Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

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Brother None said:
No Fallout 4 from Bethesda right now.
Thx god. Thank you. That still leaves some hope eventually for a Fallout 4 by Obsidian ? Maaaaybe. Well. Hope never dies. Doesnt it!
Bethesda are already working on their next title most likely, since they develop in overlaps. Guessing it's Fallout 4, unless they want to pump out another TES in a couple years.
Brother None said:
That's exactly what RPGs have been missing. Dragons! It's so original guys, srsly.
Without thinking about Bethesda, well for the Elder scroll series it kinda is. In some way at least. But it all depends how its integrated. Another randoom enemy probably if I do think about how Bethesda has done things recently. If there is something they can do well, then its giving us the "generic" stuff.

On the other side I am not sure if anything really has been confirmed so far ? I mean do we know that Dragons and such will make a move ? Letz wait and see.

But I remember Oblivion and thus I dont have high hopes. Nor do I expect much.
They should've used the Taesci. I mean, they're golden vampire snake men who devoured the men of Akavir and are eternal enemies of the Ka Po' Tun, a seperate race of tiger men. But no. Dragons are far too cool for that. /rant
Dragons aren't that new to TES. Remember dragonlings? Peryite?

Personally, I don't want to see some "epic" big dragon battle. It's been over done.
Imagine a "epic" big dragon battle... in their gamebryo engine.

It just will not work.
Lexx said:
Imagine a "epic" big dragon battle... in their gamebryo engine.

It just will not work.

That's exactly why the giant "final boss" of Oblivion was just a quick cutscene instead of an actual fight.
Heh, I still remember that. On my first try, I was falling down the sky... don't know why. On my second try, I've hit him once or twice and he was dead.
MutantDwarf said:
Also: The voice over in that teaser was terrible.

I'll have to disagree there. Everything in the trailer leaves me cold, except the voiceover. Every RPG or sandbox game needs Max Von Sidow. Hell every game needs him. He's just that cool.
It's Vikings, dragons and rough, mountainous terrain.


I mean, come one, DRAGON AGE, EGO DRACONIS, Gothic series, no, these games are not enough, now TES needs to have them too!

And that's forgetting many others... But hey, at least Ego Draconis was good, since dragons are completely different from the generic-RPG stereotype.[/url]
I don't mind if Bethesda makes a Fallout 4 as long as they contract Obsidian to make another spin-off.

but I also wouldn't mind if New Vegas was the last entry in the Fallout series.
Paul_cz said:
I mean, come one, DRAGON AGE, EGO DRACONIS, Gothic series, no, these games are not enough, now TES needs to have them too!

Dragon Age is a bit of a misnomer really, it had barely any sodding dragons in it.
Well it could be okay, Dragons aren't that bad if done nicely - not that i would have seen any good Dragons in a computer game or i'd trust Bethesda in doin it good - but well.

I think it's strange that Oblivion Fansites knew that it would be skyrim like for 2 years. Reminds me on how some dubious list of future WoW-Addons seem to have been right every addon (or at least i think so).

Well but back to this teaser, it's quality seems to be to be rather bad - so i'm really not that hyped. Really reminds me on the bad intro of Oblivion of which i allways thought: "why the fuck is some buyin'/making such a shitty render intro?!"
But well, maybe it's the real graphic because they're using some good engine ... well i don't think so, but i really should wait for further information until judging them.
I love Max von Sydow as much as anyone, but it makes me wonder if, knowing Bethesda, they didn't just select him because he's swedish, and that it would, you know, be totally cool to have a swedish dude voice a game in their "viking" province!
Was kinda hoping for some ingame footage since the Toddler has been hyping the visuals being so good you'll never know it was running on gamebryo. And honestly, I'm looking forward to what empty promise Todd and the gang will make, looking at you mounted combat.
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