Everyone, stand back... I just 'had fun' playing FO4.

I've just gone back to play New Vegas after a long, dreary stint with Fallout 4, and I've just confirmed that my fears of Fallout 4's technological advancements making New Vegas look bad has been banished. I usually have a habit of occasionally not being able to play previous games in a series because the sequel was too far an improvement over the old one to ever go back, no matter how much nostalgia fuel it was. This wasn't the case.

New Vegas is as great as it ever was. Better even, in comparison. I'm not sure why I ever worried. My two only gripes are the piss-poor performance, which I'm sure will be a fixed problem as soon as I install the 4GB patch, and the character creation, the sole improvement that Fallout 4 had over all the other games. Apart from that, it's back to me enjoying my stay in fabulous New Vegas.

Ah, I've missed the Mojave.
I guess after complain about a game enough times a person will just say f*ck it, turn off the brain and enjoy the mindless shooting.
Pretty much. I tend to find some level of enjoyment from a lot of different titles, even the dumbed down one's made by Bethesda. In the end, the game is mindless, fun in some ways, disappointing in others. It's not a title I will go to for a deep RPG experience, and it's not a title I see myself going back to like many others such as Baldur's Gate and Fallout.