Fallout 2 mod EcCo Gameplay Overhaul (new version for RPU)

There is so much ways to limit drug-abuse, don't know which is the best :) Maybe I'll end up doing several of them as different options...
Maybe be your-level-per-day for every kind of drug limit no matter healing or boosting? After limit some side effects could be applied, for example ST-1 for 24 hours for every use of Buffout after limit.
I also proposed the effect of the medicine to be influenced by EN here to accomplish 2 tasks that influence the early (and most fun) part of the game:
  1. players with higher EN will not only have more actual HP, but will be able to, potentially, soak up to ~2 times more damage (with EN 10 compared to EN 1) with the same amount of (rare) stimpacks, doubling their chances of surviving tough battles;
  2. since high EN character will heal more HP per stimpack, they won't need as many of them as characters with low EN, saving a lot of money (especially on "Harsh" economy setting).

Good idea, high EN characters requiring more "medicine" to fully heal themselves than low EN characters makes no sense. Though I'd just make it fully relative: regular stims always healing 1/5th of max HP, and super stims 2/3rd. I actually already use this principle for my new resource based rest healing system, but stupidly didn't think of applying it to stims, so thanks!

I'm not a modder, sorry. The main idea here was to increase the importance of drugs and taking high (7-10) ST and EN at character generation. Well, that's a pity.

It actually is possible and really easy phobos, sfall has a simple function for it.
I don't think "senisble" is the way to go with drug abuse.

EN is only a dump stat because the benefits to having a lot are not very interactive. Having a high EN (I've tried) isn't weak, it's in fact very powerful, it's just boring. Neither it or stimpaks need buffs, tbh. Well, maybe in Jim's mod, but not in phobos' one. I use EN as a bit of a dump stat, not because it's unnecessary, but because it makes the game interesting.

And I'm not sure if limiting the effectiveness of stimpacks you could use in combat that takes their effectivness to 0 would acomplish something good. They're a resource drain, and not a very effective one (yet). They key isn't restricting their use, but making them a more effective resource drain.

The game has very little in terms of non-broken ways to mitigate damage in combat, there's no shielding or healing spells, and cover is wonky because the interface isn't telling you how much you have and the AI has no good ways to deal with it. So to avoid having to use stims during combat you either kill something ASAP (low resource drain), dodge behind corners and create a situation where you have a chance to kills something asap (low resource drain), crit something from a distance (low res... - or you stand there and exchange bullets or blows and eat stims (at least some resource drain). The last option is the least sensible one in terms of inteligence and realism, but it's the only one that doesn't have you end up with hundreds of extra stims which you only use in large ammounts if someone scores a ctit on you. (And doesn't break any economy you care to set up)

And that's just the thing - the game never puts you in a position where you want to use one stimpack. You want to be able to use 10 so whoever got hit by the crit or the way-above-your-level minigun burst survives the next one - or none at all. Out of combat damage and less-than-50-to-100 dmg stuff is dealt with first aid or doctor for XP.

Which made me think that if radiation is properly hazardous or annyoing enough for you to want to get rid of it quickly, at least it adds an additional resource drain to healing in combat which still lets you survive crits and bursts from opponents. Except the drain happens before combat with rad-x or after combat with rad-away so that you can still handle stuff the game expects you to.
Update 0.5.1: http://yadi.sk/d/vg7WncVOKGvnB

- reduced weight of rope, junk and fish
- "reduce drugs loot" default setting changed to 50%
- Algernon must rest before upgrading next weapon, plus weapon retain the amount of ammo it had before upgrade
- Trappers in random encounters now sell pelts through standard barter dialog only, but with high discount
- for plow quest in VC you get a little more worthy reward
- adjust XP values of some monsters to reflect changes in their stats
- removed Pancor Jackhammer from random encounters and moved M60 around
- made Molerats a little bit tougher
- added new lootable monster body parts: Death Claw, Mole Rat Hide, Wanamingo Hand, Mutant Tentacle.
- added Bounty Hunt quest to Ascorti (Redding)
- added Bounty Hunt quest line to deputy Karl (NCR)
- added Bring Tentacles quest to NCR doctor
- added Bring Molerat Hides quest to Balthas (Modoc)
- experimental feature: stimpaks radiate on use, booze acts as a weak rad-away (optional)

I tried to make new quests entertaining and not very self repeatable. Hope you'll like them :)
If you are upgrading from previous versions, PLEASE open crafting menu at least once before going anywhere. This should prevent problems on worldmap.
Nice update :)

Also, on the last playthrough I never found a single .223 pistol. Did you completely remove it from the game on purpose, on accident or at all?
Nice update :)

Also, on the last playthrough I never found a single .223 pistol. Did you completely remove it from the game on purpose, on accident or at all?

