Ex-Bethesda employee talks about Fallout 3 backlash

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Deleted member 79804

I haven't finished the interview yet. It has ups and downs but it's good overall and I recommend listening to some of it.

EDIT: The time where he starts talking about it is at 59:04, sorry for not doing that.
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Eep, almost two hours. Any specific time codes for assholes like me who can't listen to all of it?
You should give a warning. I am one of those people who would get triggered by, "SALUTATIONS!".

Anyone can give a TL;DR?
It is 2 hours long and from Mr.MattyPlays. He called Fallout 4 "a near perfect game." I have some boring office work to do but I still think that I should listen to it in chipmunk mode.
Yeah, MrMattyShills says it at the start of every video, gets tedious fast and made me stop using the word entirely, even for lulz.
Sorry, I gave up. Also, the ex-Bethesda guy is working on the System Shock remake. A lot of red flags here. My patience hasn't been tested this hard since I listened to someone defending EA's business model. This image is why AAA games look so much alike.
Updated my post with the time in the interview where he talks about it, sorry about that. At 59:04 he describes threats of murder and bomb threats that were sent to Bethesda and that it was the first time in their company's history when they had to actually hire security.
The Ex-Bethesda dude sounds like a complete asshat. "I played the game, though I don't like playing video games" and then that's when when it hit me: Why the fuck are you even in this job? Fallout 3 is a complete mess and you enjoy it? Sounds like someone who refuses to accept criticism on a game they worked on.
The Ex-Bethesda dude sounds like a complete asshat. "I played the game, though I don't like playing video games" and then that's when when it hit me: Why the fuck are you even in this job? Fallout 3 is a complete mess and you enjoy it? Sounds like someone who refuses to accept criticism on a game they worked on.
Most people in this society just do what they do for money. Not because they are passionate for something. I imagine working for Bethesda pays well and gets you some nice benefits. But yeah, I get what you are saying. It would be nice if people like this don't end up working on video games. It would be better for us gamers if the people who work on games are people who have a passion for games. Like with Interplay. By gamers, for gamers. :)
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I think this interview basically proves everything we thought Bethesda thinks what Fallout is about: Brand recognition. "Lol, it has Mr.handys, BoS, Enclave. This is Fallout!!1!"
Isn't Chris Avellone in on that, though?
I hated the critical acclaimed Bioshock series. Bioshock is a good representation of everything wrong modern game design. I never played System Shock but remaking an old game after its overrated spiritual successor gets near universal critical acclaim means that would likely get overhauled to fit the dogma.
Honestly, when he talks about how the hate of Fallout 3 comes from peoples passion of the series, it hit really close to home. He was willing to openly accept that people have valid reasons to dislike Fallout 3/4, and he very well explained my dislike for Bethesda after what they did to Fallout, yet at the same time he still doesn't think that they are bad games.

I honestly have lots of respect for this guy.
I hated the critical acclaimed Bioshock series. Bioshock is a good representation of everything wrong modern game design. I never played System Shock but remaking an old game after its overrated spiritual successor gets near universal critical acclaim means that would likely get overhauled to fit the dogma.

I am completely with you. I absolutely despised Infinite for pretty much every reason imaginable & I didn't even pay a dime for it (free on PSN). But my brother, you need to play System Shock 2. It is absolutely riveting (final boss fight is a bit "wat?" but still). If the graphics are too much of an eye sore for you there are plenty of mods out there that make it look nice, crisp & clean. For your own sake, experience the game. I sincerely hope the "remake" exclusively updates the visuals. Nothing more, nothing less.

Honestly, when he talks about how the hate of Fallout 3 comes from peoples passion of the series, it hit really close to home. He was willing to openly accept that people have valid reasons to dislike Fallout 3/4, and he very well explained my dislike for Bethesda after what they did to Fallout, yet at the same time he still doesn't think that they are bad games.

I honestly have lots of respect for this guy.

Yeah, at least he understands our viewpoint. He's obviously not a gamer himself, so him enjoying Fallout 3 I can understand (heck, when I manage to forget it's supposed to be Fallout, I actually almost enjoy F3 for a brief period of time). I mean, death threats are just wrong, what is wrong with these people? But that he can understand despite something so absolutely ridiculous as having his life threatened over fiction, that's very respectable.
I sincerely hope the "remake" exclusively updates the visuals. Nothing more, nothing less.
Like I said, I never played System Shock and I think that old games have plenty of their own problems. I wouldn't mind if FO1/2 get remade by someone competent. However, I loathe Bioshock 1 and people told me that Bioshock: Infinite ruined the series. I genuinely think that Bioshock 1 would be better off being repurposed as an arcade rail shooter. When standards don't go up, they go down.
I think this interview basically proves everything we thought Bethesda thinks what Fallout is about: Brand recognition. "Lol, it has Mr.handys, BoS, Enclave. This is Fallout!!1!"
We knew that before FO3 shipped. They cherry picked notable aspects from the IP [even when it didn't make sense canon-wise], and draped it like a dirty cloak over their
Oblivion 2.0 franken-shooter; to get their "Fallout ~3". :deal:

Beyond that the two products [Fallout, and FO3] were in nearly all ways unrelated.

**Except FO3 did have some decent art direction for (what little there was of) the wasteland.
Most people in this society just do what they do for money. Not because they are passionate for something. I imagine working for Bethesda pays well and gets you some nice benefits. But yeah, I get what you are saying. It would be nice if people like this don't end up working on video games. It would be better for us gamers if the people who work on games are people who have a passion for games. Like with Interplay. By gamers, for gamers. :)
Eh, I would not even say that they earn THAT much, or that they get some huge benefits. Why don't you see many 50 or 60 year old game developers and designers? The industry is wasting them, and that very fast.
I have absolutely no clue what it is like in Bethesda, but I can only imagine that they are not to different from the typical industry standard and what large/medium sized corporations do. So, in other words anyone on the lower end of the food chain, is probably pretty fucked. Particularly, beacuse you have an endless tream of people that want to get in this industry, as they believe that they work on something exciting that is not a usual 8 to 9 hour job that will suck the life out of you. I mean look at their offices! They have a gym! A bar even! And it's like family down there! Well, it has to be ... since you will spend more time there then you do with your family. You should really google crunch-time and game development in google. Kinda depressing.