Doctor Who

maximaz said:
Thanks. So every time the show is restarted with a new actor it's another incarnation? Is this more of a mystery, comedy, action? Is it clever?

Well, the shows only really been "restarted" once in 2005. But yes, essentially when you get a new actor you get a new incarnation of the Doctor.

The other mainstay is the TARDIS. Time And Relative Dimensions In Space. A TARDIS is a type of ship used by Time Lords tom well travel in.

Then you have the TARDIS, or just the Doctor's TARDIS. It is described as already being a museum piece when the Doctor stole it almost 700 years ago. This particular TARDIS has a broken chameleon circuit, which normally allows the TARDIS to disguise itself to best fit in with the environment. However it's currently locked in the form of a police box from 1963. That's just the outside however. To give one of the most reused lines in the show.

"It's bigger on the inside!"

Yes, the TARDIS is bigger on the inside, having practically mazes of corridors and rooms. For a little exchange from the Eleventh Hour, the first episode focusing on the eleventh incarnation.

Doctor: Sorry, I had to climb all the way up here from the library.

Amy: Why are you all wet?

Doctor: I was in the swimming pool.

Amy: You said you were in the library...

Doctor: Yeah, so was the swimming pool.
Sabirah said:
Is the new show any good at all?
Well the first series was rather meh, a terribly miscast lead actor an insipid companion and a hack of a writer for the show runner. The second series was better, they recast the lead for someone who got into the spirit of the old show (at least at first) though the rest of the bad elements remained. The third series was a great improvement as they replaced the insipid companion with a decent character, the only problem was the showrunner didn't know what to do with her and she quickly left. The fourth series doesn't exist and shall not be mentioned until the heat death of the universe. Then they made a series of specials, which started off great but quickly went downhill. The fifth series was great, new cast, new showrunner and great writing and so far the sixth series has been just as good with only one really duff episode, The Doctor's Wife.
requiem_for_a_starfury said:
Well the first series was rather meh, a terribly miscast lead actor an insipid companion and a hack of a writer for the show runner.
How can you not like smiley Doctor?

Also I disagree with a lot of your characterizations. Rose was a well-played character that worked well as a contrast to the Doctor.

And calling series 5 well-written is....weird. That series had a bunch of really shitty episodes (Vampires of Venice, I'm looking at you), and while the overall arc was pretty cool, it was also pretty full of holes.

Besides, the spirit of the old show as you call it was pretty different per Doctor. And each of the three new Doctors is somewhat different as well.
Courier said:
He's an immortal time traveler, one of the last of his race. Every time he dies he regenerates in a new form and gets a new actor, but he can only regenerate a certain amount of times (I forget how many) before he's dead for good.

About 12 but it's been retconned now so he no longer has a limit. He can still die for good if he can't regen.
Alphadrop said:
Courier said:
He's an immortal time traveler, one of the last of his race. Every time he dies he regenerates in a new form and gets a new actor, but he can only regenerate a certain amount of times (I forget how many) before he's dead for good.

About 12 but it's been retconned now so he no longer has a limit. He can still die for good if he can't regen.
That hasn't been retconned. Not yet, anyway.
Okay then, the new Doctor Who is a massive pile of steaming turd, it was an embarrassment watching it to say the least. The new writers are horrifically bad to say the least, and Hitler was a minor plot point, unfortunately.
I am always amused by the hatred of Rose. I think people kind of miss the point of the character, who is not especially skilled or daring like Sarah Jane or Ace or even (ugh) Mel, but was instead kind of a reminder to the 9th to reopen his eyes to wonderment and the "joys of the universe" to put it blandly. Rose was extremely effective for that, and her interplay with both the 9th and 10th was well brilliant, hasn't been done by any other character since. Would've been different if only they'd made Jenny a companion.

I find it amusing that Rose gets so much trash when Amy is much, much worse as a vapid long-legged bimbo who does absolutely nothing and never even looks like she's thinking. Horrible.

With this last episode Rory is vaulting up into the ranks of decent companions, that's a first for the 11th.

And that's everything good I can say about this Hitler episode. What a load of wank. More of Moffat masturbating to his "great character" River Song, who I long since got fed up with. Needlessly long "lulz I got gun lulz I got bullets" back-and-forth, and a terrible, terribly unclever way of killing the Doctor and resolution for it. Predictable, trite, annoying. Most of the 11th Doctor summed up. I miss the intelligence and unforced grand scale of the last two.

I kind of don't get Moffatt. It's not just that his episodes under RTD were brilliant, but Sherlock is well brilliant too, except for the final 10 minutes of the final episode.
Yes, that explains my hate for it, the new episodes just lack intelligence in comparison to the 9th and 11th doctors, it's embarrassing.
Brother None said:
I kind of don't get Moffatt. It's not just that his episodes under RTD were brilliant, but Sherlock is well brilliant too, except for the final 10 minutes of the final episode.

