Fallout Tactics mod Equilibrium (2.2)

Real photo gun to Photoshop for create sprite?
My ugly Photoshop gun for ready big 3d models to conveted in FRM.


  • RPK.jpg
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Yeah, it's usually a photo of a real gun or a render, then I cut it out, correct perspective, add shadows, match color tone or contrast with other sprites if needed, sometimes you need to put some accent on finer details if the photo was taken in poor lighting.
Anyone tried SOLO Insane Tough Guy on the first map vs. dogs? :P Not quite so "Equalibrium" then.
Anyone tried SOLO Insane Tough Guy on the first map vs. dogs? :P Not quite so "Equalibrium" then.
Yeah, on insane you get a penalty to hit rolls and enemies do double damage, it was meant to be unfair.
Wouldn't be so bad if the dog's jaws weren't as powerful as car crushers and their agility wasn't set to something ridiculous like 20 so they can move a huge distance, attack, then attack twice (thrice?) again before you get your turn in turn-based because their sequence stat is so high. I mean, 10 agility is meant to be heroic, so I don't know what you would call these dogs. Super-canine?
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Well, if it doesn't have higher perception and agility than a human it isn't much of a dog, it might still make for a good pet but it certainly isn't fit for guard duty.
If you wanted to know the exact stats, they have 4 STR, 5 END, 10 PER, 8 AGI (all non-sentient animals including baby deathclaws have 35 total), snap attack does 4-16 damage for 3AP and maul does 6-24 for 4AP.

In case I forgot to mention it somewhere, it's the same as Redux in that regard and he did include it in the readme, I think. The mod is balanced to give you a decent challenge on Normal difficulty, anything higher than that is not supported, officially, by this office. You can't have 'decent challenge' and not get utterly creamed if you suddenly can't hit the broad side of the barn and enemies start doing double damage for no reason at all.

By the way, a super-canine does exist, you can even recruit one :)
Didn't realise that the dogs had such modest stats. In vanilla I could oneshot them with anything, and in Redux I'm basically wandering around like Rambo oneshotting everything with .45 after having read all the Guns and Bullets books. Guess solo isn't as viable with EQ.
Yeah, it probably isn't, it was likely always supposed to be a squad based shooter and it doesn't have powerful solo-enabling perks like Divinity Original Sin (well, duo-enabling, not really solo but it's close enough), but FT ended up a bit too easy so you could go solo regardless.
Well I still like your mod. Must've been painstaking to do all those weapon images etc. I can see how it's better balanced for squad play and I'll probably continue to play through it with a squad on normal or hard.
Thanks, most of the sprites turned out pretty nicely so it was worth it in the end, but they were indeed a pain in the butt.
I was thinking about how to make solo or Insane viable and how I mentioned that the dogs seemed to be "super-canine", and I came up with the idea of creating hero characters to offset the unreasonable challenge that Redux - Equilibrium mod provides on the harder difficulties.

Please meet my first creation: Duke

He's a Ghoul that starts with the following stats:


He also starts with the Toughness (2) and Night Vision perks.

Here are some pros and cons:

+ Intended to make solo normal / hard viable or (perhaps) an insane difficulty squad.
+ Super-heroic Perception and Endurance to give him exemplary range when needed and decent durability when enemies close in.
+ Starts with perks needed to offset the fact that he's a Ghoul.
+ Fast-Shot and Kamikaze is a pretty good combo, right? Lore friendly too, surely?

- He's a Ghoul, so he has a slower perk rate and can only wear Ghoul armour.
- His Charisma, Intelligence and Luck aren't as stellar as a butt-kicking super-hero would suggest.
- Cannot aim shots, because of the Fast-Shot trait.
- I still have a general dislike of Super-Canines because their attacks tend to bypass defences.


OK, I got addicted to creating super-hero characters, so I completed another one tonight. Meet Angel:


She starts with the Divine Favour, Die Hard and Lifegiver perks.

Pros and cons:

+ Extremely good support character for a hard or insane difficulty squad.
+ Deadly in her own right too, as she has +10% Unarmed modifier to begin with, on top of the base value. She also has a +5 modifier to her melee damage and has a high chance of debilitating blows with her extremely high Luck attribute.
+ Super-heroic Charisma means she won't be falling behind in the ranks either. She is also inhumanly agile, which aids in getting her out of-- or even into-- tough spots if she desires to.
+ Perks every 2 levels from the beginning? Insanity!

- Melee characters still have a tendency to die horribly in Redux EQ, even if they do have backup in the form of a Goddess.
- She starts with a MINUS 100% modifier to all firearms skills.
- Low Strength, which means lower carry weight and less ability to equip heavier melee weapons unless bolstered somehow.
- Wearing power armour is considered blasphemous. Her radiance must be visible for all to admire, and you must restrain yourself from equipping her with power armour.

Here's Ram-Boo:


He's a Super Mutant that starts with the Bonehead, Stonewall and Survivalist perks.

Pros and cons:

+ Super strength to crush foes with and carry the entire planet if necessary.
+ Massive endurance in combination with strength gives him a huge health pool.
+ Cannot be knocked down or knocked out very easily, which is very inconvenient when solo.
+ The extra reach of melee weapons in Redux EQ makes up for his slight lack of mobility.