Your question made me do a little research :) Originally I took an approach from Weapons Redone mod of swapping .223 pistol with the Mauser. I never actually studied how this weapon is distributed throughout the game.
So if RP did not add any Mauser on maps, the .223 pistol is currently only available in one single random encounter...
I will address that. I still don't want it to be a common weapon, but it should be available at some places... Any suggestions? Do you remember, if .223 pistol was to be found at some containers in vanilla RP?
So if RP did not add any Mauser on maps, the .223 pistol is currently only available in one single random encounter...
I will address that. I still don't want it to be a common weapon, but it should be available at some places... Any suggestions? Do you remember, if .223 pistol was to be found at some containers in vanilla RP?
In vanilla, there's a Mauser(original) in the footlocker in Eldridge's room.
In RP there's a monk in brown robe selling some stuff in Abbey, and there's a chance he will have Mauser in his inventory for entering the map at the first time (he doesn't restock).
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So if RP did not add any Mauser on maps, the .223 pistol is currently only available in one single random encounter...
I will address that. I still don't want it to be a common weapon, but it should be available at some places... Any suggestions? Do you remember, if .223 pistol was to be found at some containers in vanilla RP?

We never touched the .223 pistol, but I hid the Bozar in the 3rd level at the Toxic Cave, late in the game the Bozar can be bought in San Francisco. :V
Vanilla mauser distribution:[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]

New Reno Commercial Row, found in a footlocker in the back of New Reno Arms.

Willy Special Encounter, used by Willy's guards.

Vanilla .223 pistol distribution:

Can be purchased from Buster in NCR.
Can be bought from Eldridge in New Reno after becoming a Made Man.
Can be purchased from Mai Da Chiang at Red 888 Guns in San Francisco.
You can get it from a "gang" random encounter. Each male in a leather jacket toting an SMG is really carrying a .223. The girls with leather jackets and mohawks have 14mm pistols instead.
There's one in a locker in Vault 15, with a suit of combat armor. They're on the second level.
Used by Lo Pan when you fight him in unarmed combat for the Dragon. He cheats.

So in the vanilla the .223 was pretty common.
Can be purchased from Buster in NCR.
Can be bought from Eldridge in New Reno after becoming a Made Man.
Can be purchased from Mai Da Chiang at Red 888 Guns in San Francisco.
You can get it from a "gang" random encounter. Each male in a leather jacket toting an SMG is really carrying a .223. The girls with leather jackets and mohawks have 14mm pistols instead.
There's one in a locker in Vault 15, with a suit of combat armor. They're on the second level.
Used by Lo Pan when you fight him in unarmed combat for the Dragon. He cheats.

Wow, thanks everyone for information :)
Originally I retained WR approach (swapping prototypes) because I knew little about modding. Now I think it's better to swap them back, but remove it from some of this places: Buster shop, random encounters (maybe give it to one of the bounty targets). Make sure it is expensive in remaining shops.
@.Pixote.: Yeah, I know. I thought it was always there. So you are saying it was not there in vanilla map? I'm fine with that, however, because to use it you have to buy expensive ammo and raise big guns skill :)

Edit: swapping them back brings back very old issue - there are 2 types of 9mm ammo, with same description. And only Mauser uses them :) AFAIK, originally other type of 9mm ammo was to be found in P90c SMG, but you couldn't reload it with this ammo, as it had 10mm caliber... Something has to be done about it. I changed it so first type is simple "ball" and second is AP. Now need a weapon to use this caliber other than Mauser. Don't want to change P90c caliber as it was a cool sink for excess 10mm ammo. Any suggestions? I would add new SMG or pistol and use it along with Mauser throughout random encounters, like bandits, mafia and alike. Just for variety and flavor, as all niches in weapons balance are occupied in that class.

