Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Crni Vuk said:
people might kill me for it. But I used simply cheats. I am not spending hours of "grinding" the skills just to get the max out of the game. My time is to valuable for it. And I dont see skyrim as an RPG with real progression (level scaling and "random" loot simply kills it for me), so I can simply enjoy the combat. By saying that i didnt simply maxed out my skills with the console. Only after it. I dont see why I should make 1 million potions just to get it to 100 now. What kind of fun is that ? I prefer a system like Fallout 3 even for that matter where you chose which skill you want to increase. Much less time consuming and it has the same effect. - The perks on the other hand are some awesome idea. Because it means you chose them once you level up. Sadly they have not done more about it. The game should have much more skill checks particularly in dialogues. But I guess ... one does not play Beth games for dialogues.

My combat skills improve naturaly. Even destruction was rather easy. Call me a cheater if you want. I dont care. But I am not going to spend hours of hours just to get to the "end game" to speak so. Its not an MMO its a damn single player game. Grinding should be left to online games.

I can certainly see where you are coming from, but you shouldn't even have to cheat because of level scaling.

I found oblivion much easier on the lowest levels than on the high levels.

A goblin i could kill in 3 hits at lvl 1 , i had to spend a minute to kill with an enchanted sword at lvl 40. (and i'm a completionist- i had all skills maxed out and attributes, also best possible gear)

But of course, i didn't do that- i just created insane spells that took anything out in max 3 hits-- can't do that in skyrim though.

Anyone know the explanation for taking out the spell creating system?
Token-not-found said:
Anyone know the explanation for taking out the spell creating system?
Because it "broke" the game.

For that you now have enchanting and smithing. - extremly powerfull combination particularly if you take alchemy in to it as well.

*Anyway. Modders are sure gone "fix" this is. Because if you ask me making your own spells was one of the best things about Beth games. It gave you a chance as mage to stay competitive in the game with warriors.
Crni Vuk said:
Token-not-found said:
Anyone know the explanation for taking out the spell creating system?
Because it "broke" the game.

For that you now have enchanting and smithing. - extremly powerfull combination particularly if you take alchemy in to it as well.

*Anyway. Modders are sure gone "fix" this is. Because if you ask me making your own spells was one of the best things about Beth games. It gave you a chance as mage to stay competitive in the game with warriors.

Oh so they just broke the game with enchanting and smiting.

Couldn't they leave spellmaking alone and also add those- it would have balanced the game.

Also i don't use mods on principle , specially in beth games.

Guess i'll be playing a spellsword again...
Starseeker said:
huh? Wasn't there only 1 whole set of daedric armor you can collect in MW? I think you have to kill a major quest NPC for the other set.
Only with both expansions were you able to get a full suit without killing Fyr, but that's the point, Daedric has the reputation of being the most rare and expensive armor in all of Tamriel, it's made of ebony infused with essences of gods for christ sake, and in Oblivion, bandits were wearing it, and in Skyrim, you can forge it, which is less ridiculous, but still so.
Guess i'll be playing a spellsword again...

Unless you use Conjuration (the only truly powerful school), that's a pretty weak build in Skyrim, since destruction has been all but emasculated, Illusion levels far slower than the scaling (meaning your spells won't affect higher-level enemies unless you grind or spend a fortune in training), Alteration is generally only useful at high levels and also raises slowly, and Restoration is not bad but it's hardly what wins fights. Unless you use 1 school exclusively and/or sneak attacks a spellsword build is generally weaker than a pure warrior or pure mage. Of course, I could just suck at it.

Oh so they just broke the game with enchanting and smiting.

And Alchemy. Put those three skills together for instant game breaker status. You can brew potions that increase your skill in smithing and enchanting; at high Alchemy these potions are very powerful. Wth Enchanting, you can enchant gear with +dmg for either one-handed or two-handed weapons (up to like 80% extra damage per piece) and an augmented Smithing skill allows you to build your weapons to Legendary, doubling their effects. You can easily end up two-or-three shotting Ancient Dragons, which have close to 3k health. If you ask me, that's far more broken that whatever spell creation allowed.
to Legendary, doubling their effects.

Can you do that with unique weapons?

If not - then the most power weapon in the game will be a generic one- just like in Oblivion.

That sucks ass.

Also about the spellsword thing- it was a non issue for me (in tes games i max all - so a class was useless to me- just influenced my way of combat in lower levels) - but with skyrim i can't max everything out.

This will raise some problems and make the spellsword class unplayable (according to my standards).

Is there a way i could max out the most damage and defense important warrior skills/perks and still max out the most important mage stuff?
I think most unique gear cant be really changed which makes it rather pointless in the game because you can create rather easily with the right skills weapons and armor which puts anything the game throws at you to shame.
Token-not-found said:
to Legendary, doubling their effects.

