Fallout 1.5: Resurrection

i have tried to install it but this time i did not touch sfall configurator or f2-res-config.
i've applied recommendation from @gustarballs1983 and it started works like it should.

thanks :)
Is that gonna be an actual thing or are you just being optimistic?

Dude.. don't be dense I was not talking about the official version, I was talking about Russian releases, the ones by Pyran or Foxx.. ocasionally they make a new release witrh an updated sfall, and also update some of the included mods to latest versions.. That's what I was talking about. It's kind of obvious the folks frm madbrahmin dot cz, aint going to do shit about this game anymore.
Can the launcher (forex.exe) be replaced with just the configs that are available in the new sfalls? Anybody knows? If not, which parts of the launcher would be missing?
It's possible to ditch the launcher, but you need at least one global script to do the memory patching, or elevators.ini, perks.ini, and a global script for proper replacement.
It's possible to ditch the launcher, but you need at least one global script to do the memory patching, or elevators.ini, perks.ini, and a global script for proper replacement.
Can you pm me the source code for the launcher? I assume it shouldn't be difficult to adopt it to the elevators.ini/perks.ini structure even for nonmodders.
It'd would be also nice to ditch fores.dat loading via HRP and load it via sfall.
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Dude.. don't be dense I was not talking about the official version, I was talking about Russian releases, the ones by Pyran or Foxx.. ocasionally they make a new release witrh an updated sfall, and also update some of the included mods to latest versions.. That's what I was talking about. It's kind of obvious the folks frm madbrahmin dot cz, aint going to do shit about this game anymore.
There was an update on the 15th of November, too bad I can't read it.
Interesting with the bug fixes! We should have a version of that with the English translation but without the Fallout 2 game files.
Well from the looks of it, I'd say the main feature is an updated sfall5 plus a new shader filter.
those blurr effects are already present in Foxx's Fo:Sonora 1.11+, besides this, the rest a.k.a Inventory Filter, Party Orders add-on, are already included in an existing release by _Pyran_ the one with Vault shelers add-on. as to what I'm aware _Pyran_'s release is also bundled with sfall-extended ( a predecessor of sfall5 by Mr.Stalin).

Just remember to kick Sfall Configurator to recyclebin and empty it before anything else, that's one shady application right there, my antivirus doesn't speak fondly of it either.
the nasty stuf in it is well hidden, likely encrypted a few times, as it is only when i open the app and get to the last tab AV turns the panic mode on.

Sfall5 can now be downloaded from Mr.Stalin's gitflic account,( the link is on sfall extended's github page), It's where he moved his toys after the outrage. anyways it is possible to download his releases from gitflic now even without registration. So it is only the matter of copying over .dll and scripts, and toying with the .ini files, easy enaugh if someone knows what he's doing. It just takes time.
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Just remember to kick Sfall Configurator to recyclebin and empty it before anything else, that's one shady application right there, my antivirus doesn't speak fondly of it either.
the nasty stuf in it is well hidden, likely encrypted a few times, as it is only when i open the app and get to the last tab AV turns the panic mode on.

Sfall5 can now be downloaded from Mr.Stalin's gitflic account,( the link is on sfall extended's github page), It's where he moved his toys after the outrage. anyways it is possible to download his releases from gitflic now even without registration. So it is only the matter of copying over .dll and scripts, and toying with the .ini files, easy enaugh if someone knows what he's doing. It just takes time.
Are you on Windows? It seems like everything comes with sfall configurator, Nevada, Sonora, and this. Didn't Mr. Stalin make sfall configurator?

Also what outrage? I'm not familiar with this and I don't want to be telling people about this stuff if it will get them hacked.

I deleted my post, I don't want anyone having problems because of my post.
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Are you on Windows? It seems like everything comes with sfall configurator, Nevada, Sonora, and this. Didn't Mr. Stalin make sfall configurator?

Also what outrage? I'm not familiar with this and I don't want to be telling people about this stuff if it will get them hacked.

I deleted my post, I don't want anyone having problems because of my post.

It's because You're a rookie here..

Few days before Russian invasion to Ukraine Mr.Stalin was a frequently visiting member here, but one day he snapped and said something among the lines that "Ukrainians and US soldiers are nazis and they all need to die". and that "nobody supporting US will use the stuff he made"... and he deleted his account here and on github afterwards.

ad pulled his toys from western sites.. now his stuff always triggered antiviruses, but given the circumstances, it's best to be carefull with his stuff.

Anyways there's nothing You can't set in ddraw.ini manually that you can do with SfallConfigurator. so it's best to dump that bloatware to recyclebin, especially that as i said the last tab trigers a ongoing live threat event in my AV.

so as i said.
I'm playing (for the first time) Fallout 1.5: Resurrection v1.5.116 + sfall v4.4.1. All quests from first 2 locations (Last Hope + Rat Hole) are done without any game crashes or glitches. Everything seems to be working fine so far.


  • fores.png
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Awesome mod, felt like a completely new Fallout game. Though companions seemed one dimensional, Keri is a baddie and that Daughter of the Imperial doctor is a goodie.
@gustarballs1983 @NovaRain I'm not able get Crimson Caravan/New Hope Quest although I spoke with Helen at the beggining. Where could be a problem? Still playing v1.5.116 + sfall v4.4.1. Do you guys know which GVAR is associated with this particular quest so I can activate it manually at least? Thank you for feedback.

EDIT: I uploaded screenshot from F2Eexplorer when you can see GVAR_NH_OVERPRODUCTION set to 1, so I definitelly spoke with Helen.


