Killap thanks for all your work and dedication

I have loved rediscovering Fallout 2. It's been like falling in love all over again
Unfortunately, I too suffer from the EPA elevator-to-nowhere. I do not know if the following will help or not:
hardware: AMD Athlon 64 processor, 1GHz, 768M RAM, Win XP Home Edition w/SP2
Fallout 2: Humongous install, unpatched, no other mods (do I really need them if I've got yours

) Originally was Hum. + Official 1.02 patch, but see #7 below.
Things I noticed that
might help:
1. In the F2RP Gameplay forum someone mentioned an alternate way to enter, a mad scientist found along the outside edge of the surface map (up and left) - no such critter that I could find, no bridge, nothing. So...guy was blowing smoke or that part is missing from my install. Or I misinterpretted what he was saying as to where the mad scientist is.
2. While moving the cursor to scroll around modded maps often the screen will 'stick' or not scroll properly. At times the movement it limited to 2-hex-up/2-hex-over/2-up-2-over...until it passes the something it "hanged" on then it works fine. Yes, hanged is for people, but

Other times I can only scroll either horizontally
or vertcally to an edge but not both.
3. I don't have the mapper or it's patch installed. (Don't think that matters, but...<shrug>)
4. I get the same error msg as others, though the memory addr occassionally varies. Out of 18 times I've only been able to actually read the msg 4 times. The rest of them it's been hidden by the black screen.
5. With the first 2 crashes Task Manager showed a prog called dmwin running, and it was actually that prog (in a window) which gave me the error msg. DMWIN shows as malware (since removed). I wondered if it had corrupted files...clean reinstall per dice.
6. The Sublevel or elevator chosen don't matter.
7. The problem seems independent of PC/NPCs/equipment carried. Not all variations check, just: initial discovery (~lvl15 w/Vic, Cassidy, Dogmeat, Myron and a bunch of gear and car); solo (8th and 24th level via FALCHE2, both empty handed and usual gear - gear left a New Reno, including car); only with Cassidy; only w/Dogmeat and a Gauss Pistol.
8. I was going to try other combos but F2IE2 (the inventory editor) won't run - it says it can't open any of my /data/savegame/slot**/save.dat files
9. Time of day doesn't seem to matter. I've tried morning, noon, and midnight.
Again, don't know if any of this can help in tracking down what's happening, or if it'll end up just a bunch of extra crap for you to read (my wife's in school so I understand that sentiment
