End of the World Scenarios


Ok, how do you think the world would end?

(I admit this is highly unlikely- but...)

I had this thought-
Al Qaeda cells operating in the US.
China decides it's time to get Taiwan before it becomes independent
North Korea decides to use it's nuclear weapons to blackmail South Korea into capitulation,
US forces bogged down in Iraq.
Eyes of the world turn to Central Asia for last reserves of oil.
Russia and China ally to prevent spread of imperialistic US ambitions

EU grows in part to defend against Russia and move away from US alliance.

First strike- Al Qaeda cells detonate weapon of mass destruction in surprise attack on Washington DC. Takes out most of the federal government in one fell swoop.

North Korea launches nike strikes against US West Coast and military bases in the Asia Pacific when US ignores North Koreas attempts at blackmail. US responds with nuke strikes, but cannot remove North Korean weapons. South Korea capitulates, Japan does nothing faced with nuclear blackmail.

Chaos in the US, financial crisis world wide.

US divided and unsure where to go as succession crisis kicks in. Political vs. Military leaders head off.

Global economy in crises, Chinese economy begins to take a beating. THe Chinese Communist Party feels threatened as Chinese begin to rebel after economic downturn. Decides to build up nationalism by recapturing Taiwan. Russia, fearful of financial chaos establishes marshal law.

China launches preemptive first strike in Taiwan and the US- takes out Seventh Fleet at sea and Taiwan. US military responds with counter-strike against CHina. China launches attack on the US from Sub launched missiles taking out major cities along East and West Coast. US in chaos. US troops withdrawn to the US. US resonds with a second strike on China.

EU in chaos divides as France and Germany rival for dominance, Eastern European states worried about Russia.

Chaos leads to military rule in Pakistan and India and hostilities grow in Kashmir leading to limited but devestating nuclear conflict.

In Middle East, Islamic Fundamenalism reaches high level, overthrowing moderate governments and expand in Jihad for oil reserves in Central Asia. Russia and Europe counter these moves in order to protect strategic resources.

New scramble takes place in Central Asia between Russia, what remains of China and Europe for Central Asian Oil, ending in conflict. Eventually one of these sides allie with the Muslim fundamentalists, leading to war between Europe and Russia.

Limited tactical war leads to limited nuclear war leads to strategic nuclear war.

Other parts of the developing world, cut off from ties of globalization, begin to look more like Africa- chaotic personal rulers subject to frequent violent regime changes, predatory rule and humanitarian catastrophe.

New Dark ages decends.


High tech company realizes that they are slowly dieing out unless they innovate. Decide to set up a new type of computer that is high security- no viruses, no pop ups, no spam.

To sell this idea they need to create a threat.

Major shareholder of the company contracts a hacker to create a computer virus that travels through email and bulletin board connections. Virus is adaptive, responds to countermeasures and evolves.

Company makes lots of money because it's able to market it's security systems to replace antiquated PCs.

Only problem is, the virus is now defeating the companies security systems. Soon virus spreads everywhere and on April Fools shuts down all computer systems across the world.



Biblical apocalpyse actually happens


Ok that's two ways the world might go.

What do you think will happen?
Kharn said:
welsh said:
Ok, how do you think the world would end?

I thought "the end of the world" thinking had ended with the end of the Cold War.

What? And ruin an entire field of speculation for global pessimists?

Hardly! In a world in which people like George Bush, North Korea and France can point enough nuclear weapons at someone to start a new ice age, this kind of speculation can always be fun.

Besides, I think we had this thread somewhere, but I was too lazy to look in the archives.

In a world with nuclear tipped ICBMS, you are only 20 minutes away from Armageddon.
I'm for the Biblical one. Only without that Gnostic shitty Reveletaions of St. Mark. And it won't happen like in the Left Behind books, trust me.
CC- I can't believe you would even read the Left Behind Books.

Really, some of the worst books ever written.

I think they were written by writers with a 8th grade reading level for people with a 4th grade mentality.

Which I think reflects the level of intellect expected for Christian evengelicals. That the books were so popular in the US is symptomatic of (1) low level of education in America, (2) It's inability to read good books, (3) The power of the Christian right to force crap down the public's throat.
W00t!!! An end of the world thread. I've been doing a lot of research about nuclear war and post-apocalyptic survival, and this is pure gold! Thanks for launching (hehehe...) this Welsh.

