hi all
As there are many thread here, i didn't want to add a new one for this issue.
I was wondering about something for a while...
On the wiki and on various thread, it seems to appear that members of Capital DC Enclave are remnants from the Oil Rig/Navarro that left after the chosen want victory on Fo2.
But, after i had (finally...) finished Fallout 3, i don't recall any mention of that. Is it something added in fallout Bibles or bethesda interviews or did i missed to dialogs ?
In my opinion, it would have made more sense that the Enclave already had some foothold in the DC area, way before Fallout 2.
If i am not wrong the Enclave are the remnants of the (Fallout equivalent of...) USA governements.
It make sense that the USA officials and militaries that survived the great war would be scatered in various bunker and safehouse. Considering the size of United States (which is the same in the Fallout world), the fact that a simple oil rig can't sustain too much population, it is more logical to have a presence in more than one place, not to mention that they're also supposed to be monitoring the Vault project, and maintain communications installations.
It also feels right that they would have an important military presence near washington, not only for maintaining the Eden systems (who was there since before the war), but also to make secure some vital ressources and intelligence that shouldn't be left on wrong hands. Beside that, considering their patriotism, they may want to reinstall the governement there, in the conditions are met, as it would be a great symbol.
All of this would make a better sense, that thousands of (unseen in Fo2) surviving the Oil Rig Destruction, and possible attack on Navarro, while having enough (at least in Fo3) personnal and weapons to wipe all california. Not to mention, that the only ones who seems to care about them in Fo2 are Matt (BOS) and the chosen one.
All that considered, i find more logical that the Enclave Chapter in washington DC were already there from the beginning, will all their assets still intact, than a bunch of deserters, that conveniently have more ressources in Fo3, that they originally had in Fo2, even before the chosen one came along.
Also Eden seems not aware of some details about the failed attempt to used modified FED as an airstrike virus in the west coast.
So, did Bethesda officially made this nonsense happen in Fo3, or is some external material ?
(of course, that doesn't mean that they didn't include others nonsenses in their game)
On an unrelated issue, while i don't want to have them as major antagonists in other games (especially in Fo3, which add not very much interresting content in their background), i think they still have a role to play in subsequents games, as minor faction, or specific characters infiltrated in other factions. (like Arcade Gannon, but not necessary benevolent).
After all, if i stick to what i remember from Fallout 2, they are possibly the one (them or the chinese) who started the war or launch the bombs, actually the one who initiated the vault experiments, and remained the more advanced faction in the wasteland in two games. They're also quite the polar opposite of both the unity and BOS. They have too much relevance in the Fallout universe to be simply forgotten.
But they don't need to be in EVERY fallout games, and shouldn't be the major antagonists again. All thing considered none of the main antagonists should keep this status in more than one game.