Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Ausdoerrt said:
It's not. It's a multi-platform just like Skyrim. Or was planned as such last time I checked?

From what I gathered from the interviews, it is fitted for multi-platforming, but not developed simultanously with the PC version. They plan to port it the game to other platforms after PC hits the shelves.

But this requires verifications, I often make mistakes.
Seems that New Vegas will be last game I bought from Betsoft. The falling sells is the only language Howard understood so my money will go for TW2 and ME3 (I know it's not RPG but it's fun Sf action game/shooter which atleast don't pretend to be RPG). I woud love to play Morrowind on new engine but such game woud be lost effort anyway for Console kids/casual morons, who're mayority of market (in the eyes of publishers anyway :roll: ) Well their loss not mine. :P
Ravager69 said:
Ausdoerrt said:
It's not. It's a multi-platform just like Skyrim. Or was planned as such last time I checked?

From what I gathered from the interviews, it is fitted for multi-platforming, but not developed simultanously with the PC version. They plan to port it the game to other platforms after PC hits the shelves.

Well, they planned to port the first one too, but never did that.
But they had some tech problems with it.
Project director of TW2 (or someone similar) stated that they aren't making it, but he would love to make a console port.

I personally wouldn't like to see one, but hey, it's just business for them...
It won't have that much sales on Xbox as it will on PC. If they don't dumb it down eventually to make demands for console players, but i don't see any of that considering Wither was only on PC. I would say STALKER would be more appealing to the console crowd, ones that are not stupid kids "omfg FO3 is the BEST game i wuw it!" that is.
Requete said:
Console kids/casual morons, who're mayority of market (in the eyes of publishers anyway :roll: )

Isn't the whole "consoles are the root of all evil" well established here already? Do we really need these posts on every page of every thread about every game?
It seems not, Shadow. Let's just be glad it's not in every post, like some other places, along with ''dumbed down'', ''casualized'', ''mainstreamed'' and all the other catchphrases we know and love.

On the video, it does look pretty sweet, but Zenimax are possibly the best in the business in building up hype, and IIRC the Oblivion trailer was just as stunning and the promises just as, err, ambitious. At least from what we have seen humans look like humans now and not like creepy wax figures who twist bizarrely and all have faces made of pure uncanny valley.
Shadow of the Wastes said:
Requete said:
Console kids/casual morons, who're mayority of market (in the eyes of publishers anyway :roll: )

Isn't the whole "consoles are the root of all evil" well established here already? Do we really need these posts on every page of every thread about every game?
I think the problem is that many simply think it is its root with the players when I think this part is more true "in the eyes of publishers". I really believe the usual console player is not all that different from the PC player if we leave the hardware out (I mean obviously a PC is not like a console). But when it comes to the habits of players. The "casual" gamer I mean. I see my self as casual as well. I can enjoy mindless shooters JUST as I can enjoy games as complex like Fallout or Jagged Alliance AND games with the story like Planescape or Metal Gear Solid. Diversity is the key. And sadly that seems to dissapear with many games. Be it shooters, real times strategy or RPGs. I somehow cant convince my self that "this" is what the masses want. I tend to more believe it is what the get "told" by publishers and the media (hype) to demand it. I mean you can only buy what you know. If you for example never hear about The Witcher. You probably will notbuy it. But if you always see Mass Effect here, Mass Effect there. Videos. Adds. Everywhere. The chance is biger to eventually buy that. Thats just an example for marketing. It still doesnt tell anything about the quality (for it self Mass Effect is "ok").

I mean com on the average gamer is in our age. Somewhere around his 20s. Does anyone really believe for a second they all want games which threats their intelect like they are 12 ? I love movies. And I watch sometimes a flick like Transformers. But that doesnt mean I want now EVERY action movie to be like that.

I dont blame the recent "dumping" down on the consoles. But the publishers and gamedevlopers which actually care more about marketing then the actual game.

And Bethesda and BIoware both show that very nicely. It seems like they make the games for their marketing. Not the marketing for their games ...
Atomkilla said:
Well, they planned to port the first one too, but never did that.
But they had some tech problems with it.
Project director of TW2 (or someone similar) stated that they aren't making it, but he would love to make a console port.

I personally wouldn't like to see one, but hey, it's just business for them...

The Rise of the White Wolf wasn't a port per se, it was quite a standalone version of the game. It was supposed to be re-done for the consoles, not simply ported. It is diffrent with the sequel, as the devs said that they ported parts of the game to Xbox360 and it worked quite fine. Still, there is no real effort done on this part.

