Fallout 2 mod EcCo Gameplay Overhaul (new version for RPU)

I have finally found a solution, how to apply armor changes to all critters without manually editing them all (about 130 armored critter classes with RP). Written little program in C++ that applies armor class, damage resistance and damage treshold values from armor file A to critter file B :)

For user, that means from now on, all human critters that appear in some type of armor will have the same stats as the armor PC can use (that was already the case in vanilla game, but my armor changes broken this rule before). I know, Magnus in Weapons Redone mod already did this, but I did not understand what changes exactly he did to critters in his mod, so I have to take "clean RP critter set" and apply only armor changes, nothing else (well, except several buffed-up lesser monsters that I mentioned in readme).

Edit: Idea about throwing weapons. How about to add damage bonus for high throwing skill (except grenades)? I'm thinking about simple linear function which will be multiplied with weapon base damage range. For example, throwing knife has base damage 5-15. If player has 100% throwing skill, damage is raised to 10-30, for 200% skill - 15-45 and for 300% skill - 20-60.

Edit: Implemented idea above. Also found justification for higher base damage for throwing weapons - PC melee damage bonus does not affect calculation when throwing a weapon! (just tested with melee damage=100 and using a spear in different ways).
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Mod is almost ready. Everything I wanted for this version is done (except new sound for Bozar, I think I'm happy with default sound). Considering possibilities for economy changes...

... brings me to this crazy idea:
Make barter skill even more usefull, allowing for actual trader roleplay.
Add new dialoge options to some major traders in game, allowing for wholesale trade!
- each trader will have a list of items he sells/buys in relatevely large amounts;
- you can sell these items through dialogue options, and now selling prices will actually depend on your barter skill!
- these items will not be shown in a normal barter screen;
- maybe each trader should have a supply/demand limits which will not only limit exploits, but affect prices as well!

So your goal will be to study sell/buy prices, supply/demand and make your money using price differences. Now this "venture" will not be profitable, unless you have a given skill (let's say 100%), but will be more and more profitable as you improve barter skill (on 200% skill you can forget about prices and every trade run, if it meats supply/demand limits, will be profitable).

This is basically a small-scale "caravan" runs made by the player, transfering cargo using Highwayman's trunk :-D
Always wanted "buy cheap, sell expensive" kind of trading in the game back when I played it in my childhood.

However this leaves us with question of what to do with all those piles of gold... :-D
Love the concept behind your mod--it sounds fun, I've always wanted to be a trader in FO and FO2 as well!

I do have one suggestion; perhaps make it to where the PC can get a pack brahmin somehow? That way the character can have a much more "wasteland trader" feel to it--because lets face it, for RPing, that damn car is a gamebreaker :p
So I decided to throw out current version of the mod for those who is not waiting for RP 2.3.2 and want something different in gameplay.

v0.2: http://yadi.sk/d/miEeSpWKFHwDz

- adopted to RP 2.3
- throwing weapons rebalance, added damage bonus formula
- added Throwing Axe
- added .50 BMG and changed Bozar to use it
- made critters armor changes consistent
- damage changes for Bozar, M60 and LSW
- improved double-barrel shotguns duplet mode with unique sound and proper animations
- copy-pasted hs_calcapcost script from WR 2.2

Updated first post contain more details about all features.

For those who will continue from existing save, I strongly recommend to keep this savegame before mod installed, just in case.
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Oooh, shiny... there are some very good looking things here... :clap:

- - -

I don't understand about the Bozar being turned into a small gun... the M60 is a big gun, so the Bozar should be a big gun too imo...

For that matter, I would really prefer the bozar to remain a big gun... it's a reason to spend points on that skill that has nothing to do with Frankie...

- - -

As far as throwing knives are concerned... is there any way to make them more commonly stocked by shopkeepers?
As far as throwing knives are concerned... is there any way to make them more commonly stocked by shopkeepers?

There should already be plenty of them in many shopkeepers (klamath, den, new reno, vault city, NCR, if I remember correctly). You can get 2-4 knives in klamath at one time with 100% probability. And then they can be re-used :)

As for the Bozar... You have a point here. Thing that bring me to decision making it "small gun" is the character animation associated with it (sniper rifle animation, that comes with RP). Does anyone else have an oppinion about this?
As for the Bozar... You have a point here. Thing that bring me to decision making it "small gun" is the character animation associated with it (sniper rifle animation, that comes with RP). Does anyone else have an oppinion about this?
I prefer it in the Big Guns as well.
I have manually changed it back, though, so it doesn't bother me all that much.
Ok, looks like someone is actually playing this :)

I need some feedback on few points:
1) All Pistols which was 5AP now 4AP. Maybe I should make them weaker to counter that? Or leave it back as it were? Some pistols might seem overpowered (like 14mm, which is common in wasteland and there are plenty of ammo).
2) SMG's AP. Right now they are not changed, however Grease Gun and P90c spend 4AP for single and 5AP for burst (in vanilla). Maybe I should make 10mm SMG the same? That way it will be like 10mm pistol but with burst fire.
Ok, looks like someone is actually playing this :)
Frankly, I mostly care for economic changes. :)

