Yup, 41 hours on Hard and I didn't do every single side quest, even if I am confident I did about 85% of the game. A fully completionist playthrough can take upwards 50 hours on Nightmare, which I intend to complete with a female Mage this time, even if the Act 2 boss fight is going to be hell with a ranged character if I opt for a certain option.
And this is a Facebook game made for marketing, can't really expect much now can we. But, after seeing the DA2 ending, there's simply no way anyone can call the series low fantasy, not like it was in Origins what with all the magic and dragons and co.
My opinion about the game is also a bit weird, kind of a love-hate thing. On one hand, it's linear, has a consequent amount of questionable design decisions (the worst being re-used areas and respawning waves every friggin fight), no isometric view, dialogue wheel, no toolset, and worst of all most of this is obviously the fault of a rush-job made to cash in from Origin's massive success, 5 million sales IIRC (as others have said, Inon Zur pretty much confirmed he had a very tight deadline).
On the other hand, it feels different from other Bioware games in a good way. The art design is evolved and very interesting (save for the animations and S&M rejects... err Darkspawn), the story is overall good until like 10 minutes before the ending where it all crashes down, the characters have lives of their own and are (with the exception of Isabela) more likable than most Bioware team members I remember, the combat is both faster paced (a bit too much, but better than too slow) and enjoys a much more solid ruleset, Bosses are really good this time around, choices and consequences are more visible here than in any of their previous titles, and there are less bugs (no combat lag and memory leaks, fuck yeah).
So overall, it's definitely one of Bioware's weakest offerings (Jade Empire still wins or rather loses at that imo) and, as a sequel to Origins, it's clearly inferior and disappointing. But it remains a good game, good enough that I will replay it once, maybe twice, but not with the quasi-religious fervor Origins gave me. It's really too bad it was rushed, since this is the source of most of the problems and it had lots of potential to stand out from Bioware's previous titles