Eurogamer reviews Old World Blues


Mildly Dipped
Fast as per usual, Eurogamer has reviewed Old World Blues, giving it a 9/10.<blockquote>This opening scene is incredibly funny, featuring such wonderful dialogue as "Fully erect hand penises!" and "The FORBIDDEN ZONE! Where no brain has EVER entered!", but it does drag on. Comparisons to Portal are inherent in the concept, but where Valve laced its brilliant chatter through those games so you were always doing something while being amused, Obsidian sticks with the old "locked in place, waiting to move" approach.

That blast of entertaining exposition out of the way, you're free to explore the ruined crater in which the facility sits. The plot is minimal at first, unfolding naturally as you poke around and fetch bits and pieces for Klein. Basically, one of the science brains - inevitably named Dr Mobius - has gone rogue and now fills the area with robot scorpions and beams, rambling threats at the rest of his former team. Mobius has also stolen your brain, and the radar fence surrounding the crater will kill you if you attempt to leave without retrieving it.

From there, it becomes the most open DLC yet for New Vegas. The game doesn't nudge you towards attempting the quests in any particular order, and the Big Empty crater is anything but. It's small in terms of square footage but dense in features, with 35 specific locations sprinkled across (and below) its surface. So if you'd rather poke around, discover the enticingly titled Mysterious Cave and tackle the monstrous Legendary Bloatfly, that's entirely up to you. In any other game, this would be a story-punctuating boss battle. Here it's just one of several surprises tempting you off the beaten track.

The laissez-faire approach pays dividends as the story unfolds at its own pace, filling in not only the backstory of the warring science-brains and their mountain retreat, but also other elements of the wider Mojave wasteland. There's a lot of information on Elijah, antagonist of Dead Money, and even explanations for some of the unique flora and fauna of New Vegas. If you want to know who to blame for f***ing Cazadores, this is the download for you.</blockquote>
I don't see how you could compare this to Portal, other than the Science! aspect they have nothing in common.
Courier said:
I don't see how you could compare this to Portal, other than the Science! aspect they have nothing in common.

Simple man, none of these people played Fallout 1 and 2, so when it comes to B science fiction standards they look for Portal.

What I find annoying is that they still keep giving Bethesda credit for Obsidian's good work.
For the casual observer, "whimsical AI makes you run the gauntlet through mechanical enemies" could certainly make you think of Portal.
Per said:
For the casual observer, "whimsical AI makes you run the gauntlet through mechanical enemies" could certainly make you think of Portal.

It's not AI though, it's a group of pre-war scientist's brains. They're also not making you do stuff for "testing" or to get you killed like GLaDOS, they just want to defeat their rival brain scientist.
Courier said:
It's not AI though, it's a group of pre-war scientist's brains. They're also not making you do stuff for "testing" or to get you killed like GLaDOS, they just want to defeat their rival brain scientist.

I get all my info from reading reviews, they cannot be wrong!
What if he's bad and wrong? There should be a new, stronger word for that. Like...baddong. Yes. Per is baddong. We should have the opposite of him, gnoddab.
Courier said:
Per said:
For the casual observer, "whimsical AI makes you run the gauntlet through mechanical enemies" could certainly make you think of Portal.

It's not AI though, it's a group of pre-war scientist's brains. They're also not making you do stuff for "testing" or to get you killed like GLaDOS, they just want to defeat their rival brain scientist.

Actually there are a couple mandatory segments where you have to navigate hazardous courses as part of testing being run by AI versions of the Brains.
That's not AI, that's pre-recorded messages left for you. There's a difference.
Courier said:
That's not AI, that's pre-recorded messages left for you. There's a difference.

Not really? It's still navigating a hazardous test course overseen by vindictive and inhuman science-obsessed intelligences. That's straight out of Portal, regardless of whether it's an AI or a recording of a brain in a jar.
Portal did not create the concept of scientific experimentation, other than the fact that you have to run through a hazardous test course there are no similarities.
Courier said:
Portal did not create the concept of scientific experimentation, other than the fact that you have to run through a hazardous test course there are no similarities.
So what you're saying is, other than the fact that you have to run through a hazardous test course while listening to the monologue of a deranged science-obsessed inhuman intelligence, you know, the entire premise of portal, there's no similarity?

Yeah, I guess other than the fact there are two sequences that have pretty much the same premise as portal the two games don't really have that much in common! :roll: Face it: the portal comparison is reasonable, especially since Portal 2 came out fairly recently, and I'd be surprised if it wasn't deliberate. I mean, keep in mind, there were Portal references in the core game.
When Portal 2 came out, OWB was in development already. It's very unlikely that it's in some kind of way based on Portal 2.

Pretty funny, though. For me it was clear that people will connect it with the Portal 2 release when we got the first information about the DLC.
Because Portal invented 50's Science! (where deadly ''tests'' are more or less mandatory), talking appliances, and dickish scientists, obviously. There's an influence, yes, given it's a more or less similar premise, but saying it's based on Portal is shaky at best.
The article says "comparisons with Portal", not "based on Portal".