liberty rogue
It Wandered In From the Wastes

Yes, I suppose so, most of them didn't really try to understand "what the hell?" but just copied whatever AP said. That's usually the case of a number of regions in the world, though, including Russia, the Middle East and most of Africa. Be careful what you read.
I mean that American, European, British and generally western press seems to have surprisingly low standards regarding their Russian coverage. Actually, you are more likely to find some attempts to understand whats going in in Iranian newspaper.
I stopped reading western press entirely few months ago, when I realized that I'm ready to go on the streets to bash those ugly, wife-beating, freedom-hating bastards that fail to gasp the concept of human rights, market economy and democracy who have the lowest average IQ in the eastern hemisphere.
Incidentally, I noticed that no one really writes about the dire state of minorities here. Uzbek, Tajik, Kyrgyz are providing slave labor and dying in literally thousands every week in Moscow alone. I got a colorful sight of some Uzbek construction worker looking in a window of the ITAR-TASS building at the pictures of children skiing. Well.
Dunno if I wrote it out here before, but long story short; the Russian industry, as inherited from Soviet times, does not have the profitability to have a net amount of added value to products in the economic loop. This means that in any normal economic circumstances all those companies and factories are bankrupt by definition.
I actually don't know a thing about the economy.
Debt is not a good thing, that doesn't mean it's smart to sanitize your own debts by definition. If you're an unprofitable company, like Russia's economy is, your priority should be to become profitable and then pay back your debts, because otherwise you'll just exacerbate the problem.
My point was that while it was probably a bad decision, it was definitely a good sign. People often forget, that short seven years ago Russia wasn't bad, it was dead. The fact that we now have a smart populist politician is a miracle by itself. Besides, I think you are overestimating Putin's obsession with this debt-thing.
I always figured people just say "komrad" because they can't twist their tongue around tovarishch.
But my university subject is Russian Studies. Russian history, law, economics and politics and, to a minor extent, language. I should damned well at least know basic political terms like the highly popularized (thanks V.I.!) "kto kogo"
Oh, sorry, I just have a really hard time verbalizing it in English. By "own terms" I meant "не находясь под влиянием каких-то социальных и культурных стереотипов, которые, судя по масс-медиа, процветают на западе".
I participated in several community-projects with significant portion of Russian population and I really get a lot of the crap from people, from stereotyping and minor racial slurs to blunt racism. Though, strangely enough, in my experience the most most generally hated and misunderstood nation is the French.


Ain't Freedom House one of those stupid fucking wussie organizations, that paint red all nations they don't like and then whine in numerous The Economist articles that no one wants to hear their invaluable insights in the matter?
Seriously, Russia has a crapload of problems, but "not free" is just pushing to too far.