Reminds me a bit of my initial dealings with Morrowind, one of my favorite games by now. My dad was gifted a bundle, physical one, of several games. Most of them were uninteresting to me, I am very picky. I liked Ghost Recon, which was part of the bundle, while I honestly thought the Morrowind disc-art looked lame, at the time I eyerolled hard at LOTR and such as well. Eventually I actually felt bad for it...
The lame elf on the cover, the lame name "morrowind" wtf, the wind-of-tomorrow?
I decided to give it a chance, purely out of thinking mocking thoughts about it...
Hated it on first try, I didn't understand anything, all the mechanics were wrong, combat was horrible, and I was overwhelmed by the ammount of loose items laying around, spoons and napkins "I cannot possibly loot ALL this D:"
Set it aside, then it just kept bothering me, w its lame elf and lame name, untill I gave it another shot, and for some reason, just clicked! Loved it ever since