Fallout 2, my starter character


First time out of the vault
I did quite a bit of research to finally get the best starter character I could want.

Note: I personally think and feel convicted about stealing, or lying or literally doing anything evil in the game because it I don't look at the game but my thoughts... my thoughts don't change while playing a game, just because it in a video game world doesn't mean it's ok in my book. There's a clear different from pointing to something and saying... "Oh it's just a game" and doing something in the game and it being clearly not ONLY part of the game but easily part of your thoughts and way of thinking.

So as a result, I didn't tag Lock picking which seemed ideal. Anyways here's my character, I want some second thoughts on him, but taking note that I will attempt to do only good things and choices.

Also, note, about stealing this means I won't take things even if the AI lets me... like say a guy is in his house.. and I can look through the shelfs and he wouldnt care one bit. I think that's still stealing. The karma shows it taking a negative affect and I know it because God clearly talks about it and says no to it in the Bible.

That being said, here is my character

Difficulty, highest both in game and combat

5 - Strength once I get the power armor, it's ok and I wont be a pack rat with lots of things to store
9- Perception its a great combat stat, and great for random encounters
6 - Endurance I don't see it as too necessary, but like the hit points and healing rate turns into 2
4 - Charisma I don't think it's too valuable, it seems like from what I read it's mainly for how many companions you want, 2 is enough
10 - Intelligence exp points to counter gifted, dialogue options <3
8 - Agility Action points <3 , and to counter gifted with exp points
5 - Luck I know it helps a little in a lot, but I prefer to rely on strategy and skill then luck ;) but I DID consider it, and I know it's useful, thus it's a 5 and not a 4 anymore. Also... 5 means luck has a nuetral affect and I think that's perfect because I sorta hate the idea of luck, I'd much rather rely on strategy and skill ;) so I won't change it from 5.

Optional traits

Fast Shot


Small guns ... since I won't be looking through shelfs to find those guns and bullets magazines lying around for free and I predict it'll be great, short - medium game and who knows even a lil to end game, with my 10 Intelligence, I think I'll have experience points to invest in in Big Guns or Energy Weapons after I find a sweet spot to stop putting exp. points in Small guns and start investing in other combat, like Big guns and Energy Weapons.

Doctor - Healing and broken limbs to keep me alive and not have to rely so heavily on stimpacks, except in combat

Speech - We use this what... most of the game.

So any suggestions would be great... I barely started my game and I can restart to make some changes.

**** Note I edited some stats, changed luck to 5, and Agility to 8 since it gives mejust about 9 Action points and changed Endurance to 6, because of hit points, end game it'll stack up. *******

Also I've played Fallout 2 several times but I'm finally going to try to pass it this time.

hmmmm looking over this I don't know if I can make improvements, stats look good but maybe change tagged skills or optional traits to maximize the characters potential, idk
I would drop Int to 9 and put that point into Agility.

lol @ mentioning The Bible. (no personal attack intended, just seems out of place for a video game)

Anyway besides moving that one stat point everything else is good.
Languorous_Maiar said:
...I personally always set agility fo 10.

That's a waste. Get Agility 9, and then get the Perk further down the line to increase it to 10. Same goes for Fallout 1 (except buy implant instead).
Wasting perk for 1 point in special?
It's better to take one point less in endurance.
And in Fallout 1 it makes sense, because treatment in BoS, but in Fallout 2 there is nothing natural to increase agility.
With "Gifted"
S - 5
P - 8 (no need to be higher)
E - 5
C - 5
I - 9
A - 8
L - 7

Best. For me.
Languorous_Maiar said:
Wasting perk for 1 point in special?
It's better to take one point less in endurance.
And in Fallout 1 it makes sense, because treatment in BoS, but in Fallout 2 there is nothing natural to increase agility.
I had forgotten that difference between the two. In that case yeah, max Agility from the start.
There's many things that need fixing, to be honest.

For one thing, I wouldn't be NEARLY as passive as Sduibek was in commenting about bringing up the Bible. That was wholly out of place, and immoral of you. Yes, immoral. Having a morality not because you've taken personal consideration into something and decided it for yourself, but because someone- or something -else told you to is really, really immoral. I say this in the same sense how you brought up not stealing or lying just because it's a game. I too feel human beings are human beings, despite the medium they're projecting themselves through. That being said, object to these things because YOU feel that they're wrong, not because of the Bible. And this is coming from a Christian, by the way.

As for the stats and skills. You colored Lockpick as a universally bad thing; which I think is a mistake. Much of the game takes place in neutral territory, but there ARE sections that are populated by very, VERY bad people. Would you honestly let horrible people corner you and murder you, because they have misguided, elitist, bigoted beliefs, when you could very well escape by picking a lock to save your life? Don't be blind to reality. The skills are not good or bad; it's how you USE them that is. So I'd say you should put that Tag back on Lockpick, pronto!

Disclaimer: When I mention how many times you can upgrade a given stat, I'm IGNORING Perks. I feel "Gain ..." Perks are a waste of a Perk.

5 ST is perfect, keep it that way.
9 PE is a little much, but not bad.
I think you're underestimating the usefulness of companions, but if you're dead-set on going solo, or fine with just 2, then 4 will do you...

