Dutch coffeeshops: a thing of the past? Dystopia!!!!!

I read that THC in MJ actually kills cells in the lungs instead of damaging them like tobacco. This is one of the reasons you are less prone to get lung cancer from it.

Also to those who suffer from the smoke and taste, try a vaporizer like the Volcano. There was some guy mixing some mint in there and getting fantastic results.

I tried the stuff for a very short period a time ago and yes i do prefer it over alcohol on the count that it makes you mellow and happy whereas alcohol makes you aggressive and easy to anger.
UncannyGarlic said:
The point is why is a more harmful substance legal while a less harmful substance is illegal?

Because alcohol was legal for way to long to just quickly ban it. didn't work in the us. I agree that you have to allow or ban both, but that is not so easy to do. personally I say ban both, but thats not possible in a short time. so why create another problem when you don't need to? ban weed for the moment, ban alcohol when it is possible.

or change the system and allow drugs, but limit it to special shops like pharmacy, or a system like in sweden (I believe it is?), remove healthinsurrance or make heavy penalties. that might also work, guess thats personal preference.
Roflcore said:
I know that it does that, and I do have a problem with that, but I do not see much of a different solution. Your ideas are nice on paper, but don't really work. The border is already heavily guarded/patroled/searched, I lived in Moenchengladbach for 20 years and every now and then did drive to Holland to get some nice fries, flowers or cheap gas - so I do know about that stuff.
You also need to understand that your laws affect us as much as our laws affect you. Most of our laws are almost the same, but some aren't and that causes problems with such open boarders. I think the idea of open boarders is great and I love Schenge, but the weed is a problem. I know it is really drastic but how would you react if small arms were legal in germany? Like really easy to buy? Of course you would close your boarders immediatly. Weed is not that dangerous, but still illegal in germany, so we and you have to do something.
Ehm, first of all, no we wouldn't close our borders. Mostly because that would be disastrous financially. It also doesn't need to be a problem.

Second, again: Germany has no jurisdiction and no say in this. There's a lot of things you can do that don't amount to simply closing shops, as I've already stated, including refusing sale to Germans. But most of this doesn't actually solve any problems: people will still get weed illegally, since it is a big part of society and not that hard to get your hands on.

Roflcore said:
But before we continue we need some facts we can all agree upon. Personally I say weed has some longterm effects like the difficulty to concentrate or remember if you use it regulary. Shortterm effects appear to happen when you are a real junky who smokes every day (maybe even several times). Do you agree on that? Because if not and you say weed is barely harmful than their is no real need for further discussion. I have read data that stats it is harmful and I have also read it is not harmful, from my personal experience I say it is, if you disagree its rather pointless to discuss the whole weed/boardertrade discussion, because if it wasn't harmful I would not have any problems with it.
Define harmful.
Weed is barely harmful in the long term and most studies conflict eachother and are problematic in their approaches.
The only solid study that has been done shows a very small congruence in incidence of schizophrenia and smoking lots and lots of weed over a very prolonged time.

Also, I know many people who smoke at least once a day and for whom it has no effect in their daily lives.

Roflcore said:
And I'd like to ask: Why do you say something like "alcohol is far more dangerous then weed" when nobody said otherwise? Stating the obvious might be useful at the beginning of a discussion, but at this point I'd rather think this was meant for me, because I don't see a reason why you would write it otherwise.
If you'd read my posts, you'd know that I was pointing out the hypocrisy in wanting to ban weed, while alcohol is getting no flack.

Roflcore said:
Because alcohol was legal for way to long to just quickly ban it. didn't work in the us. I agree that you have to allow or ban both, but that is not so easy to do. personally I say ban both, but thats not possible in a short time. so why create another problem when you don't need to? ban weed for the moment, ban alcohol when it is possible.
All banning weed does is drive it into illegality and cause even more problems, similarly to what happened in the US during the Prohibition. It means the link between weed and crime becomes more solidified, and hard drugs become more accessible for those who smoke weed as well.

Weed is already omnipresent throughout the media, and simply people's daily lives. Look at a show like Entourage, weed is treated as simply an established fact, even though it is set in the US.
So it's ok to smoke weed everyday but if you get drunk every day you're stamped as an alcoholic?
Sander said:
while alcohol is getting no flack.

uhm but it does, doesn't it? everybody here agrees that it is much worse and should be banned or dealt with in some sort of way?

Honestly I don't see much of a point in further discussion. You believe and have witnessed that weed is not harmful, I have read and witnessed the exact opposit. And I don't see how this could change in any way. Just be asured that I as a german don't want to dictated dutch laws, I am merly trying to point out the impatct of your laws on my country.
SuAside said:
do note that that was so called "table beer", which cannot even be compared to a pint of lager nowadays...