This felt like an RTD episode to me, like too many ideas that don't connect very well and gimmicks that just seem wacky. Those enforcement officer guys had possibly the dumbest security system ever, just skip Skynet or Shodan and make the robots hate everything with only a dodgy wristband to stop them.
Only good thing to come out of it is Rory being da main man and the possibility that River won't be in it for a while.
I don't mind her that much but she's only okay in small doses.
I think a lot of it is up to personal taste. I never minded Rose that much honestly. She was a little too clingy though, it's the same reason that Amy doesn't sit well with me. I've always been fond of Rory though. His character does a good job of showing essentially what an ordinary person would do in the situations they get into.

As for River Song, I like her actually. I get where the annoyances come in though. Especially being able to pilot the TARDIS better than the Doctor which doesn't make sense considering he's had the thing for 700 years. But she has grown on me. Her little running gag with the Doctor makes me chuckle.

River: I hate you.
Doctor: No you don't.

It's mostly up to the viewer.
Mr Krepe said:
Yes, that explains my hate for it, the new episodes just lack intelligence in comparison to the 9th and 11th doctors, it's embarrassing.
Bwahahaha you think 9 and (presumably) 10 were intelligent? RTD couldn't even spell intelligent, the RTD era was farting aliens, and fat stealing aliens and the most text book case of Mary Sueitis going. Plus random strung together words that popped up everywhere in lieu of a story arc. You just have to look at the drivel that is Torchwood to realize that the Doctor Who revival succeeded in spite of RTD and not because of him.

And Let's Kill Hitler rocked, best thing I've watched on TV all summer.
You're entitled to your opinion, requiem, just as long as you realize you're wrong. The statement that the relaunch succeeded "despite" the lead writer and showrunner shows exactly how much you know about what you're talking about.

Also, as a general statement: intelligent is and has always been the wrong term to use for Doctor Who. It's never been an intelligent show. It's often been clever throughout its history, but intelligent not so much. That hasn't changed with RTD and Moffatt, except both have a tendency to write themselves into a corner with their cleverness, and depending on gaping plot holes and deus ex machinas in the final episodes of an arc.

Mr Krepe said:
That's why I prefer the series Torchwood, in some ways to Doctor Who, it's much darker in most cases, and it deals with human case's more often than alien ones, adds a nice tiwst to some stories.

Well, Doctor Who is and always has been a children's show. That's indeed kind of the point of Torchwood. Complaining about Doctor Who's lack of darkness as it's been doing it for decades is kind of odd. The 7th Doctor tried to deviate from it and it didn't work.

I wasn't too fond of Torchwood at launch. Too many crappy subplots, too much focus on sex as a mature theme, laughable special effects. But now that it's switched to a mini-series format it's improved enormously.

Children of Earth was already well bril, and Miracle Day is really, really good. The main Torchwood cast has been kind of pushed into the background, which is odd, but I'm enjoying the ensemble cast of who's who in B-science fiction, gotta love seeing Ernie Hudson, John de Lancie and Wayne Knight. Not to mention Bill Pullman in the performance of a lifetime.
requiem_for_a_starfury said:
Bwahahaha you think 9 and (presumably) 10 were intelligent? RTD couldn't even spell intelligent, the RTD era was farting aliens, and fat stealing aliens and the most text book case of Mary Sueitis going. Plus random strung together words that popped up everywhere in lieu of a story arc. You just have to look at the drivel that is Torchwood to realize that the Doctor Who revival succeeded in spite of RTD and not because of him.

And Let's Kill Hitler rocked, best thing I've watched on TV all summer.
I seriously cannot in any sane way combine these two paragraphs. 'Let's Kill Hitler' had everything you just complained about, except the farting, fat, stealing aliens.
Brother None said:
Mr Krepe said:
That's why I prefer the series Torchwood, in some ways to Doctor Who, it's much darker in most cases, and it deals with human case's more often than alien ones, adds a nice tiwst to some stories.

Well, Doctor Who is and always has been a children's show. That's indeed kind of the point of Torchwood. Complaining about Doctor Who's lack of darkness as it's been doing it for decades is kind of odd. The 7th Doctor tried to deviate from it and it didn't work.

I understand that it's a children's show, but Doctor Who used to be able to pull off a darker episode than normal rather well (most of the time), but now the writer's attempts at creating a darker episode tend not to fall on my pallet as well as the others.

Woo, 800th post.

Sorry guys, had to.
the first one on this reboot was good.

tenent was better, but i liked him.

you guys also have to remember that this was his "first" tardis and he stole it, it wasnt his and he didnt own one beforehand. so he knows how to drive it i guess form theory and experience, not from training. song was taught how by other time lords. thats why she knows how to drive it "better" than the doctor. she had lessons.

this new doctor i like as well, and he is the only one i get the real sense of the "warrior" from and that was mostly in the demons run epis.

the doctor is supposed to have a dark side. a warrior side. and it almost never comes out. except for some of the dalek epis.