Fallout 2 mod Fallout 1 in Fallout 2

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The interface issue above is because the game has the wrong graphic. You are using Fo1's loot interface with Fo2, which doesn't work (as seen in your screenshot). You copy&pasted the whole art folder from the Fo1 master.dat, which is something you should not do, as I have written above. You also should *not* copy&paste the whole sound folder. Only sound/SPEECH/. Otherwise the game can get crashy again.

Other than that, the game can be installed like any other Fallout 2 mod. The repo folder is actually already setup like that. It already works if you just drag&drop Fallout 2's master.dat and critter.dat file into the Fallout2/ folder.
The interface issue above is because the game has the wrong graphic. You are using Fo1's loot interface with Fo2, which doesn't work (as seen in your screenshot). You copy&pasted the whole art folder from the Fo1 master.dat, which is something you should not do, as I have written above. You also should *not* copy&paste the whole sound folder. Only sound/SPEECH/. Otherwise the game can get crashy again.

Other than that, the game can be installed like any other Fallout 2 mod. The repo folder is actually already setup like that. It already works if you just drag&drop Fallout 2's master.dat and critter.dat file into the Fallout2/ folder.

Oh sorry I missed the bit about only 'heads' from the art bit, that probably explains the other errors I have been having! My bad!!

Followers work now and so does the container buttons. The default settings of followers still seem to be wrong but that seems to be a bit of a mirror bug.
Also don't forget to set the proto folder as read only, otherwise the game will delete the files and critter stats will be all messed up.
Also don't forget to set the proto folder as read only, otherwise the game will delete the files and critter stats will be all messed up.

Did that one ok! Game works really well so far, got the water chip back and that bike is an awesome addon!

Is there a reason why it says when I try to trade with Ian that 'This critter can't carry anything' I also can't steal from him or use stims on him either...

Is it an installation error at my end again?

Just to note Tycho also is a 'she' seems like all the part member details don't match the correct PID or something?



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Smells like messed up proto files again. Delete the proto folder, take latest files from the repo and don't forget to set them all to read only again. Then try again.

PS: There is a bug with party members when they level up. They will holster their weapons and likely not attack anymore. You'll have to talk to them and tell them to use their best weapon to reset this.
This bug is likely related to the party member armor mod. Don't know how to fix this.
Really? I don't remember. In any case, level up seems to break them, until it either randomly fixes itself or you talk to them and tell them to use their best weapon.
The companion control interface shows they still have a weapon in their hands, but the critter animation is unarmed. Same happens sometimes the other way around: Critter has a weapon in his hands, but the companion interface shows "None".
Smells like messed up proto files again. Delete the proto folder, take latest files from the repo and don't forget to set them all to read only again. Then try again.

PS: There is a bug with party members when they level up. They will holster their weapons and likely not attack anymore. You'll have to talk to them and tell them to use their best weapon to reset this.
This bug is likely related to the party member armor mod. Don't know how to fix this.

Ok so reinstalled all the data and Protos and still no good, weird thing is in the mapper if I press F8 and make it test the map then Ian works correctly, as in he is not an 'it' and I can trade with him, also he has the correct stats i.e. 200 carry weight and best start skill is unarmed.

Does this shed any more light on the issue?
Not really. Like said, we played through the game multiple times already and such issues did not appear. What might have happened is that with borked protos the party member leveled up and now it's written in the savegame? I have no idea. In any case, I don't think there is anything I can do to fix this.

Needs to be seen if the same stuff happens once we make an official release and put this stuff into a *.dat file.

The only thing I can reproduce is that the Mr Handy party member says "there is not enough room" if you are using the stealing skill on it. Meanwhile everything works via barter interface.
I have no idea what is causing this.

/Edit: Blast from the past. Back when it was still "left hand / right hand" and not "slot 1 / slot 2" :D

Apparently the code for this survived up into Fo2.
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Not really. Like said, we played through the game multiple times already and such issues did not appear. What might have happened is that with borked protos the party member leveled up and now it's written in the savegame? I have no idea. In any case, I don't think there is anything I can do to fix this.