Can you do that with unique weapons?

If not - then the most power weapon in the game will be a generic one- just like in Oblivion.

That sucks ass.

Also about the spellsword thing- it was a non issue for me (in tes games i max all - so a class was useless to me- just influenced my way of combat in lower levels) - but with skyrim i can't max everything out.

This will raise some problems and make the spellsword class unplayable (according to my standards).

Is there a way i could max out the most damage and defense important warrior skills/perks and still max out the most important mage stuff?

don't just listen to people saying how useless a certain build or skill is, try for yourself. I play a spellsword/assassin type character, focusing on one-handed, alteration and illusion. I haven't even maxed the magic schools and have only taken the perks in Illusion to raise its effective level and I've found much use for it. many of the spells will turn tough fights into easy ones, or allow you to flee if you feel the need. aleration might be a bit underwhelming, but as I use light armor I always have the best available armor spell active during fights and the othe small tricks this school offers can be pretty useful if not fun.

any build is viable in this game, as long as you make sure you can do some kind of fighting. adjust the difficulty setting if you have to.
Crni Vuk said:
people might kill me for it. But I used simply cheats. I am not spending hours of "grinding" the skills just to get the max out of the game. My time is to valuable for it. And I dont see skyrim as an RPG with real progression (level scaling and "random" loot simply kills it for me), so I can simply enjoy the combat. By saying that i didnt simply maxed out my skills with the console. Only after it. I dont see why I should make 1 million potions just to get it to 100 now. What kind of fun is that ? I prefer a system like Fallout 3 even for that matter where you chose which skill you want to increase. Much less time consuming and it has the same effect. - The perks on the other hand are some awesome idea. Because it means you chose them once you level up. Sadly they have not done more about it. The game should have much more skill checks particularly in dialogues. But I guess ... one does not play Beth games for dialogues.

My combat skills improve naturaly. Even destruction was rather easy. Call me a cheater if you want. I dont care. But I am not going to spend hours of hours just to get to the "end game" to speak so. Its not an MMO its a damn single player game. Grinding should be left to online games.

Yep, yep, yup. I agree that the leveling in TES is just fucked. For instance, in order to level up persuasion, you have to pass persuasion checks, some of which require a certain amount of points in persuasion, and you can see the problem in that.

In fact, one of the quests the game hands to you literally an hour and a half into the game has a persuasion check that needs a whopping 75 points into speech just to pass...

Yes, I'm aware that selling stuff is another way to level it up, but by the time you've gotten it up to a decent level that way, you're selling Daedric gear by the dozen at that point.
that's what the trainers are there for. and they're the only real money sink in the game.
yes but you can only train 5 points for each level. meaning you could get your speech like from 20% to 25%.

But its better then nothing and like you said it gives the "gold" you have at least some purpose. - Which is a good thing.

But I have a question. I was browsing the net a bit for the "Radiant quest" thing which they somewhat hyped for their game. Now I cant really find anything substantial about it - just the usual marketing gibberish. But I guess I could as well ask around here about peoples opinion.

What are your "experiences" with that Radiant Questing ? Is it really as interesting as Bethesda claims ? Or just another "random quest generator". Because honestly I don't feel much of it in the game. Maybe I am doing something wrong no clue. It seems like some say that it "tracks down your actions" so if you murder someone their family will be looking for you! And such things.
aenemic said:
that's what the trainers are there for. and they're the only real money sink in the game.

In oblivion i made spells following the concept of "take spania money, bitch" .

I made spells that decreased my skills since the cost of training was relevant to your skill level.

So instead of paying 1000 gold per 1 skill point at skill lvl 80, i decreased my skill to 10 and only paid 10 gold per skill point, after a few secs the spell effect fadeed and i was left with a lot of money and the legit skill.

You could do crazzy things with spells in previous tes games, it was pretty awesome.
I can vouch for the overpoweredness of alchemy/smithing/enchanting in a combo. Already damning to the balance is getting only smithing and enchanting; alchemy is there just to overshoot whatever balance remains, but you could also just buy +smithing and +enchanting potions, though they'll not reach the same effectiveness later on (for a long time I found bought potions to actually be better).

