Doctor Who

The Doctor never seems to have any physical interest in the female companions. I know I would have screwed most of his female companions if I was in his shoes...unless the dude prefers the males. Could the Doctor be gay! The latest Doctor looks gay... :)
theSoulman812 said:
to the above post, Song was not taught to fly the tardis by over time lords she was taught by the doctor
No, she was taught by the best teacher. The TARDIS itself.

.Pixote. said:
The Doctor never seems to have any physical interest in the female companions. I know I would have screwed most of his female companions if I was in his shoes...unless the dude prefers the males. Could the Doctor be gay! The latest Doctor looks gay...
I guess you didn't watch any 9th or 10th Doctor.
Or the 8th. Though people tend to ignore him.

TheWesDude said:
the doctor is supposed to have a dark side. a warrior side. and it almost never comes out. except for some of the dalek epis.

He is supposed to have a warrior side? That seemed to be mostly a post-Time Wars 9th/10th Doctor thing. The 11th may simply be over it.
.Pixote. said:
The Doctor never seems to have any physical interest in the female companions. I know I would have screwed most of his female companions if I was in his shoes...unless the dude prefers the males. Could the Doctor be gay! The latest Doctor looks gay... :)

I don't see it that way. I would say that the eleventh doctor is asexual. I would, if it weren't quite obvious he has a thing for River.

Also, how does he look gay? He just looks nerdy.
.Pixote. said:
The Doctor never seems to have any physical interest in the female companions. I know I would have screwed most of his female companions if I was in his shoes...unless the dude prefers the males. Could the Doctor be gay! The latest Doctor looks gay... :)

The latest doctor did reject Amy's advances. I think it has something to do with him not wanting to get too attached to them, since he knows he'll live forever and have to watch them die.

The 10th doctor did seem interested in the Queen of France in one episode so I'm pretty sure he's not gay, more just asexual.

Edit: Yeah the last two doctors clearly aren't gay. 11th doctor is kind of asexual.
It's worth noting here RTD was fond of using "dancing" as an analogy for sex. "The Doctor Dances" is kind of meant to imply something more is going on there, and the scenes with Madam de Pompadour (not the queen, Courier) are clearly a love story.

That's all relatively new tho'. The 4th may or may not have been bumping uglies with Romana but otherwise it's all clean until the 8th.
Brother None said:
Or the 8th. Though people tend to ignore him.

He is supposed to have a warrior side? That seemed to be mostly a post-Time Wars 9th/10th Doctor thing. The 11th may simply be over it.

I'm pretty sure he is getting over it, or he's learned to cope. He described the Time War as a "bad day" then moves on. However this may or may not have just been due to him trying to solve a problem.

The Doctor's Wife shows that at some point he has at least explained it to Amy and Rory at some point. My guess is that End of Time solidified his opinion on what he did all things considered. The Time Lords were a threat to the entire universe, and the Doctor won't have that.

That, and A Good Man Goes To War was meant to show that the doctor being a warrior goes against everything he's spent all this time working for. Above all else I think he's tried to portray himself as a benevolent force. It's something of a theme with Moffat I think. Just look at the stories, many of them involve a group opposing the Doctor out of fear. Honestly think about it, there's this one remaining member of this ancient, precursor race who seems to have taken a liking to the humans. Favoring them above anyone who dares to threaten their existence. He doesn't extend this privilege to many other races, though since the RTD era the Ood seem to have gained that privilege, and now with Moffat it seems that Silurians may be getting it as well.

To me it seems that the Doctor giving out punishments as some sort of god seems to be having a negative effect on his reputation.
Notice how over the years the Doctor are getting younger and younger with each change. The first few Doctors appeared to be in their 50s maybe 60s, Tom Baker was in his 40s, David Tennant in his 30s, and Matt Smith in his 20s. So the Doctors have gone from father figures, to a young man figure, I wonder if they would ever consider making a sex change, the female Doctor, or does River already play that role.

Does anyone remember Davros the creator of the Daleks.


