Evil Playthrough Ideas?


Great Khan
Hey All,

So I love playing Fallout in the style of a conniving, double crossing, cap-hungry jerk who basically takes advantage of everyone for their personal game.

I'm beginning a new Evil Karma playthrough, and was looking for some good ideas, as I have already wiped out Goodsprings w/ Cobb and the gang. I holed up in NCRCF for a bit, and once the NCR got wise to Eddie's plans, they came in heavy and I had to fight my way out. I got over to Vault 19 and helped Cooke weaponize the sulfur, and got them conscripted in my personal favorite faction, the Great Khans.

This where I am at so far, and I'd love some feedback on where to go next, what companions I should use, and who I should screw over next!
Rex is a loyal companion for bad karma, ripping up Sergeant Teddy is a MUST, and maybe grabbing Lily as a companion would be good too.

Nothing says evil like taking advantage of a schizophrenic.
Go for the Hoover Dam ending where you blow up the Securitrons at the Fort, don't upgrade them and then ultimately destroy/disable the dam completely with Yes Man. Basically turns the Mojave into a dustbowl worth nothing, with countless dead and an entire war that was for nothing at all. I'd say that is about the most bitter ending you can get in New Vegas.
Go for the Hoover Dam ending where you blow up the Securitrons at the Fort, don't upgrade them and then ultimately destroy/disable the dam completely with Yes Man. Basically turns the Mojave into a dustbowl worth nothing, with countless dead and an entire war that was for nothing at all. I'd say that is about the most bitter ending you can get in New Vegas.
I learn new things about that game every fucking day.
I learn new things about that game every fucking day.

Yeah if you fuck up the Securitrons enough, in the final battle Yes Man suggests that because of how FUBAR their chances are, strategically your best option is to destroy the generators to the point they are completely irrepairable - The Dam is intact but functionally useless for power. Meaning the NCR won't have any incentive to care anymore.
That’s... cosmic levels of screwing up though. Not only is OP’s Courier going to be evil, they’re going to be HORRIBLY inept.
Go for the Hoover Dam ending where you blow up the Securitrons at the Fort, don't upgrade them and then ultimately destroy/disable the dam completely with Yes Man. Basically turns the Mojave into a dustbowl worth nothing, with countless dead and an entire war that was for nothing at all. I'd say that is about the most bitter ending you can get in New Vegas.

This is an awesome idea. I definitely plan to nuke both the Legion and NCR sides after Lonesome Road too, and probably rout the power from Helios directly to the C-Finder. What I'm really going for is maximum chaos. I'm even leaving the Fiends alone to hopefully take over Western Vegas.
@17FortuneG let Ulysses whack you upside the head with Old Glory after choosing to fight him in Lonesome Road. Maybe it’ll give context for later actions if you wanna really roleplay.
Hah. Exactly.

But in seriousness, a good “evil” action I always make sure to do is, as I said before, to tear up Sergeant Teddy at Fortification Hill. Think about it: it’s the only worldly possession that slave girl has, you get her hopes up by offering to retrieve it, and then you destroy it in front of her. Awful.

Siding with the Omertas and helping them flood the Strip with chlorine gas is also pretty bad.
"Siding with the Omertas and helping them flood the Strip with chlorine gas is also pretty bad."
Wait, you could do that? i always helping the guy with the suit so he can give me some chips.
Hahahaha, that’s one option.

But yeah, you can actually side with Big Sal and Nero by showing them Cachino’s journal, which starts its own quest line where you help them commit a major act of terror on the Strip.
To be quite honest, I could see Ulysses doing that on purpose.

I personally feel this is the best ending for New Vegas.
Hey All,

So I love playing Fallout in the style of a conniving, double crossing, cap-hungry jerk who basically takes advantage of everyone for their personal game.

I'm beginning a new Evil Karma playthrough, and was looking for some good ideas, as I have already wiped out Goodsprings w/ Cobb and the gang. I holed up in NCRCF for a bit, and once the NCR got wise to Eddie's plans, they came in heavy and I had to fight my way out.
If you really wanted to be conniving you could’ve betrayed the Powder Gangers to the NCR. Although you’d only get NCR fame for doing that.
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I personally feel this is the best ending for New Vegas.

If you really wanted to be conniving you could’ve betrayed the Powder Gangers to the NCR. Although you’d only get NCR fame for doing that.

I could never backstab the boys like that, wasteland assholes have to hold strong together to stick it to the man!

Definitely still working on trying to balance between complete detached psycho and ol' dirty waster bastard
I could never backstab the boys like that, wasteland assholes have to hold strong together to stick it to the man!

Definitely still working on trying to balance between complete detached psycho and ol' dirty waster bastard

I think playing consistently is rewarding. It's why even if I did a "Evil Legion playthrough" I wouldn't side with the Powder Gangers because it's not consistent with that type of character and that type of evil.
I think playing consistently is rewarding. It's why even if I did a "Evil Legion playthrough" I wouldn't side with the Powder Gangers because it's not consistent with that type of character and that type of evil.

I like that move a lot, they really don't line up vision-wise that's for sure, even though they are both evil factions. I've set up a home base in the Hunter's Shack, so I have 2-3 powder gangers guarding at any given time, kind of like a psuedo-safe house.
Yeah if you fuck up the Securitrons enough, in the final battle Yes Man suggests that because of how FUBAR their chances are, strategically your best option is to destroy the generators to the point they are completely irrepairable - The Dam is intact but functionally useless for power. Meaning the NCR won't have any incentive to care anymore.

Wait, what?! You can do that?!

Loooool that's like the worst ending ever. And a strange way to keep everyone off your backs - victory by insignificance.

"Let's invade New Vegas again!"

"Why? They have nothing there anymore. Nobody cares. Fuck it, let's fuck around Mexico or something. New Vegas is worthless."


Meanwhile, in Independent New Vegas:

"Yay, Victory for INDEPENDENT NEW VEGAS once again!" shouts the Courier as his agents report the latest doings on NCR. A nearby old placard falls from disrepair. "WE WON! FREEEEEEEEDOM!"

*gunshots ring. Then five people call for help. Followed by the sounds of twenty fiends running a drug-fueled train on a single woman, in the dark, because there's only electricity on mondays now*

"Yey." says the woman in-between a breather, before the twentieth one fiend shows up. Its ok, she ins't killed, because the Fiends decided to let her carry a future baby to term, so they could eat it on a dare, just to know how babies taste like.

"Oh shit, Fiends are acting up again. If only I had someone to like, help me keep the order..." says the Courier as he straps his duster on and loads his gun.
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Some of my favourites:
  • Can you find it in your heart- blow up Frank's family (never gets old when something blows up) or convince him to commit suicide at the end
  • We are the Legion- with New Vegas Uncut Forlorn Hope gets massacred afterwards, but it's still a great quest on it's own
  • Beyond the Beef- kidnap St Claire or sell Boone, Veronica or Cass to Mortimer or murder Ted and frame Heck
  • I put a spell on you- blow up the monorail and "prank" the scapegoat by pulling a pin on his grenade
  • Lonesome Road- nuke both Long 15 and Dry Wells
  • Someone to watch over me- kill the squatters, greasers and then allow Alice to kill her mother, kill Alice and pocket the 1000 caps from her mother
  • Blowing up the BoS bunker