Vault Senior Citizen

Or a perk, too. I dunno if it's possible, but you could have a each throwing weapon have a skill level, and based on how far distant you are from that you get a bonus/penalty to damage with those weapons.
Thanks for your input. Do you have suggestion to what weapon should we swap Bozar or leave it as in vanilla game? (can get one in toxic caves and on NCR trader guards just at the entrance)Nevill said:Other than the sounds, and changes to Bozar (it is really easy to get due to it being swapped with Light Support Gun - bandits near new Reno often have them now. Just ride a caravan and you are almost guaranteed to get one ), I have no major qualms. Single shots make Bozar easier to handle at lower levels, since you don't need much ammo. For a supposedly ultimate sniper gun, it is too affordable.
Yes. I'm not sure on this though. Your ideas/thoughts on this matter would be appreciated.Nevill said:Do Molotov cocktails still require one more AP to use than grenades? Is there a justification for that?
Riel88 said:I truly hope with the final version of the RP now being released we can make a final combat/economy/survival mod to put the final polish on this gem. (though killap and the rest of the crew actually already did this of course but you know what i mean)
Main feature of YAAM mod is used here (damage formula set in ddraw.ini).Riel88 said:I loved magnus's mod & Haenlomal also made a good mod called YAAM.
Interesting ideas for optional features.Riel88 said:Double item weight.
Making what to bring along or leave behind more important, this also caused to not have insane amounts of money or wealth too soon.
Having stims not restore health instantly but over the course of 3 turns making me have to take cover when i got hurt, covering behind objects peaking out taking shots.
The purpose of this mod is to do exactly this. But I think that some aspects that change gameplay too much (like drop weapons, delayed stimpack effects) will be optional, so everyone can set up this rebalance with only features he desire.Riel88 said:I truly hope with the final version of the RP now being released we can make a final combat/economy/survival mod to put the final polish on this gem. (though killap and the rest of the crew actually already did this of course but you know what i mean)
You mean it had changed attack sound? I can add it as well, now that I know how to add new sounds for weapons.teukros said:E.g. the bozar should be a single shot sniper weapon with a satisfying BLAAAAAAM as it was in Magnus's mod
See these posts:Josan12 said:d) overall, i think ammunition should be scarce. well-maintained guns will last a very long time, but without ammunition manufacturers they'll quickly become glorified clubs. In my mind, the fallout world should have a pretty severe ammunition shortage (like in mad-max 2) where every bullet is precious due to breakdown in ammo maufacturing. In fact, now i think about it, bullets would make a pretty cool form of money! (in-game i mean - ammo is too heavy in RL)
So, the problem is that if you reduce the value of guns the players can't make so much money selling them, but also can buy them cheaply. (...) I think it would be important to reduce ammunition availability from shopkeepers alot (80%?). Of course, the player gets most ammo from dead critters so it would probably be necessary to remove spare ammo from most critters. (except well-equipped critters like BOS or Enclave etc) The overall effect should be that every shot should count and bullets should be treated like gold. It would also inherently make melee better as sometimes the player will just run out of ammo an have to fall back on some sort of melee.Thoughts?
ziemeck said:
ziemeck said:
As readme states "- Laser weapons stats (as well as laser damage resistance in armours) preserved from "Weapons Redone" mod"Makenshi said:Make the damned laser weapons useful, give me a reason (other than their cool 'zap' sound or slightly better range than plasma) to use them. I never understood how energy weapons were created to counter the latest personal defenses (combat armor and then power armor), and yet everything expect leather is resistant laser or reflect them.