As for the porting itself, I hope it happens after the PC version ships - it's about time console players receive a proper RPG, perhaps it would start a change in the market. See, if CD Projekt would prove that making complex, mature RPGs for consoles is possible, then perhaps the console owners will start leaning toward playing such games. Not all of them are below 15 years old and still, even the younger folks can appreciate a good game, regardless of complexity. I know, I played RPGs since I was 12 or so.
Haha, indeed, I still remember sneaking by my sleeping folks into the computer room to play TOEE or IWDII.
Ravager69 said:
Not all of them are below 15 years old and still, even the younger folks can appreciate a good game, regardless of complexity. I know, I played RPGs since I was 12 or so.

I started playing RPGs at about 10 or 12, not sure. I like those RPGs I played back then, although compared to today's RPG standard they're simpler in many elements, but often better.
But seeing these kids today...if I reimagine myself when I was their age, and put them in their shoes today...it's just impossible. I cannot imagine that. And it's not some big time span between my childhood, and theirs.
Kids these days aren't those kids that were here even 5 years ago.
I still haven't met a child today who was like me back then - who knows how to appreciate a game, and enjoy it. Not only a game, but simply things and stuff around them. Kids of today seem kinda messed up for me, honestly. Hard to explain, but so it is...

No matter how old they are, they just don't seem like kids to me anymore.
sea said:
You were raised in a different tradition of gaming from them. Their standards of quality, fun, innovation, etc. are going to be different than yours, and as such, their needs as gamers have also changed. It's not as if younger gamers are "stupid" or "unable to understand complex games". It's that they apply their intelligence in different ways, understand things differently, communicate differently, etc. The language of gaming is different now than when you or I were growing up.

True, but I wasn't just reffering to gaming. I was reffering to the whole life and all these things kid these days have to go through, wich in my eyes limits their childhood, imagination and later the proper development of consience.
It's the way I see it in the community I am part of, which, undoubtely, differs from the community many other live and grow in.
Atomkilla said:
True, but I wasn't just reffering to gaming. I was reffering to the whole life and all these things kid these days have to go through, wich in my eyes limits their childhood, imagination and later the proper development of consience.
It's the way I see it in the community I am part of, which, undoubtely, differs from the community many other live and grow in.

I guess that happens all the time, people who are 5 years older than me are pretty often diffrent than me or most of my friends simply because they were raised in diffrent conditions. You'd be surprised what some of the older folks may have to say about your generation. It's the same old stuff going around forever, rarely people can understand younger generations and treat them as inferior.

Still, Bethesda seems to at least try to improve their game this time around, instead of going backwards like with Oblivion, while still trying to please younger audiences. It's not a bad policy, but still, we will see how it will turn out.
Indeed, this isn't a new thing... it behooves the old to look down upon the young. It was recently that I noticed people in my age group had started saying, "The music kids listen to these days is terrible!" but also believed songs like Tubthumping by Chumbawamba to be epitome of musical creation.

There's nothing you can do but shake your cane at them. Shake your cane and tell them how things use to be.
Ravager69 said:
Still, Bethesda seems to at least try to improve their game this time around, instead of going backwards like with Oblivion, while still trying to please younger audiences. It's not a bad policy, but still, we will see how it will turn out.
Do they really ? At the moment I see NOTHING that indicates Skyrim beeing any different then Oblivion (from development).

At the moment there is still only the hype. Bethesdian people love to talk big about features which

A ) are either not present that way in teh game or

B ) become extremly repetitive after 5 min of gameplay.

We will see what is left from the Hype when the game is finished.
exactly why I am tired from this Radiant stuff they mention since Oblivion. Everything just to re-invent some kind of mechanic that worked very well in the past. Writing inteligent NPCs. There was no need for super dynamic scripts. Now it seems like they try to come up with some "new technology" or "new way" to make every NPC and "random" quest intersting. Sadly which sounds funn on paper isnt even half as entertaining in the game. But thats my oppinion.

Who knows. Maybe Bethesda got some message from god. And we will see the NPCs act in a way like never ever seen before !

I heard miracles here and there happen sometimes afterall.
Crni Vuk said:
Who knows. Maybe Bethesda got some message from god. And we will see the NPCs act in a way like never ever seen before !

That could be a good or bad thing depending on how cynical you are. :V
I want to see the feet of the Kajhit (or what they are called >_> )

Please ... no more human feet/animations for the beast races.

*The screenshots look not bad though. But well ... Oblivion did looked good back then as well.
These screenshots are still from the console version I believe. The things I've heard so far have been very, very good. Quite excited.