Dragon Age II: now more like Mass Effect 2

Tried it for fun. It's fake (or I fail hard, also a possibility). Anyways there are many posters who do the exact opposite, so I strongly doubt this is important in any way.

As for the game itself, just finished Act 2, boy the stakes are becoming higher. Act 2 was much better than Act 1, since it has a definite and interesting antagonist and a goal clearer than ''get rich in crazy expedition''. Aveline and Varric's quests are also very good. These two are starting to be amongst my favorite Bioware characters.

Oh, and Mages can also go screw themselves after what happened to a certain person.
Ilosar said:
Tried it for fun. It's fake (or I fail hard, also a possibility). Anyways there are many posters who do the exact opposite, so I strongly doubt this is important in any way.

As for the game itself, just finished Act 2, boy the stakes are becoming higher. Act 2 was much better than Act 1, since it has a definite and interesting antagonist and a goal clearer than ''get rich in crazy expedition''. Aveline and Varric's quests are also very good. These two are starting to be amongst my favorite Bioware characters.

Oh, and Mages can also go screw themselves after what happened to a certain person.

Tried it myself, and it sort of worked. Though his Metacritic profile showed he had made one review, the profile did'nt show any games at all. Might've been that he took it back when it was found out, it's made a couple of rounds on the Bioware boards.

Or it never happened.

I've tried DA2 some, few hours yesterday, and of all the things that annoys me the most it is the fucking combat animations and art style. I really liked how the old games had some semblance of mass in their weapons, whereas it is completely out the window now it seems. Really fucking annoying.

Going to get CoP Complete a try I think, was a while since I played the vanilla game now.
Nothing new here, damn i disappoint.
She is something they say in DA2, i want to hear it from someone who played it till the end (is there anyone xD), user experience is more worth than general.

Btw, 4chan went through a lot to destroy the user review score on Metacritic. I don't blame them considering what that employee did. It is hilarious just to watch it happen like that, hate swarm i shall call it. They deliver.
Playing through it at the moment but the story is so blah I'm finding a hard time sticking to it.
Gotta say I hate the attack animations for Rogues, use a knife like that in real life and you wouldn't last a minute.
Usually o.k with fantasy fighting animations but these are so over the top they just irk me.
Apparently it wasn't a concentrated effort by 4chan, trolls just happened to hang out at that site, which is quite a surprise, really (/sarcasm).

About Flemeth, yeah, they completely changed her design and played her up to be a major figure, but that's it. The lady who comes out of an amulet and turns into a dragon is never spoken of again, even by Merill, or so it seems as far as I know.

Also, started Act 3, a nice cameo and some talk with the Templars and Mages leaders so far. Honestly, the story seemed to be kinda finished at the end of Act 2, then the 3 begins with very little connexion, kind of my main beef with the story, it lacks focus. Not having a world ending Big Bad is nice, but you still need a goal somehow, and I feel the events of Act 2 could very well have finished the game, it was a decent conclusion with a very nice final confrontation.

As an aside, my poor english will never thank the Spellcheck function enough.
LinkPain said:
Nothing new here, damn i disappoint.
She is something they say in DA2, i want to hear it from someone who played it till the end (is there anyone xD), user experience is more worth than general.

Well, if anyone, those would be dudes at DAwiki.
Try a blog/forum post, or refer to them on talk page of Flemeth.
Someone will eventually answer...
Ilosar said:
About Flemeth, yeah, they completely changed her design and played her up to be a major figure, but that's it. The lady who comes out of an amulet and turns into a dragon is never spoken of again, even by Merill, or so it seems as far as I know.

Also, started Act 3, a nice cameo and some talk with the Templars and Mages leaders so far. Honestly, the story seemed to be kinda finished at the end of Act 2, then the 3 begins with very little connexion, kind of my main beef with the story, it lacks focus. Not having a world ending Big Bad is nice, but you still need a goal somehow, and I feel the events of Act 2 could very well have finished the game, it was a decent conclusion with a very nice final confrontation.

As an aside, my poor english will never thank the Spellcheck function enough.

I have'nt actually played much of the game myself, but I've been watching a friend play it through, and those cameos you're talking about just seem to be there for the sake of fan-service and nothing else.

Also; [spoiler:c7b2c56ba7]I'm amazed that Bioware have chosen to override your choices about that heap of annoyance that is Leliana; How the fuck did she survive being beheaded by the Warden when he defiled the ashes?[/spoiler:c7b2c56ba7]
IIRC David Gaider said that not every single event would carry on to DA2, especially because they considered the epilogues ''hearsay and rumors''. I guess that so many things can happen in DA2 having plot flags for every single one of them would be extremely complicated, especially given the short development cycle. Still, yes, that surprised me too, but I wasn't talking about that particular cameo.