Needs to be seen if the same stuff happens once we make an official release and put this stuff into a *.dat file.

The only thing I can reproduce is that the Mr Handy party member says "there is not enough room" if you are using the stealing skill on it. Meanwhile everything works via barter interface.
I have no idea what is causing this.

/Edit: Blast from the past. Back when it was still "left hand / right hand" and not "slot 1 / slot 2" :D

Apparently the code for this survived up into Fo2.

Things like this happened mostly to party members when leveled up by a level, they *holster* the weapon by putting it in to the other weapon slot, hence the no weapon in npc interface, however newer sfall does remember 'remember last weapon slot used' even for party members. so when using two weapons in CombatControl=2 after level up one weapon goes into inventory and equipped one goes to second slot ( if last_used_other_slot) then party member visually wields previously equipped weapon and has set none in the interface. You get double weapon simply by ordering them to equip best weapon. The weapon then gets streched over two slots. Just remember that Party members use the *kick* slot for use_best_weapon and *punch* slot beeing the holster slot. at least that's what i noticed during Fo2 play on various sfall versions with ControlCombat=2 option or more modern equivalent of it.

Anyways got some free time for testing, so a quick tutorial on how to set everything correctly would come in handy. Last time I remember using tortoisesvn was around a decade ago with Jagged Alliance 2 v1.13. So i guess I require to lern everrything from scratch.
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Anyways got some free time for testing, so a quick tutorial on how to set everything correctly would come in handy. Last time I remember using tortoisesvn was around a decade ago with Jagged Alliance 2 v1.13. So i guess I require to lern everrything from scratch.

If you'll wait a tiny bit longer, there is going to be an official release ~likely~ soon™
If you'll wait a tiny bit longer, there is going to be an official release ~likely~ soon™

Nah.. I think I've managed to set it up correctly. download took only 15min or so, so it's not like it's the end of the world. Most trouble i had was extracting those required art/heads and sound/speech/* from Fo1 master.dat I couldn't be bothered to do this via command prompt so i used klinglon academy dat extractor. it has a GUI, however it extracted everything into one place so i had to do it a second time creating folders & putting everything in correct folder.

Gonna give it a try after i chow something down.
I have rev.455

Yep I know that but might be so that @Lexx applied weapon choice other way around ( He choose punch slot as main weapon slot instead of kick slot for NPCs) and the bug might have returned.. at least screenshot says so.
The only thing I can reproduce is that the Mr Handy party member says "there is not enough room" if you are using the stealing skill on it. Meanwhile everything works via barter interface.
I have no idea what is causing this.
When body type in the proto is set to robotic, stealing is disabled. I guess since it only applies to robots, the devs couldn't be bothered setting up a designated flag for it, like they did with barter.
You're right. Barter works, but stealing from robots is indeed not possible.
I'm guessing some Sfall magic could solve this?

Yep I know that but might be so that @Lexx applied weapon choose other way around ( He choce punch slot as main weapon slot instead of kick slot for NPCs)
I didn't modify anything related to party critters for as far as I am aware right now. I'm also not directly controlling them - they can remain their own boss on my time.
Got it all working properly.

Spotted a proper bug.


Pretty sure that response doesn't go there! Think it should be [Done] or something here.
Did you update the scripts recently or is it still from a few days ago?
Because I'm pretty sure we fixed this already.
Did you update the scripts recently or is it still from a few days ago?
Because I'm pretty sure we fixed this already.

Probably out of date then to be there as I've not redownloaded scripts recently. Also notice the woman who runs the crash house decides to go for a walk off the edge of the map. She never comes back! lol apparently she doesn't like running the crash house and quits. Anyway kind of annoying coz it stops you doing one of the quests.

Don't suppose that one has been fixed recently?
Never seen that bug before. Does that also happen in Fo1 (with Fixt)?
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