True, even kids drank that kind of beer. It was very low on alcohol %, had a lot of grain and (slow) sugar in it, so it was quite healthy - next best thing to bread.

About smokers costing the system more: Not every smoker gets cancer. Why do smokers cost more to society then? Garbage disposal of ashes?
Roflcore said:
uhm but it does, doesn't it? everybody here agrees that it is much worse and should be banned or dealt with in some sort of way?

I don't care what happens with weed. I'm sick to death of hearing about it in the U.S., though. My fucking god, just legalize it already so people can shut up and concern themselves with something else. And yeah, our jails are crowded, too.

People are assholes with alcohal; i hear them all the time bragging about how they don't even remember driving home because they were so "shitfaced", "wasted", etc.......nevertheless, i am not such an idiot when i drink, and alcohal is one thing that is not going to get banned here or in europe, because there are too many people on the one end buying $100 bottles of wine and scotch, and on the other end buying 24 packs of cheap beer and liters of crappy vodka. Yes, it makes good money for governments, too. And why should it be banned, because we have alcohalics? These people will either just go get addicted to something else (maybe weed? or gambling? or rimjobs?), or they'll still get their liquor illegally.
Last time I checked alcohol is easier for the body to handle due to it not being stored in the fat.
Dragula said:
Last time I checked alcohol is easier for the body to handle due to it not being stored in the fat.

Last I checked, it's easier to die from alcohol poisoning than THC poisoning .... a LOT easier.

There really isn't a viable argument against legalizing marijuana. At the very least there isn't even remotely a viable argument against legalizing hemp.
Dragula said:
Last time I checked alcohol is easier for the body to handle due to it not being stored in the fat.

Madness. Prolonged alcohol abuse will destroy your liver and potentially kill you. Prolonged marijuana consumption will make you sleepy. The only negative about THC being stored in fat cells is that it can cause you to fail a drug screening for a month or longer after you've last smoked.

Nullifidian said:
Last I checked, it's easier to die from alcohol poisoning than THC poisoning

Exactly, but not only is it difficult to be affected by THC "poisoning" it's impossible. There isn't a case in recorded human history of someone dying from pot. Though I received plenty of anecdotal evidence of such things occurring from my middle school health teacher, it was all anti-drug propaganda. Search for a torrented copy of the movie Reefer Madness (im almost 100% that it's public domain if you're concerned) Hilarious though somewhat scary (as some people no doubt believe pot to be the devil portrayed in this film) propaganda flick. They had a parody of it during the police convention in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, "The marijuana addict's pants are encrusted with semen from constantly jerking-off when he can't find a rape victim!"

Dragula said:
So it's ok to smoke weed everyday but if you get drunk every day you're stamped as an alcoholic?

If you smoke pot every day you're labeled a stoner. I don't think anyone is saying it's fine to do either one all the time (though I think it is, to each their own etc.)


I'm sorry you watched 6 or 7 people waste time and/or sabotage themselves while they happened to be smoking pot, but that doesn't mean it's a cause and effect thing. Anything you may have read though about the dangers of pot was propaganda, pure and simple.

And I'm not trying to trivialize losing friends to chemicals by the way. I've seen people I've cared for completely destroy themselves with methamphetime, coke, and heroin. Nothings quite as eye-opening about the dangers of abuse as watching someone come off of heroin, or someone trying to stop drinking and experiencing the delirium tremens. Still though, I'm for the legalization of all chemicals. It's a victimless crime, and prohibition simply doesn't work. The only thing prohibition does is add to the crime rate, and turn your country into a prison state.
I tried the stuff for a very short period a time ago and yes i do prefer it over alcohol on the count that it makes you mellow and happy whereas alcohol makes you aggressive and easy to anger.

Heh, Alcohol does the oposite to me. I get mellow, happy, impossible to anger, passive and then start to laugh. A lot. Like crazy. I also can't be agressive, probrably due to my incredible control of my Fight/Flight instinct coupled with my lower physhical stats (My AG goes down! How Am I supposed to fight like that?).

Still, I agree that prohibition on Marijuana should go away. But buying Marijuana should't be like buying cigars, it should be kinda restricted. No sense fighting goddamned Marijuana, this only means more money for organized crime. Cocaine, Heroine and Crack, on the other side...
Sander said:
Second, again: Germany has no jurisdiction and no say in this.

Pretty sure they can go crying to the EU.

Also, little-known/discussed fact: according to the World Health Organization, the Netherlands only ranks 3rd in use of cannabis (measured not by amount of consumptions but number of people who do or have used it) at 19.8%, behind the US at 42.4% and New Zealand at 41.9%.

Not sure what anti-weed people or those for banning it are fearing, exactly...