On the game, Act 3 already seems to drawn near it's conclusion, with Anders being naughty indeed. A bit on the short side, but it's nice seeing the leaders of both factions being relatively level-headed, especially the Knight-Commander. Still, how many friggin blood mages does Kirkwall have?
Yes, that's true - but something as final as that is a pretty big thing.
I reckonned you meant the little cameo in the Viscount Keep at the start of act 3, wich also just seemed out of place - I mean what the hell was he actually doing there, and why does he care? Does'nt he have more important concerns?

That said, Inon Zur said in an interview that the game was basically a rushjob to capitalize on Origins success. So I'm surprised it's not more buggy and glitchy than it already is.

The Knight-Commander does seem to have a point about the bloodmages, does'nt she? They're everywhere!
Well, Ferelden is near, and Kirkwall is not exactly in the best of shapes right now. I doubt it would turn back any foreign aid, and I see it as in character for the guy to help the city holding so many Fereldan refugees (in fact, he apparently appears whatever his fate is, unless he dies, remember he had 3 possible epilogues). Also, the cameo was short, had a nice lampshade hanging and a call-back, so I guess it's better than most cameos Bioware did.

Also, game over. I will post my impressions some time in the future, hell I may fancy myself a writer and produce a sorry excuse for a review if I feel like it. For now let me just say that I wish the game would have ended at the very good Act 2 or made it's sub-plot the game's main conflict as the ending is all over the place.

And I can confirm no more Flemeth. Not a single mention of her after that ritual. Why the hell did they put her through that design change if she was more important to the plot in Origins.
I bet something about will come up in one of the future DLCs, which will be many.
And she will, with 99% certainty, appear in Dragon Age III...
Serge 13 said:
Dark Fantasy...


..my ass! :lol:

Oh God please no more...i can hardly sustain the thought that there is Scream 4 movie and after i saw this my brain just went into overload mode.

How game time did you spend, is there a time counter in game like it was in DA:O ?
Yup, 41 hours on Hard and I didn't do every single side quest, even if I am confident I did about 85% of the game. A fully completionist playthrough can take upwards 50 hours on Nightmare, which I intend to complete with a female Mage this time, even if the Act 2 boss fight is going to be hell with a ranged character if I opt for a certain option.

And this is a Facebook game made for marketing, can't really expect much now can we. But, after seeing the DA2 ending, there's simply no way anyone can call the series low fantasy, not like it was in Origins what with all the magic and dragons and co.

My opinion about the game is also a bit weird, kind of a love-hate thing. On one hand, it's linear, has a consequent amount of questionable design decisions (the worst being re-used areas and respawning waves every friggin fight), no isometric view, dialogue wheel, no toolset, and worst of all most of this is obviously the fault of a rush-job made to cash in from Origin's massive success, 5 million sales IIRC (as others have said, Inon Zur pretty much confirmed he had a very tight deadline).

On the other hand, it feels different from other Bioware games in a good way. The art design is evolved and very interesting (save for the animations and S&M rejects... err Darkspawn), the story is overall good until like 10 minutes before the ending where it all crashes down, the characters have lives of their own and are (with the exception of Isabela) more likable than most Bioware team members I remember, the combat is both faster paced (a bit too much, but better than too slow) and enjoys a much more solid ruleset, Bosses are really good this time around, choices and consequences are more visible here than in any of their previous titles, and there are less bugs (no combat lag and memory leaks, fuck yeah).

So overall, it's definitely one of Bioware's weakest offerings (Jade Empire still wins or rather loses at that imo) and, as a sequel to Origins, it's clearly inferior and disappointing. But it remains a good game, good enough that I will replay it once, maybe twice, but not with the quasi-religious fervor Origins gave me. It's really too bad it was rushed, since this is the source of most of the problems and it had lots of potential to stand out from Bioware's previous titles
Is Scream 4 real? :newevil:

Tnx for the info, i needed opinion on someone who played it through to the end. My friend left it after he went through half of the game, but he finished Jade Empire, the irony.

I agree that they should have spent more time on making it and delay it for a year or so, but if they pour all their resources in finishing Mass Effect 3 i like it. Too bad EA for the most part ruined it all.
LinkPain said:
My friend left it after he went through half of the game, but he finished Jade Empire, the irony.

Oh snap, I'm playing through that at the moment as well as DA2. :P