Personally, with some encouragement from the John Titor story (everyone should read it, it might be the thread you talked about Welsh), I definitely think something very very bad, or at least revolutionizing, will happen soon, especially if Dubya gets reelected. It might not be the end of the world, but it's going to be major.

For you see, I perceive the world as a volcano. It loads up for a long time, then finally erupts. It has happened twice in our century, WW1 and WW2, and might happen again soon (there were small or near eruptions during the second half; Cuba crisis in '62 and end of the Soviet union). Now this whole Al qaeda thing and US nationalism might be the trigger for a new "eruption". As I've said many many times before on this forum: build your shelter. I know I will. Unless those bastards use cobalt bombs. Then we're fucked.
How do you define the world ending though? One species (humanity) being wiped out, all life being wiped out or the planet being obliterated into nothingness? Remember that even if 99.9% of humans get wiped out, there's still more than 6 million wailing on guitars somewhere.

I'm hoping for some mad scientist to do some crazy thing like unload as much electricity s/he can into the planet or something.
The world will end when the dinosours come back from their space travels and find us puny mammals all roaming around their home-land.
most of the situations here don't take into account africa or south america either.

Nuclear war couldn't wipe out everyone, you'd need to do it on a huge scale worldwide instead of some select locations in europe or america. And it's not the end of the world if we run out of electricity either. It would probably be bad, but I think we need that kind of thing to happen, but then we wouldn't need it. How Catch 22.

If there is a weapon suitable for killing everything it would be super-villain like. The world won't be some barren wasteland if it gets too cold or if a bunch of countries nuke each other into nothingness. Mabye something that can destory hydrogen and in turn destroys more hydrogen. Like a pyramid scheme for burning up the atmosphere or something.
Cobalt bombs can wipe out anything. I'll explain further if you need me to. Right now I can't be arsed. And megatron, is that a picture of Tesla? Alien invasion is very unlikely, King. Think Gamma ray burst, meteorite/bolite, huge volcano (almost killed us all once) or destruction of the atmosphere (by us humans). Those are much more likely. I mean, why would a civilization travel thousands of light years for several million years (unless they can travel in warp speed) just to annihilate us?
Baboon said:
Cobalt bombs can wipe out anything. I'll explain further if you need me to. Right now I can't be arsed. And megatron, is that a picture of Tesla?

Explain about the cobalt bomb. I'm not familiar with it. And yes, that is Tesla.
Aliens? Why would they bother travelling millions of years just to kill a bunch of apes on some planet? And why would they be any more advanced than we are?

I looked up the cobalt bomb. Intresting, but since the radiation takes so long to disperse you can probably get in a fallout shelter at least a few hours before everything outside starts too crumble. Would it really be worth living in some cement tomb though?

And yea, it's a picture of Tesla. Seems like a pretty cool guy.
It's basically a normal nuclear bomb, but loaded with a metal called cobalt. When the bomb detonates, the cobalt is exposed to radiation and starts decaying. Thing is, the radioactive half-life of cobalt is very very long, emitting radiation over a very long period of time, unlike regular nuclear blasts, where the radiation wears off after a few weeks/months. So this has two consequences:

1) The radioactive cobalt usually forms into deadly clouds, that can spread over the globe and still do damage for generations. Hence several cobalt bombs can annihilate all surface life within years.

2) Building a fallout shelter is pointless, since no shelter can sustain humans for more than a couple of months without them going back to the surface, hence dying.

I still think Gamma ray bursts and other natural (especially cosmic) disasters are deadlier.
you should be able to build fallout shelters good enough to survive at least a year. If you can survive in space or the sea for about that time, why not underground? Why even underground, why not retreat to the sea or space? I don't think anyone would use a Cobalt bomb anyway as it means killing everything. Though I'm sure some people would like that, I doubt they'd ever be in control of something that deadly. You could probably contain it if given enough warning.

Natural disasters have a very low chance of happening mabye. And even if they did, it's natural. You can come back from more or less anything short of the sun swallowing your planet and we'll be long gone by then.

Don't know about gamma ray berts.
I'd like to see you building a shelter that would give you an unlimited supply of food, water, and dioxygen. Better than that, a spaceship, or a base on Mars. And there are mad (Ben Laden) or stupid (Dubya) people who would be more than happy to use it (the cobalt bomb), not having any long-term reasoning whatsoever.

Natural disasters aren't that unlikely. Regularly, a meteorite the size of Texas hits the Earth and wipes out everything (dinosaurs anyone?)