PS: it's funny, description says "Mauser M/96", but after googling it appeared that m/96 is actually a rifle and this is likely to be Mauser C-96 pistol. Caliber is good but magazine size is wrong :P
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@.Pixote.: Yeah, I know. I thought it was always there. So you are saying it was not there in vanilla map? I'm fine with that, however, because to use it you have to buy expensive ammo and raise big guns skill :)

I thought it was too easy to obtain the best gun in the game by just stealing one from a guard at NCR, even with a steal skill of 20%, and a lot of reloading, you'll eventually get it. So I placed it in a "not so secret" location. :roll:
@.Pixote.: Yeah, I know. I thought it was always there. So you are saying it was not there in vanilla map? I'm fine with that, however, because to use it you have to buy expensive ammo and raise big guns skill :)

I thought it was too easy to obtain the best gun in the game by just stealing one from a guard at NCR, even with a steal skill of 20%, and a lot of reloading, you'll eventually get it. So I placed it in a "not so secret" location. :roll:

Yeah, that was really a silly bit of an abuse tactic, the stealing it from guards. And having bozar use special rare ammo is good move by phobos, except I'm still a bit sceptical about having such a hard hitting sniper rifle. Sure, you need to dump a lot into big guns and all that, but getting around 30 bullets for it means you'll be able to 1-2 shot around 20ish late game enemies from a long range without crits (or am I mistaken). It gave me quite a bit of an edge in Navarro, but that might be just me.

However, I have a strange relationship with the Toxic caves stash... In the simplest terms, it has a really horrible resource drain / resource gain ratio. Sure, the rocket launcher bot is a fine "beef gate" in theory, but even that fight has a rather silly low resource drain. The optimal way to handle the bot is kind of the only sensible one - kill it before it gets a chance to hit anyone at all, because if he does, he does irreparable damage (blows someone to bits most likely). So if you can deal with him, you can deal with him for low resource drain (one round worth of party ammunition), and then you get to loot the bunker.

The electronic lockpicks can be found / crafted (with the mod) rather easily if you know where they are, and since those are pretty much the only electronic lockpicks on the map, either you know where they are or you don't ever get into the sublevel. So no real shennanigans.

What I'm thinking is - that bunker is sort of an easter egg, but if get in and loot it you actually get heaps of stuff for nothing. And I assume everyone does go there. I've sort of been putting off going there on the last 2 runs untill I felt like getting the combat armor, tons of ammo and a bozar was "appropriate", and that ment not going there even remotely at the point when I actually could.

The megamod approach to that was part of the vertibird quest, which kind of added the "appropriate" time go there, and set it at Navarro, which I kind of agree with in terms of the available loot. Hitting that stash deffinitely reduces the need to ever buy ammo, and there's nothing to really put in there except ammo.

Phobos, are you interested in figuring out a good way to really incorporate the location into the game with minimum fuss? The load down there needs a better buildup than obtaining a set of electronic lockpicks and winning initative vs a rocket bot, so I could whip up a nice quest chain plan (or two) to set up appropriate resource investment before you go there? (keeping in mind to make it as easy to implement as humanely possible, I think I'm actually rather ok at that) :)
Phobos, are you interested in figuring out a good way to really incorporate the location into the game with minimum fuss? The load down there needs a better buildup than obtaining a set of electronic lockpicks and winning initative vs a rocket bot, so I could whip up a nice quest chain plan (or two) to set up appropriate resource investment before you go there? (keeping in mind to make it as easy to implement as humanely possible, I think I'm actually rather ok at that) :)

There are so much places with crazy loot that you can get knowing appropriate tactics... Just studied SAD in mapper yesterday and was shocked how much stuff is there. I don't want to know if it's all available with little effort or not, don't want spoilers :P (not remembering something from fallout is a precious resource :) ).
But I'm not sure if it's all can be or should be "fixed". Just imagine yourself in a boots of regular fallout gamer (an adult guy who enjoyed it at school and now stumbled upon Restoration Project). He needs to figure out that he needs an EMP grenade and a chance to use it before the bot (I remember my first time, it was so rewarding).
EPA, however, feels too easy, because you get it's location from an NPC (if I remember correctly) and after obvious enter you just go there and take stuff. Plants on ground level was not hard at all. All monsters inside are in separate rooms and not too hard either. You get most loot without getting in those rooms.
True, I'm not saying anything "should" be fixed, but I had this cool idea that would let someone who doesn't know where to find the electronic lockpicks get them or put the two and two togather... The way it is now, it's kind of a "guide dang it" moment, and could be much nicer...