- Lacks Intelligence and Charisma, and has middling Perception and Luck.
- Only has 7 action points to start with, due to less-than-heroic Agility and the Bruiser trait.
- Will find it difficult to use Traps with a lack of sneak, and Outdoorsman isn't a great combat skill.
- Mutant armour only.





Installation: extract FOT.Hero.Chars.zip with relative paths to your FOT installation location.

Duke is the first pre-made character in the character selection screen, Ram-Boo is the third, Angel is the fourth and Lassie is the fifth.

If you absolutely must have the option of restoring the default prefab characters, then ensure you make a backup of your core folder before extracting.


v1.0 - Initial release. There were many versions prior to this, but nobody downloaded them.
v1.01 - Tweaked Nikita's attributes and backstory. Now there's an explanation as to why she's still alive and in her twenties after 160 years. Thank goodness! Also tagged Traps for Nikita instead of Lockpicking. Tagged Throwing for Ram-Boo instead of Traps. Tagged Doctor for Angel instead of Throwing.


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OK, I've replaced all the prefab characters with heroes now. I haven't written the pros and cons about them all quite yet, but you get the idea. Sorry I didn't end up with a Deathclaw among them. Haven't managed to think up a compelling idea for one yet.

I was building an unarmed char recently, and noticed that the Bonus HtH Damage perk lists +15% damage per rank but the actual effect is a horrible flat +2 dmg per rank according to the wiki. I was just wondering if you had fixed this to be +15% with the EQ mod, or if the description is still incorrect.
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I don't think it can be fixed, or at least I can't. It would sure be nice as the game has quite a few perks that don't work as they should, or at all. I can fix the description at least, dunno how it slipped me.
Hehe, oh well. I'm going to have to start a new game for the umpteenth time now, because +2 dmg is too paltry for a perk slot. I'll probably invest in Drunken Master instead, as long as that does what it says.

In the Quincy mission, the only way I seem to be able to save the generators is to kill the commander before he gets his turn and activates the countdown. If he starts the timer and I try to defuse the last satchel charge, a mysterious 'phantom' satchel charge with no blast radius will destroy the top generator regardless of which order I defuse them in.


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Thanks, I'll check it out, it might have gotten below the floor level by accident, that's usually the case with invisible objects. Or it might be under the generator.
Eventually the dogs became easy to tackle solo, as you might imagine. Unfortunately, so did the super mutants and anything else that uses small arms fire; the reason being DR. If I wear Metal Armor Mk. II and consume Voodoo & Psycho, and possibly take a rank or two of Toughness as well, then I can achieve 100%+ DR. This allows me to waltz around the super mutant maps + below with an unarmed character who expends just 3 AP per attack and absolutely demolishes enemies, because EQ has buffed fist weapon damage with the supposed caveat that you have to be very close to attack. It's pretty easy to get up close when nothing but explosives or lucky high roll crits can touch you. I don't even have to bother increasing the unarmed skill much past 100% to have a 95% chance to hit anything unless I'm blinded. That's fair enough until you look at the damage numbers and realise that small arms are a crapshoot in comparison because you need Perception 8+, skill 130%+ and Night vision to be remotely accurate at night with a gun (IMO the only way to get decent cover against enemy fire is at night) and a lot of the small arms feel very weak in comparison to unarmed, plus you need more AP to use them. Shotguns would be a great alternative to fist weapons, except they require a lot of AP to use and you need to be uncomfortably close to the enemy, where you may as well be using Unarmed attacks anyway and avoid friendly fire.

So yeah, Voodoo and Psycho need to have their DR bonus reduced to 10% or less, or a cap needs to be put on DR if possible. Power armour, Toughness and 1 drug are going to make me invincible to normal damage unless a cap is in place.

Fist weapons need their damage reduced by say... 25%? Ranged weapons (except shotguns) need their damage increased correspondingly by... 25%? Plus I don't understand why the starter shotgun needs 6 AP to shoot.
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Unfortunately, yes, the DR cap is 90% which is way too high and you can hit it with toughness and chems fairly easy. Later on enemies use energy weapons and AP ammo more which means you aren't taking gummybear damage at least from some of them. There isn't much I can do about the cap, I can make it harder to reach by reducing the increment per armor tier but power armor would really be crap then. Well, removing DR from chems at least might help delay it, I'll probably replace it with some other bonus.

Close combat weapons are admittedly a bit overtuned, if you aren't exploiting DR to the fullest it does give you a nice risk-reward factor which is needed to get people to use them, and it also makes melee enemies more than easy meat they are in vanilla.

There's a pattern, pump action shotguns and bolt action rifles spend 6AP per shot because of the cycle, semi auto shot costs 5AP, for pistols and SMG it's 4AP because a full 'shot' action also includes 'aim' and those weapons are lighter. That's also the reason SMGs typically have higher burst count than is the difference in rate of fire between them and heavier weapons, they're easier to handle so you can squeeze a few extra bullets during the same time frame.

Thanks for the all the feedback, I haven't had any from a highest difficulty playthrough.
Is the DR cap a maximum of 90% only present in the background? I'm absolutely certain I've seen 130% in the char screen and received no damage at all from the super mutants in St. Louis from LMG bursts unless they get a high rolling crit. I'm not playing on highest difficulty because you said it wasn't supported. If I use one of my hero chars it will be on higher difficulties. :P I'm just using a normal one right now to test balance and run through EQ legit.
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