Gamma ray burst: you know what gamma radiation is, right? It's radioactive radiation, basically. The shit that is emitted during a radioactive decay (one of the shits, at least).
Well, when a star is swallowed by a black hole, it emits lots of energy. LOTS. More than the sum of all energy our Sun would emit during it's entire lifetime. This energy is emitted as gamma rays, very energetic rays, that travel at globally the speed of light.

So picture it like a camera flash. One fraction of a second you're looking out the window, or taking a walk, and the next fraction of a second you're just not there anymore, along with life on the surface of the Earth. You won't even notice it. And since the human eye cannot perceive gamma rays, you won't see it coming, either (although it's much like a nuclear shockwave, so you might have the "luck" to realize it by the damage it does). There are such dying stars in our galaxy. Might happen anytime, really.
Baboon said:
Natural disasters aren't that unlikely. Regularly, a meteorite the size of Texas hits the Earth and wipes out everything (dinosaurs anyone?)

From what I've come to know (in theory) the moon was created by a Mars-sized meteor which hit the Earth over four billion years ago when it was still really hot and being formed. That same meteor than came by again and killed all of the dinosaurs.

Baboon said:
Well, when a star is swallowed by a black hole, it emits lots of energy. LOTS. More than the sum of all energy our Sun would emit during it's entire lifetime. This energy is emitted as gamma rays, very energetic rays, that travel at globally the speed of light.

Black-holes have such intense distortions on spacetime (extremely high gravitational pulls) which can capture even light (which moves at 186,000mps). I doubt a star could emit any energy, as all of its atoms are being ripped apart and thrown through a vortex untill it's compacted into the center of the black-hole, adding to trillions about zillions upon zillions of tons of mass in the space equal to the size of a single atomic particle.

Baboon said:
Gamma ray burst: you know what gamma radiation is, right? It's radioactive radiation, basically. The shit that is emitted during a radioactive decay (one of the shits, at least).

Gamma-rays have the smallest wavelengths and the most energy in the electromagnetic spectrum; they come from supernova explosions and the destruction of atoms.
The celestial gamma-rays black-holes emit are those which are given off from old collapsing black-holes, or possibly the dust rings which surround black-holes many light years from the core (kinda like where our planet is).

Baboon said:
There are such dying stars in our galaxy. Might happen anytime, really.

There are novas in our galaxy exploding and collapsing all the time, but I doubt we'd get another black-hole. Our galactic center point is occupied by a black-hole, and if our galaxy had two we'd probably die as our system is tworn apart.

Also, the Solar System is over three light-years in diameter; the closest star to us other than the Sun is over four light years away... I don't think we're in any danger of gamma radiation from space (especially with this nice atmosphere around Earth).
The last time something big like that happened was around 12-1400 (B.C.?) I think, with the pulsar in the crab nebula. But the biggest effect that had was that it could be seen up in the day sky for a mere two years.
Baboon said:
I'd like to see you building a shelter that would give you an unlimited supply of food, water, and dioxygen. Better than that, a spaceship, or a base on Mars. And there are mad (Ben Laden) or stupid (Dubya) people who would be more than happy to use it (the cobalt bomb), not having any long-term reasoning whatsoever.

You wouldn't need unlimited food, water or dioxygen. If it's just radiation you could probably just fill a large glass globe with earth, plants, water, animals and have a portable planet or something. Osama doesn't have the proper facilities to launch a cobalt bomb and Dubya won't be in office next term. Sometime it will happen though. Probably not with a cobalt bomb, but some atomic weapon or other experimental weapon.

Natural disasters aren't that unlikely. Regularly, a meteorite the size of Texas hits the Earth and wipes out everything (dinosaurs anyone?)

Good. We survived. I reckon we could survive again, since we're more advanced than the dinosaurs and are probably more numerous.

Well, when a star is swallowed by a black hole, it emits lots of energy. LOTS. More than the sum of all energy our Sun would emit during it's entire lifetime. This energy is emitted as gamma rays, very energetic rays, that travel at globally the speed of light.

So when a star enters a black hole (a dead star) it sends out all these gamma rays? Wouldn't the black hole just suck the rays back in? And instead of the rays, wouldn't it be more like a huge wave, dispersing out from the point of origin?

Seems a bit far-fetched. Why haven't we been torn apart like this before? Since the universe in infinite this probably happens all the time yet there hasn't been any sighting of distant galaxies suddenly disappearing. meh. link?