Dragon Age II: now more like Mass Effect 2

ZombieChrist said:
Don't know how you guys missed this, the reason that Avanost guy's reviews weren't seen is because Bioware had taken them down after being exposed.



Mettle said:
Tried it myself, and it sort of worked. Though his Metacritic profile showed he had made one review, the profile did'nt show any games at all. Might've been that he took it back when it was found out, it's made a couple of rounds on the Bioware boards.

Or it never happened.

Overall it's not really relevant to the game itself, most of us have read about companies, mostly publishers, doing worse things with reviews and whatnot.
Level up every 5 minutes in between hundreds of retarded cutscenes. + sex




RPG of the decade.
PainlessDocM said:


Wow, combat looks like a poor rip-off from Dungeon Siege. Mages showering enemies with endless kill-all spells while warriors tank the AI that's too stupid to go after mages. TACTICS!
PainlessDocM said:
Level up every 5 minutes in between hundreds of retarded cutscenes. + sex


RPG of the decade.

Wait a sec...
Your party member goes to score some random chicks? And you get a cutscene for him?
Good lord, if i saw Marcus do that in Fallout...my life would never be the same.

No wonder why they don't have horses in Ferelden. Perish the thought.
Ausdoerrt said:
Wow, combat looks like a poor rip-off from Dungeon Siege. Mages showering enemies with endless kill-all spells while warriors tank the AI that's too stupid to go after mages. TACTICS!

I'm not really disagreeing with you, but I think I should point out that the mages have a really long CD on spells, and that they're flailing their staff, and that's basically it.

But yeah, TACTICS!
Here's how combat in DA2 plays out.

1. Kill bandits/mercenaries/zombies
2. More bandits/mercenaries/zombies rush in through the door/magically appear
3. repeat step 2 several times
4. Step 2 but behind you
5. Make fifty cents from looting corpses
6. Walk into next room and repeat from step one.
Atomkilla said:
Sounds reasonable enough...

For about 35 hours and the places you fight them in keep getting recycled as there is only one cave, house, wasteland e.t.c map?
I know the games longer but I deducted the time spent slowly jogging from fight to fight to the guy you hand in the fetch quest to.
Even with all the trash sidequests the game isn't longer.
And i'm guessing there was a mob in some of them who was stronger than the actual boss. So Final Fantasy like.
Eh, at least bosses and unique enemies are interesting this time around. Hostile mages in perticular are a pain in the ass, as are rogues 1-shotting your squishies if you don't move them.

And I have yet to play a game that is more than 20 hours long and does not have filler content, there's only so much creativity you can realistically pack in 40+ hours. Yes, even Infinity Engine RPGs. But the re-used levels are either laziness or the result of a rushed product. I mean, Mass Effect 1 had re-used content too, but only for side-quests, all main missions took place in unique locations. I can't believe Bioware ever thougt this would go unnoticed.
The problem is that even plot-critical main missions take place in the exact same place where you previously did a completely unrelated side-quest, but someone was kind enough to restock all the chests in the meantime. You visit about 5 or 6 different caves over the course of the game, and they all have the exact same layout, with random stone slabs cutting off different parts where convenient. At least change the scenery and some textures, I don't know, but I agree it's far more a rush-job than laziness.

And yes, the game has too much combat. Act 2 is a bit better at this (it's the best part of the game, period), but in Act 3 I can't take a stroll through Lowtown at night without butchering 50-something completely random slavers. Hightown has people impersonating Guardsmen seemingly because it gives you a reason to kill them. I know suicidal foes is a staple of RPGs, but the game takes it to such an extreme; enemies everywhere is fine in the Deep Roads or something, but I must have killed several hundreds, if not a thousand, thugs and mercenaries over the course of the game.
So, to nicely wrap it up, since many people have different opinions, how would you who have played it rate the game on the scale from 1 to 10 (I'm waiting for your rating, sea).
Interview with Jennifer Hepler

What is your least favorite thing about working in the industry?

Playing the games. This is probably a terrible thing to admit, but it has definitely been the single most difficult thing for me. I came into the job out of a love of writing, not a love of playing games. While I enjoy the interactive aspects of gaming, if a game doesn't have a good story, it's very hard for me to get interested in playing it. Similarly, I'm really terrible at so many things which most games use incessantly -- I have awful hand-eye coordination, I don't like tactics, I don't like fighting, I don't like keeping track of inventory, and I can't read a game map to save my life. This makes it very difficult for me to play to the myriad games I really should be keeping up on as our competition.

Not really a new interview, but she still works at Bioware as a writer.