I need some feedback on few points:
1) All Pistols which was 5AP now 4AP. Maybe I should make them weaker to counter that? Or leave it back as it were? Some pistols might seem overpowered (like 14mm, which is common in wasteland and there are plenty of ammo).
2) SMG's AP. Right now they are not changed, however Grease Gun and P90c spend 4AP for single and 5AP for burst (in vanilla). Maybe I should make 10mm SMG the same? That way it will be like 10mm pistol but with burst fire.
1) The AP change from 5 to 4 was a good one. I don't use pistols midgame, as I switch to shotguns and/or energy weapons, if I can afford it, so I can't say if they are overpowered or not. If they seem that way, nerf away. The point of a pistol is to shoot twice (or thrice, or even more than that) when you couldn't afford to do so with a rifle. So if they are comparable in power with a rifle of a similar tier, then something isn't quite right.
2) The ammo for a Grease Gun are more rare. The way criticals in Fallout work, spamming bursts from point-blank range is really powerful. I think it would make SMG a bit overpowered in the early game if you could use burst twice in a row (I use Chems for tougher fights, so my AG is presumed to be 10). Then again, if you don't alter AP, there is no point in using single shots with SMG when 10mm can do exactly the same, only faster.
I suggest a third way - leaving the AP cost as it is and raising the basic damage, so that the weapon would differ from a 10mm gun.

A pair of unrelated questions:
Could you please remind me, does HK CAWS still cost 1 AP less than the other shotguns?
I take it Bozar is no longer swapped with LSW and is actually a unique gun? It was annoying when I got the ultimate end-game weapon on caravan runs from Redding to New Reno/NCR, 6 levels into the game.
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A pair of unrelated questions:
Could you please remind me, does HK CAWS still cost 1 AP less than the other shotguns?
I take it Bozar is no longer swapped with LSW and is actually a unique gun? It was annoying when I got the ultimate end-game weapon on caravan runs from Redding to New Reno/NCR, 6 levels into the game.

No, CAWS cost 5-6AP like all other rifles (never was lower, as far as I know).
Yes, Bozar swapped back to where it was.
Ok, looks like someone is actually playing this :)
I need some feedback on few points:
1) All Pistols which was 5AP now 4AP. Maybe I should make them weaker to counter that? Or leave it back as it were? Some pistols might seem overpowered (like 14mm, which is common in wasteland and there are plenty of ammo).
2) SMG's AP. Right now they are not changed, however Grease Gun and P90c spend 4AP for single and 5AP for burst (in vanilla). Maybe I should make 10mm SMG the same? That way it will be like 10mm pistol but with burst fire.
Currently I modded my game that all "small pistols" (i.e. not using SMG holding frames) are 4 AP to shoot. IMO those small pistols should be easier/faster to operate than long guns. The "large handguns" (14mm & .223) are still 5 AP due to their bulkier size.
As for SMGs, in vanilla 10mm SMG was pretty much like a 10mm pistol w/ burst mode. So if you lower AP cost of 10mm pistol, it might be better to do the same for 10mm SMG.
Is there anyway we can get this without the weapon changes? I use Magnus' weapons redone and quite like it. Though your changes are solid (Bozar and 50 cal ammo, hell yes), I'm a creature of habit and structure so I'd like to stick with my usual weapons build(s).

Either way... this seems awesome for the trading rebalance.
Is there anyway we can get this without the weapon changes? I use Magnus' weapons redone and quite like it. Though your changes are solid (Bozar and 50 cal ammo, hell yes), I'm a creature of habit and structure so I'd like to stick with my usual weapons build(s).

Either way... this seems awesome for the trading rebalance.
Economy rebalance mod is in the first post. It should work over RP + Weapons Redone mod as well. It's basically a Barter mod (with more pricing options) with all prices reduced 5 times.
Be warned however, I recently found out that (with default barter.ini settings) buying prices even at low barter skill are notably lower than vanilla game (though 10-12 times higher than selling prices). However I found it normal, because you make much less money selling stuff. I'd like to think of this as deflation of economics :) (money more expensive)

@Nevill, @NovaRain, thanks guys. I decided to stick with rule "4AP for ALL pistols, big or small", made slight changes to balance higher rate of fire. Switched Bozar AMR to big guns (it hits harder than pulse rifle after all).
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@Geras, thank you, the only person who wants my combat rebalance (except myself) :)

Just tried to set some alien ass on fire with Molotov and found it bugged (molotov working like throwing knife :wtf:). Uploaded "hotfix" in first post (actually not just fix, but result of long research) - now Molotov should make "explosion" (don't know how to make "fire" animation instead, sorry), but inflicting fire damage. Those aliens are in trouble :)
I also plan on using your combat rebalance... after I reinstall F2 and then RP 2.3.2 that is.

I went back to the beginning of this thread and read to the end. A lot of good stuff, interesting ideas for the future too (but PLEASE :puppy-dog: give the Bozar the BLAAAAAM sound from WR - I just loved that sound).

I apologize for quoting something written almost a year ago, but this is something I have been wondering about:

Riel88 said:
I loved magnus's mod & Haenlomal also made a good mod called YAAM.
Main feature of YAAM mod is used here (damage formula set in ddraw.ini).

So is your mod (the ammo damage parts of anyway) based on YAAM?

Should YAAM be installed first, and then your mod on top of it?