Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

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Brother None said:
Hah, you and your silly canon, as if Bethesda ever cared about that. This stuff is {"Kewl"? My native language is retard.}. If it's {"Kewl"? My native language is retard.}, they do it. Canon be damned!
Right, right, stoopid me :lol:
So 11 November next year eh? At this day here in germany the carneval and the "lulz" time starts. They couldn't have chosen a better day. :clap:
Skyrim is now a giant basketball court where a giant half-dragon half-lobster Michael Jordan plays Basketball with people's souls.

Danny DeVito reprises his role as the King of the Grumbles from the My Little Pony film.

And perhaps most importantly, Gunpowder has just been invented, allowing Skyrimmians (The new name for the people of the Northern Provinces) to blast apart trees and build themselves snowboards powered by wizards, which is why they fly and shoot lasers.
generalissimofurioso said:
Skyrim is now a giant basketball court where a giant half-dragon half-lobster Michael Jordan plays Basketball with people's souls.

Danny DeVito reprises his role as the King of the Grumbles from the My Little Pony film.

And perhaps most importantly, Gunpowder has just been invented, allowing Skyrimmians (The new name for the people of the Northern Provinces) to blast apart trees and build themselves snowboards powered by wizards, which is why they fly and shoot lasers.
Spoiler tags man... gawd
I quite liked the trailer, as far as teasers go. I half-expected Christian Bale to do the voice-over and a futuristic orchestral techno score.

For a game like TES, this is pretty good and I am being serious.
It's just a teaser trailer. I'll wait until gameplay is revealed, and even then I'll be skeptical. Need I remind everyone of the "Radiant AI" video?

I do want the game to be good, but one shouldn't get their hopes up.
Dragons? Bearded warriors? Ancient prophecies? I thought Wow: Cataclysm was out already....
rcorporon said:
Dragons? Bearded warriors? Ancient prophecies? I thought Wow: Cataclysm was out already....

No, its about ancient prophecies, dragons and bearded warriors. Thats something completly different silly you.
Well, at least with Skyrim, the setting and lore are going to be more interesting than Generic Fantasy World #3 that we got in Oblivion. Whether or not Bethesda can do anything with it, though, is another question... but at least it means we'll get lots of nice mountains, canyons, plains, forests and so on to explore.

One thing's for sure... with ZeniMax's marketing handling it, the game will sell millions regardless of its actual quality.

Todd Howard's #1 Fan said:
ARE YOU SERIOUS? Is this video actually authentic? If so it's safe to say the very pillars of the entire GENRE of role playing games has trembled this day. Gentlemen, after rough times with Obsidian I'm proud to admit the road ahead will be rewarding beyond any of our expectations. :D
Will we get to ride around on horses and hit things with swords? Because that's what RPGs are all about!
sea said:
Well, at least with Skyrim, the setting and lore are going to be more interesting than Generic Fantasy World #3 that we got in Oblivion.
The original lore of Cyrodiil is not the same as what was presented in Oblivion. If anything, Bethesda will do whatever they please with Skyrim.
verevoof said:
sea said:
Well, at least with Skyrim, the setting and lore are going to be more interesting than Generic Fantasy World #3 that we got in Oblivion.
The original lore of Cyrodiil is not the same as what was presented in Oblivion. If anything, Bethesda will do whatever they please with Skyrim.
Honestly? It's Vikings, dragons and rough, mountainous terrain. It might not be Icewind Dale, and Bethesda are going to want to probably make a few diversions from canon in order to ensure more variety, but from the look of the teaser, I'd find it hard to believe they're going to tread down the same path as with Oblivion and that Warp in the West "a wizard did it" bullshit. Bethesda are stubborn, but when overwhelming fan and press sentiment is "your world is boring", even they listen up - see Shivering Isles for an example of just that happening. Of course, whether they took the lesson to heart is another matter.
sea said:
Honestly? It's Vikings, dragons and rough, mountainous terrain. It might not be Icewind Dale, and Bethesda are going to want to probably make a few diversions from canon in order to ensure more variety, but from the look of the teaser, I'd find it hard to believe they're going to tread down the same path as with Oblivion and that Warp in the West "a wizard did it" bullshit. Bethesda are stubborn, but when overwhelming fan and press sentiment is "your world is boring", even they listen up - see Shivering Isles for an example of just that happening. Of course, whether they took the lesson to heart is another matter.
At least with The Warp in the West, they explained why that happened, they never explained what natural disaster changed Cyrodil into generic fantasy world #3 from the east-asian style it was before.
Yeah, haters aside I am fucking excited for this game. I've been waiting a long time. The moment I can pre-order a collector's edition I am buyin' that shit up.
It’s a nice to see new AAA game teaser but, my God. Only more generic shit would be if zombie Nazis appeared. Oh, kids will go ballistic on this and … dragons and… stuff.

It WILL be Oblivion 2 only with better graphic. It’s written in the stars. There will be shallowness in abundance. Everywhere. And consolized UI, of course.

Liked music tho.

p.s. Ah, yes. You are from now on, haters by default, if you have any speck of skepticism in awesomeness of this game.
I can honestly say I'm tired of "teaser" trailers, regardless of the game they are hyping.

Show me gameplay or show me nothing.
Surf Solar said:
So 11 November next year eh? At this day here in germany the carneval and the "lulz" time starts. They couldn't have chosen a better day. :clap:

That would be 11-11-11.

Joachim and Boaz in trinity. The snakes love their elevens.
rcorporon said:
Dragons? Bearded warriors? Ancient prophecies?

No, no, you got the punctuation and word-order wrong. It's ancient prophecies of bearded dragon warriors.


Doesn't it just scream 'FEAR ME'?

Also: The voice over in that teaser was terrible. I suppose Beth hasn't learned from its experience with Obsidian that decent voice overs = good:/ The music was pretty terrible, too (specifically the bit where the... I hesitate to call them 'singers', but I'm not sure what a more appropriate word is, starts repeating 'nova king' or whatever it is the voice-over-guy called the dragon-born-guy). Still, while I actively dislike a lot of stuff Beth puts in these games and I would never call them a good game developing company, I'm still probably going to purchase this game when it comes out since I actually enjoyed the previous Elder Scrolls games for what they were - I just wish they were done very differently in many ways.
I kind of liked Oblivion (and love Nehrim that came out thanks to it) but this was pretty much one of the worst teasers I have ever seen.

When dragon appeared my enthusiasm went from 0 to -10.

I mean, come one, DRAGON AGE, EGO DRACONIS, Gothic series, no, these games are not enough, now TES needs to have them too!
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