Currently I can enchant 4 pieces of equipment to deal +35% damage with a certain type (one or two handed, or archery) and I think it maxes out at +40% damage each, so 160% damage total. Then of course you can enchant your weapon for an extra 20-30 damage per hit in elemental form. Combine that with the usual +damage you get from perks, and the upgraded damage you get from weapons upgraded to legendary, and things start to really get rolling. I've been using a bow, so I've also had the benefit of upgrading arrows every once in a while, as soon as level scaling brought enough of a new type available. And since I've also gone for alchemy, I can furthermore poison my arrows to deal an additional 60 or so of damage, or if I want to just murder whatever bits of balance are left, use a poison to outright paralyse an enemy for 30 seconds. If not I can just paralyse/poison again, or hell, use an invisibility potion that also buffs light armor and heals me, or whatever all the silly effects from some potions offer.

And, for archers, there then is the sneak attack option, first giving x2 damage, and with the right perk, x3. If I get the drop on a giant, I need about 3-4 arrows. Blood dragons go down just as quick. Just recently I've had ancient dragons or something like that spawn, and while they take a bit longer to go down, it's not as if they are a challenge.

So to get a challenge I've limited myself to only use a bow where I can't fight stuff off with a blade and shield. I used to have great trouble doing that, what with having no perks or enchantments focused on that play style, but after a while skills have started to get better, naturally, and now I'm again at a point where stuff starts to get easy on me again. Just for kicks I've murdered a few towns at the end of a session, at which point the enormous coterie of immortals, ranging from Jarls to random bums who for some reason are vital to story progression, starts to heavily kick in with their annoyance factor. Being on a murderous rampage becomes a lot less impressive if you accumulate with each step another member to your scowling entourage of immortal angry people, who however much you put them to their knees, again and again summon the courage to attempt to slay you hopelessly with daggers or fists. It would've been much more impressive, never mind satisfying, if said persons were to run off panicking rather than to resume their futile attempts.

Anyway, the further you go into crafting (ie. alchemy, smithing and enchanting) the further balance flees from your game. I've been playing on master difficulty since the start, and the game was very difficult and satisfying at some point, but after a tipping point around level 30-35 or so, I think it was, it only became easier and easier.

Edit: Just some quick numbers. I'm 'only' using an ebony bow right now, because I haven't found anything better yet. With my +dmg% gear on, one shot does about 200 damage, +30 fire damage, +24 arrow damage (tops that is, it's usually about +15, good arrows aren't thát plentiful). Add a +60 poison and you get a total of 314 damage. If only base attack damage (bow and arrow) is involved in the sneak attack damage, a x3 sneak attack does 762 damage. In comparison, the highest dmg dealing destruction spell does 150 damage, with, as far as I see, no good ways of upgrading it.
I was jumped by an Elder Dragon today, I was absolutely massacred. The worst thing is they aren't even the strongest type of dragon. Still much less annoying than cliff racers.
@ Edmond: You forgot to summon the Dremora Lord that can tank dragons or Draugr Deathlords solo, no problem :D! Oh, and have Lydia or a similar follower equipped with the very best gear too. Or regenerating your whole lifebar with one easily craftable potion. Or near-complete resistance to all three elements with two potions. I have a friend that exploits the game (I don't play enough for that) and the amount of things that make it a walk in the park are astounding; at this point, my friend needs only summon said Dremora Lord for 95% of his fights, and to launch a few arrows for the remaining 5%. Anything getting close gets Fus-Ro-Dah'ed and ragdolls away. And he tells me it can become even more broken after you finish the main quest [spoiler:6008e39317] As you can summon a powerful Dragon and call forth the spirits of dead heroes, among other things [/spoiler:6008e39317]

Oh, and I love the Dark Brotherhood questline. [spoiler:6008e39317] Dropping a statue on the bride of a public wedding mid-speech? Marvelously evil. [/spoiler:6008e39317]
An example would be if you steal something from an npc they will send hired thugs after you with a letter that has the npc's name at the bottom.
It's real small stuff that's barely noticible half the time or has any real impact.
Alphadrop said:
An example would be if you steal something from an npc they will send hired thugs after you with a letter that has the npc's name at the bottom.

which is plain retarded, because they do so even if you're not seen doing it.
which is plain retarded, because they do so even if you're not seen doing it.

Not just that, they do so even if you only stole 1 gold from them. You would think it doesn't really cover the costs. And they may eventually even send the Dark Brotherhood after you! Keep in mind you have to kill somebody in order to do the Black Sacrament! I am all for punishing shoplifting, but bloody hell.
Crni Vuk said:
My combat skills improve naturaly. Even destruction was rather easy. Call me a cheater if you want. I dont care. But I am not going to spend hours of hours just to get to the "end game" to speak so. Its not an MMO its a damn single player game. Grinding should be left to online games.
Grinding should be left out of all games.

aenemic said:
any build is viable in this game, as long as you make sure you can do some kind of fighting. adjust the difficulty setting if you have to.
IE any build is viable if you balance the level scaling for the game since the skills are not balanced at all.