. What counts in the end, is if a species survives. Many see humans as the most intelligent species on this planet. But, will that really help us in survival? That still remains to be seen, and is actually a very controversial debated amongs biologists. Imagine if we destroy our selvs tomorrow with a third world war. And a couple of million years later, the planet doesn't even remember humanity anymore and the rats and cockroaches are still crawling around doing their thing. Just like if humans never existed.
Would you say this precious ingenuity and intelligence of ours has really worked to our benefit in the end? What counts for nature isn't if one species is more intelligent, but how well they are adapted to their environment and sudden changes. Intelligence can help, a lot. But doesn't have to. We don't even know if there is a real evolution for intelligence. Certain types of bacteria and viruses have survived for literaly 100 millions of years. And there are other animals which are still around as well. And it is very likely that those creatures might survive even us.
The influence of marriage on forming social structures is also impressive, and it is probably in the era of agriculture and settlements that marriage got its name, but you couldn't just force people into following such reproductive patterns if they weren't already practicing them in the past.
Yes, you can. See marriage today. The marriage we celebrate today has zero in common with the marriage that was practised 5000 years ago. Otherwise I would have to ask you, prove that the marriage we have today, is the exact same. Or that it has even the same purpose.
But you will have a very hard time, considering the incredible high numbers of different cultures trough human history.
A lot that has to do with marriage today comes from tradition, and not necessity. If there ever was one.
The influence of marriage on forming social structures is also impressive,
Social structures formed marriage. And not marriage social structures. Or do you want to tell me animals have kingdoms, sophisticated forms of agriculture, and social structures as we saw them in ancient egypt and greece?
Don't be ridiculous. Why do you try to explain marriage with animals, biology and evolution here? If you believe in marriage, ok! That's your thing. But there is no biological basis for any of it. Infact, using biology and nature to explain marriage in my opinion just weakens your argument, because there is a lot more evidence in nature that those species, which don't bond for all of eternity, survive better, have more offspring and are generally the norm.
You seriously can't figure out why the superstition that women bring bad luck to ships was practical?
The fact that many females somehow sailed trough the world to populate new areas, with their "husbands" kinda tells me that his superstition was not always taken very serious. So no, please englighten me. What was the logic behind this superstition.
I guess the superstition about burning witches was also based on logic and practical I guess. Well, not so much for the females though ...
But more important, please answer the question why this is even relevant today and with marriage.