Bodybag said:
imagine certain enemies in the game being nigh impossible to beat with just base weapon skill, no matter how many times you shoot them in the face.
I think I approve.
Wow, how much were you paid to be appear so stupid ?
Personaly on the whole weapons debate issue, skill should only affect chance to hit, and also tie into the weapons maintence skill and how it applies to that type of weapon (assuming there isnt a single 'gun' skill) since the better you are with a type of weapon the better you know how to maintain it.
And 95% of the maintence should apply to things like carbon buildup and getting it out
That said, Im suprised noones guessed the obvious yet.......
They're too lazy to modify the game from stock oblivion and remove weapon degredation per use, which means you're going to have to use a repair hammer on the gun every few battles.
If they wanted to do it right, the main item needed would be pipe cleaners and rags for cleaning out carbon buildup, plus wire brushes and such. Past that, have an armorers kit item, expenseve as hell and useless unless you have the armorer perk (after training ingame to learn some skills in the area) and an armorer skill as well, which is at 15% or so until you get the perk THEN can be leveld up, and used to repair bigger issues with the weapon.
But then, that would annoy the console kiddies theyre marketing this steaming pile for, as it'd be too complicated.
The irony is if theyd just made games using the FO2 engine, or an updated version of it with better graphics, and pumped out sequels and shit they would have found a niche market that isnt targeted that often, and have made if not a blockbuster hit, a steady trickle of profit, and some real street cred as capable of making an actual RPG, instead of 'doing what we do best' by pumping out an over hyped under delivering action adventure hack'n'slash.
I mean seriously, their games are almost the FPS version of dungeon siege with the main differnce being that instead of going in a straight like (or BACKWARDS) you get to wander all over the fucking place at random to your hearts content.