1. Genesis of the Daleks (1975, 4th Doctor) 
Written by: Terry Nation
Davros played by: Michael Wisher

When Davros first encountered the Fourth Doctor, he was the chief scientist of the Kaleds, heading the Elite Scientific Division. Davros realised that contamination from the nuclear and biological weapons used in the war was mutating the Kaled race and artificially accelerated the process to examine the ultimate evolutionary end product. The mutations were weak and crippled: no more than brains with tentacular appendages and with no hope of survival on their own. His solution was to remove all emotions pertaining to weakness, a category in which he grouped such emotions as compassion, mercy and kindness, and place the mutants in tank-like "Mark III travel machines" that were partly based on the design of his wheelchair. He later named these creatures Daleks, an anagram of Kaleds.

Davros quickly became obsessed with his creations, considering them to be the ultimate form of life, superior to all others. To stop his own people from shutting down his Dalek project, he arranged for them to be wiped out by the Thals. The Daleks then almost exterminated the Thal victors, but ultimately turned on Davros and apparently killed him at the conclusion of the serial.
Davros returned in one of the 10ths arc, but as I mentioned, I've seen all the old Doctor since the 3rd, so yeah, I've seen all of Davros' episodes. He was never a very interesting opponent. I'd rather they bring back the Valeyard if anything. Lot of people speculated that River was the Rani, which would've made more sense because the Rani was a teeth-grindingly annoying old dingbat too.

Also, there isn't a linear older-to-younger. The 3rd is older than the 2nd, and the 6th is older than the 5th, and the 7th older than the 6th.

A female Doctor would be fun, but first we need to get by a black Doctor. One was considered for the 11th before Matt won the part with his acting method of shouting and flailing his arms.

Any implication that River could take over as the Doctor will be met with the violence it deserves.
Well, I do understand where you're coming from with River but as I stated before I'm actually fond of her. That and her line in Let's Kill Hitler when the nazi's confront her got a chuckle from me.

River: I was on my way to this gay gypsy Bar Mitzvah for the disabled when I thought 'Gosh, the Third Reich's a bit rubbish, I think I'll kill the Fuhrer.' Who's with me?

Which btw is now going in my signature.
Cool story bro. Last time I checked I was watching Dr Who's adventure, I didn't check in for an extended story-arc on River fucking Song. The sooner we're rid of her, the better. This show is about the Doctor. He should naturally be the most interesting person in any scene he's in. To watch Moffatt bang in his little Mary Sue is bad enough, let alone when he tries to *shudder* make her seem sexy.

Rewatched the ep btw, for some reason. It's even worse in second viewing. It's not just how it lazily dismisses plot points, like Hitler in the cupboard or the fact that we ended the last ep with the Doc going to search for Melody and Amy and Rory staying behind with River (so where the hell did she go?), the plot is outright lazy. Introducing a character Mels who was never mentioned before yet is the bestest friend ever *in one episode* and then immediately tying up her arc is friggin' atrocious storytelling, especially when there's a plothole gap between toddler Melody regenerating and Mels joining Rory and Amy.

This show has gotten so, so bad. I hope at least Moffatt's little headline-grabbing title got some ratings, because numbers have been down ever since he took over
After another view, I have to admit I kind of agree with you. It would have been better if their 'friend' Melody really was just that, a friend and NOT River. That way Moffat could have used the excuse that the reason she hadn't had any reference before now could have been attributed to being eaten by a Time Crack. But no, since River existed that means that Mel was just kinda shoehorned in. This could have even been rectified by giving her some small role in The Eleventh Hour, it wouldn't have to be bigger than what Jeff got, just some indication that she was involved in their lives. Even a passing mention of her would have been better than showing it all at once.
errr... they gave the reason why river is being featured so heavily

she becomes the drs wife, which means she becomes a companion at some point in time.

plus, she was in jail because she murdered the doctor. she was the little girl in the astronaut suit.
I think the point that Brother None is trying to make is that River Song is a Mary Sue. Which despite my own liking of the character is true. She's got all the trappings of one.

Able to outdo the main character? Check.
Everyone seems to love her? Check
Never seems to make a mistake? Check

In addition, making her a Time Lady kinda pissed me off. The Doctor's supposed to be the last Time Lord that there EVER will be because he went and offed the rest of them.