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so calling 'ol tarballs to the classroom board eh?

First of all the Conversation with helen is just a first step towards achiving what you want.

the first step is to of course speak with Helen in New Hope about surplus food. next you need to take the quest from one of the bums in tents in new haven about delivering the letter to his family in rat hole. proceed and deliver the leter. wait for the family member in rat hole to write a reply and promise to take it to new hope. Next this is important do *not* deliver the response to new hope yet. it will serve as a proof that the village exists, otherwise Demetree won't belive you. And yes Once you reach sedit and visit little hub district, you need to speak with demetre first in order to get the quest. the lines you pick are crucial to get the quest, although i don't remember the specifics. it was something about Crimson caravan beeing the best and why is it the best, and next Demetree asks of You, and you tell him your story. Demetree wil nod on the info about village with surplus and a letter to one of the residents as proof ( so the letter is possibly mandatory for this quest to show up), next up caravan driver will have this quest ready for taking. travel to new hope for an agreement talk with helen agin ( you may give the reply letter to the bum as well now). next come back to Cimson caravan driver, and if i remember correctly be asked to drive a caravan to that place, and return. after that you'll get the usual quests. However this time the brahmin fodder quest can be negotiated even further down, once per speech, once by tackilng mantis in the garden and once by speech by providing info on promoting brahmin fodder to new teritory ( as Crimson now deals with new hope). this gives you a measly bonus of extra 100 caps on top of previious negotiations and Pete can go as low as 100 caps per fodder pack. i think that's all there is to it.

Awesome mod, felt like a completely new Fallout game. Though companions seemed one dimensional, Keri is a baddie and that Daughter of the Imperial doctor is a goodie.

If you're tired wit your companions or the weapons they can use, and or how sucky they are with them, try DeKRuS's F2_mechanics_mini_rework, and especially the part where you could pass the skillbook knowledge to your companions.
additionally there's an option so you can configure each book to give secondary skill..
Guns and Bullets for Small Guns and Big Guns
First Aid Book for First Aid and Doctor
Dean's Electronics for repair and Traps ( basics of mechanics)
Big Book of Science for Science and Energy Weapons
Scount's Handbook for Outdoorsman and Sneak ( life in the wild is about avoinding danger and being cautius and quiet to both not alert anything of your presence and to be able to hear more).
skill combo plus the ability to give skillbook bonuses to your companions, plus passing few crucial perks to your companions in ControCombat Mode=2, can turn your party from weaksauce meatshields, into viable damage dealers. You could give a Big Gun to Keri and either a Big Gun or Small Gun to Lystra ( Lystra could equip Big Guns provided she wears Power Armor there is enaugh PA's in the game for her to wear one).
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so calling 'ol tarballs to the classroom board eh?

First of all the Conversation with helen is just a first step towards achiving what you want.

the first step is to of course speak with Helen in New Hope about surplus food. next you need to take the quest from one of the bums in tents in new haven about delivering the letter to his family in rat hole. proceed and deliver the leter. wait for the family member in rat hole to write a reply and promise to take it to new hope. Next this is important do *not* deliver the response to new hope yet. it will serve as a proof that the village exists, otherwise Demetree won't belive you. And yes Once you reach sedit and visit little hub district, you need to speak with demetre first in order to get the quest. the lines you pick are crucial to get the quest, although i don't remember the specifics. it was something about Crimson caravan beeing the best and why is it the best, and next Demetree asks of You, and you tell him your story. Demetree wil nod on the info about village with surplus and a letter to one of the residents as proof ( so the letter is possibly mandatory for this quest to show up), next up caravan driver will have this quest ready for taking. travel to new hope for an agreement talk with helen agin ( you may give the reply letter to the bum as well now). next come back to Cimson caravan driver, and if i remember correctly be asked to drive a caravan to that place, and return. after that you'll get the usual quests. However this time the brahmin fodder quest can be negotiated even further down, once per speech, once by tackilng mantis in the garden and once by speech by providing info on promoting brahmin fodder to new teritory ( as Crimson now deals with new hope). this gives you a measly bonus of extra 100 caps on top of previious negotiations and Pete can go as low as 100 caps per fodder pack. i think that's all there is to it.
@gustarballs1983 Thank you. I tried saved game from beginning of the game and it worked exactly how you described.

If you're tired wit your companions or the weapons they can use, and or how sucky they are with them, try DeKRuS's F2_mechanics_mini_rework, and especially the part where you could pass the skillbook knowledge to your companions.
additionally there's an option so you can configure each book to give secondary skill..
Guns and Bullets for Small Guns and Big Guns
First Aid Book for First Aid and Doctor
Dean's Electronics for repair and Traps ( basics of mechanics)
Big Book of Science for Science and Energy Weapons
Scount's Handbook for Outdoorsman and Sneak ( life in the wild is about avoinding danger and being cautius and quiet to both not alert anything of your presence and to be able to hear more).
skill combo plus the ability to give skillbook bonuses to your companions, plus passing few crucial perks to your companions in ControCombat Mode=2, can turn your party from weaksauce meatshields, into viable damage dealers. You could give a Big Gun to Keri and either a Big Gun or Small Gun to Lystra (Lystra could equip Big Guns provided she wears Power Armor there is enaugh PA's in the game for her to wear one).
@gustarballs1983 Thank you for mention DeKRuS's F2_mechanics_mini_rework mode. I will definitelly use them during my 2nd run of Fallout 1.5: Resurrection. I also discovered EcCo Gameplay Overhaul mod, which looks really promissing.