EN and the derived HP you get from it (Resistances are worth crap) are a matter of benefit over time. It's certainly a stat you MUST keep even, because you won't benefit from it being odd. But the difference between 4 EN and 10 EN, let alone 6 EN, is miniscule, and won't show any appreciable improvement for you until much, much later on in the game. By then, your armor will matter much much more than your total HP. So lose some of that EN. I'd suggest 4, but even 2 will more than get you by.

This is in complete contrast to AG. ABSOLUTELY get no less than 8, if you can't spare any more points, but other than that, 10 is highly, HIGHLY recommended!

You can boost IN either once or twice, depending on your choices, so your starting IN should NEVER be higher than 9. If you really don't want to boost LK, then your starting IN should be 8 (because the upgrades are mutually exclusive, and one of the possible IN boosts comes with a LK boost, too).

Like it or not, luck is a very real thing. The LK stat is just as important as actual, tangible luck. Strategy can go wrong, PURELY out of bad luck, so don't knock it. You'll also want some of the random encounters, and many of them just WILL NOT trigger with less than 6 LK. I strongly recommend no less than this, even if you firmly dislike the notion of "getting by on luck".

Fast Shot is an EXCELLENT starting Trait. More experienced players might opt for something else, like Small Frame, for example, but the benefits from picking Fast Shot for a player who's yet to beat the game CANNOT be overstated. Same with Gifted; excellent choice.

So, to recap, redistribute some of your points. Take a couple from EN, IN, and give them to CH, AG, and LK.
I like your sig, interesting points.

Although, let's avoid getting into an argument about religion/philosophy please, those go downhill really fast. There's a reason some forums flat-out ban any and all threads & posts discussing religion, politics and philosophy.

Bottom line, people play different, even people who RP usually RP differently from each other, and for some that means playing like they would in real life. I don't get it, but an old friend of mine does that. He never does unwarranted "bad" stuff in games because he would never in real life either.

Some good points about the stats. I didn't recall that about Endurance either... interesting.
Sduibek said:
Bottom line, people play different, even people who RP usually RP differently from each other, and for some that means playing like they would in real life. I don't get it, but an old friend of mine does that. He never does unwarranted "bad" stuff in games because he would never in real life either.
I kept HIS intentions of RPing in mind, however (or at least, assuming I understood his intentions). I agree very strongly with his take on not lying, stealing, breaking-and-entering, etc, and when I first played FO2, I did just that. Consequently it was beating me like a red-headed step child because of it! I simply felt that picking a lock on an ancient, long-forgotten door that no longer belongs to ANYONE can't be colored as good or bad. Similarly, I couldn't see that unlocking a door that was locked by an arguably "evil" presence to save a life (your own) would be bad either. Or unlocking a door that someone gave you permission to, yet lost the key for. So these were examples of using the Lockpick skill, in a "good" way, without being a "bad" person who steals from others- picking locks being another form of stealing, the theft of privacy and safety. I simply felt he was overlooking that you can be a good person who doesn't steal from others or pick their locks, yet still have a genuine use for Lockpicking.

As far as religion/morality/philosophy, I said what I set out to, concisely, not intending for it to go on any further from there. =)
My basic character, kinda boring:

S: 6
P: 7
E: 4
C: 7
I: 7
A: 8
L: 1

Yeah, bad luck. I know. And subpar endurance.

Tagged: Small Guns, Outdoorsman (Fallout 2)/Speech (Fallout 1), Steal

Traits: Finesse, Chem Resistant.

I'm sure I'm making a lot of noob mistakes. Whatever.
DAP Build

this is the DAP build
Strength: 5
Perception: 10
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 10
Agility: 10
Luck: 2

Gifted, Fast Shot

Big Guns, Steal, Doctor
SealyStar said:
My basic character, kinda boring:

S: 6
P: 7
E: 4
C: 7
I: 7
A: 8
L: 1

Yeah, bad luck. I know. And subpar endurance.

Tagged: Small Guns, Outdoorsman (Fallout 2)/Speech (Fallout 1), Steal

amount of
Traits: Finesse, Chem Resistant.

I'm sure I'm making a lot of noob mistakes. Whatever.

I find steal in Fallout 2 a lot better for money, and in Fallout getting an astronomical amount of stimpacks.
Interesting that you both go with low Luck. My favorite in terms of that, is max Perception and max Luck, combined with a tagged weapon skill and Jinxed -- basically, enemies will critical fail and even kill themselves (!) all the time, and you'll do just fine almost all the time. It's fun.

And yeah, I forgot how awesome tagging Outdoorsman is in Fallout 2. If only Fallout 1 had the option to avoid encounters like that...
Sduibek said:
Interesting that you both go with low Luck. My favorite in terms of that, is max Perception and max Luck, combined with a tagged weapon skill and Jinxed -- basically, enemies will critical fail and even kill themselves (!) all the time, and you'll do just fine almost all the time. It's fun.

And yeah, I forgot how awesome tagging Outdoorsman is in Fallout 2. If only Fallout 1 had the option to avoid encounters like that...

Oh, I know. What does Outdoorsman even do in FO1?
Per said:
Sduibek said:
SealyStar said:
Oh, I know. What does Outdoorsman even do in FO1?
Changes to non-combat encounters like dehydration and rockfall.

Isn't that the Ranger perk?
I'll check when I'm at my computer, but I believe no -- Ranger removes certain types of encounters (there are six possible for each world map "zone" -- whereas Outdoorsman is checked to see how long you take to look for water and that sort of thing, if you get such an encounter.
Ah, I interpreted your post to say "Changes [combat encounters] to non-combat encounters".