Though, I could see the reasons for doing it. Since River "used up" the rest of her regenerations reviving the Doctor, maybe it was a way to say the Doctor's going to now get hers? A way of continuing the show? Either way, the main thing that makes a Time Lord a Time Lord and not just a really smart person seems to have been taken from her at least. Now that we know the origins of the character however perhaps some character flaws can be added in.
Plus she had to be mind-controlled to doing something bad. Can't have our little Mary Sue be actually a bad person. No, she's good but badass. Oh yeah! LOVE HER PLEASE.

Chromevod said:
Since River "used up" the rest of her regenerations reviving the Doctor, maybe it was a way to say the Doctor's going to now get hers? A way of continuing the show?

Plenty of ways to do that. The most obvious hook would be bringing in the Valeyard around the time the 12th incarnation goes to the 13th, and doing some gizmojumbo.

Threepwood said:
Not in the UK.

I didn't double-check, but according to Wikipedia pretty much they are. Series 4 wobbled about 8-9 million and had a season finale at 10 and special at 13. Series 5 pretty much immediately started trending down to some pretty low numbers for a season finale (which was, of course, pretty bad and full of plotholes). This series seems to be wobbling about 7-8 again.

TheWesDude said:
plus, she was in jail because she murdered the doctor. she was the little girl in the astronaut suit.

Isn't it ridiculous how we're supposed to believe the characters haven't figured this out yet? I know it's a kid's show but c'mon, show some respect. Even the 9th made reference to the obviousness of its plot hooks.

Chromevod said:
But no, since River existed that means that Mel was just kinda shoehorned in.

Mels. Y'know, I was chatting with Sander during the episode and as I mentioned to him right before the shooting-regeneration bit, I was kind of hoping Mels was a clever reference to the popular Soviet name of the 30s-50s period: Marx-Engels-Lenin-Stalin. Mels. No such luck.

Chromevod said:
This could have even been rectified by giving her some small role in The Eleventh Hour, it wouldn't have to be bigger than what Jeff got, just some indication that she was involved in their lives. Even a passing mention of her would have been better than showing it all at once.

Which highlights that they just made her up. Making it up as you go along seems to be Moffatt's over-arching style.
I absolutely love watching Doctor Who.

As far as the Doctor's interest in them on a romantic level, you have to understand that while he looks human, he is not... more than anything, the Doctor probably perceives the companions much in the same way that we would perceive an ape with rudimentary human language skills... While smart, interesting, funny, and courageous, you wouldn't necessarily want to mate with it. Okay, maybe some of you would... :D

The Doctor protects humanity from those that would harm us, much in the same was that a shepherd protects his herd or "huggers" try to protect rain forests and oceans.

Anyone who says that a TV show has to be scientifically correct to be enjoyed has probably forgotten that Doctor Who is not a documentary. It is meant to be enjoyed for the sake of being entertained. The "how" gadgets work does not have to be understood, the fact that every alien speaks English does not have to make sense, and the idea that the TARDIS is a living creature that is bigger on the inside than on the out and can travel through time does not have to be scientifically possible. All you have to know about Doctor Who is when it comes on and where the remote is at.
The fact that we understand aliens has been explained as a part of the TARDIS' telepathic field. As indepth an explanation as the Babelfish.

Let's not forget verisimilitude in these sci-fi comedy-action series. It doesn't have to make scientific sense, but things should still be explainable and plausible within the setting, which really isn't the case for Moffatt, who really doesn't care about any of Dr Who's established rules (even less so than RTD did)
yea, the show seems to be told from the perspective of the companion, which is a uk chick, and they speak english in the UK.

the assumption is that the DR is always speaking in galifreian?. and thats why you do even if rarely hear "foreign" languages such as the one where they do the blood control thing at the beginning of tennents run.

one thing that always gets me is they keep pressing the point that "its larger on the inside than the outside" when the actual proper way to look at it is because its the chameleon circuit that is broken, its actually the opposite, its smaller on the outside than the inside.

i wonder what a tardis really looks like without its chameleon circuit or at least turned off. i think that would be very interesting.
I actually have a question about the Valeyard, since I've not had the chance to go through old Who yet.

Is the Valeyard actually another incarnation of the Doctor, or a separate being that just originates from the Doctor sometime between 12 and 13?