Oh, and SAD... Dear god that place XD SAD makes EPA look like Vietnam.

You know what, you've been doing a ton of work and all, how about you put in a nice playthrough and check stuff out. Just so we can talk without spoilers and that you can see that I'm not really complaining about every random pile of loot but stuff that really raises eyebrows :D
Hey @phobos2077, in case you're interested (and didn't already make something like this), I made a little something for the remote detonation of explosive traps. As you can see I have it depend on you having a perk, have the cursor hover over the hex the trap is in and press alt+t. Pretty fun. Btw, I'll probably have the "first" version of my mod up any day now and I'll add all the source stuff so in case there's anything you're interested in.

      if key_pressed(T_key) and key_pressed(LeftMenu_key) and has_fake_perk("Bomber")>0 then begin
          if (down==0) and game_time > get_sfall_global_int("keypress")+3 then begin
              while counter < 6 do begin
                  if get_sfall_global_int("matrap0" + counter) == cur_map_index and tile_under_cursor==get_sfall_global_int("lotrap0" + counter) then begin
                    Call manual_explosion(get_sfall_global_int("lotrap0" + counter), dude_elevation, get_sfall_global_int("tytrap0" + counter));
                    destroy_object(tile_contains_pid_obj(get_sfall_global_int("lotrap0" + counter),elevation(dude_obj),PID_CAVE_FLOOR_TRAP_VISIBLE));
                    set_sfall_global("lotrap0" + counter, 0);
                    set_sfall_global("matrap0" + counter, 0);
                    set_sfall_global("tytrap0" + counter, 0);
              set_sfall_global("keypress", game_time);
      end else begin
Hey @phobos2077, in case you're interested (and didn't already make something like this), I made a little something for the remote detonation of explosive traps. As you can see I have it depend on you having a perk, have the cursor hover over the hex the trap is in and press alt+t. Pretty fun. Btw, I'll probably have the "first" version of my mod up any day now and I'll add all the source stuff so in case there's anything you're interested in.

That's very interesting, thanks. Does it work in turn-based mode? If it works, might as well add some kind of remote detonator for my latest Sensor Mines :)

P.S.: In case someone wandering, I'll post new version (it's mainly weapon distribution changes and small bug fix) when I get to play the game for a while and/or when next RP version will be out (to make it compatible ASAP).
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Hey @phobos2077, in case you're interested (and didn't already make something like this), I made a little something for the remote detonation of explosive traps. As you can see I have it depend on you having a perk, have the cursor hover over the hex the trap is in and press alt+t. Pretty fun. Btw, I'll probably have the "first" version of my mod up any day now and I'll add all the source stuff so in case there's anything you're interested in.

That's very interesting, thanks. Does it work in turn-based mode? If it works, might as well add some kind of remote detonator for my latest Sensor Mines :)

P.S.: In case someone wandering, I'll post new version (it's mainly weapon distribution changes and small bug fix) when I get to play the game for a while and/or when next RP version will be out (to make it compatible ASAP).

No it doesn't, and I don't think it's possible to make it work that way. Too bad, but I still like it as an assassination tool outside of combat.
Goode mode. Goode jobe. Thanks.

(ru) phobos2077, планируется ли дальнейшее развитие мода? Описание понравилось, всегда хотел именно такой балансировщик.
I'm doing the installer version, and I keep getting an error message:

"Files fallout2.exe and/or master.dat are not found in selected directory."

My director is C:/BlackIsle/Fallout2, and it does in fact have the Master.dat and fallout2.exe in the folder. I'm using the RP 2.3.2 at the moment if that makes a difference. No other mods.
I'm doing the installer version, and I keep getting an error message:

"Files fallout2.exe and/or master.dat are not found in selected directory."

My director is C:/BlackIsle/Fallout2, and it does in fact have the Master.dat and fallout2.exe in the folder. I'm using the RP 2.3.2 at the moment if that makes a difference. No other mods.

I'll check it. My guess is there is a case-sensitive check... (try to rename those files to lower case)
I'm currently working on next update, I'll address that.