Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

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killap said:
You might have the newest one from Feb 22. Some of the bugs reported might have been for the original 1.1 release.

True, forgot bout that :-))))

I have the newest, downloaded it a few days ago... But shouldn't those bugs from the old version be removed from the Wiki page?
Slowhand said:
Elitech said:
I don't know if it's a bug, BUT - I couldn't get the "get 3-step-plasma -transformer" quest in Gecko (from Skeet)... Bug or my bad?
Part bug, part your bad ;-) In the past I never had a problem receiving the quest from Skeeter. Consequently, I was surprised that he never asked me for the 3-step-plasma-transformer the last time I gamed FO2 a few months ago. Last week I discovered a forum posting that explained the script requires you to have an upgradeable weapon in your inventory in order to trigger the quest. Guess it was merely sheer luck that I previously received the quest at all.

In short - bug....

From WIKI:

UNCONFIRMED: Skeeter won't give me the quest to get the 3-step plasma transformer from the reactor. I also tried without his asking me, but doesn't work either. The conversation at the reactor ends with the words that I have to come back because there's a waiting list for the part I requested. (Workaround: ensure you have an upgradeable weapon in your inventory when speaking to him.)

----------> Should be CONFIRMED
Elitech said:
But shouldn't those bugs from the old version be removed from the Wiki page?

They should, but it's not always so easy to know which ones have been fixed, and remember, the list is still being worked on.

I left two bugs for EPA that have been fixed there, but with comments, so whoever put them up there can remove them. I hope that will create less confusion.

The bug you want to change to confirmed, if it works when you have an upgradeable weapon in your inventory when speaking to him, I don't think that's a bug but the way it was intended. That's my opinion anyway.

Elitech said:
Untrue (at least for me). To get "deliver holodisk" quest, you gotta have the holodisk AND the account book from the Raiders hideout...
Elitech said:
In short - bug... From WIKI: UNCONFIRMED: Skeeter won't give me the quest to get the 3-step plasma transformer from the reactor. -> Should be CONFIRMED
Then by all means change the entry. I'm not infallible and the comments aren't etched in stone. IMO, the correction and expansion of articles of fans by fans for fans is the central philosophy of the entire wiki exercise.
Darek said:
The bug you want to change to confirmed, if it works when you have an upgradeable weapon in your inventory when speaking to him, I don't think that's a bug but the way it was intended. That's my opinion anyway.


Totally disagree. That means that this one: "CONFIRMED: Door bug: If you have the password and then go to a door that you didn't try to open earlier, you get a list of false passwords plus the correct one. Doing this will cause the game to forget that you know the password, so you cannot open any more of the "ABRE" doors afterwards."

is also intended?

Getting of the quest should not be based upon what you have in your invent, but on your skills. Or else you shouldn't get the treasure hunt quest in Broken Hills unless at that first contact with Typhoon you have a rope in your invent...

@ slowhand:

You never said you were infallible, and I never meant any disrespect from my posts, so sorry if I offended you in any way. As for Wiki, OMW to register and change :-)


Any chance you could take a glance at the wiki and post here which bugs you resolved already?
Elitech said:
@ slowhand:

You never said you were infallible, and I never meant any disrespect from my posts, so sorry if I offended you in any way. As for Wiki, OMW to register and change :-)


Any chance you could take a glance at the wiki and post here which bugs you resolved already?
You don't have to register to change! Just change away! Don't worry about making a mistake, the old versions of the page are always available in case we need them.

EDIT: Please don't post "the wiki page should be changed" reports here, just change the wiki page. Otherwise, the work load for Killap (sifting through tons of posts) will be the same as before the wiki page. =]
Elitech said:
That's why I just asked him to scroll through wiki and say which bugs have been removed...
Sorry, I just realized "OMW" means "on my way". I thought it meant something like "can't be arsed". Thanks!
Elitech said:
Totally disagree. That means that this one: "CONFIRMED: Door bug: If you have the password and then go to a door that you didn't try to open earlier, you get a list of false passwords plus the correct one. Doing this will cause the game to forget that you know the password, so you cannot open any more of the "ABRE" doors afterwards."

is also intended?
Of course that was not intended, it's something wrong with how it was scripted. If you want to argue your point, please come up with a better comparison.

Elitech said:
Getting of the quest should not be based upon what you have in your invent, but on your skills. Or else you shouldn't get the treasure hunt quest in Broken Hills unless at that first contact with Typhoon you have a rope in your invent...
Why should it not be based on what you have in your inventory? There are other quests that are, so there's no inconsistency there.
You can't call it a bug just because it don't work the way you want it to.
Furthermore it works the same way in vanilla Fallout 2, and I've never heard anyone stating it's a bug there. At best (if someone else agrees it's a bug) it belongs in the unofficial patch thread, otherwise just put it in the RP Suggestions thread.
Elitech said:
You never said you were infallible, and I never meant any disrespect from my posts, so sorry if I offended you in any way.
Not a problem, Elitech, no offense taken. My response wasn't meant to be as terse as you may have understood it.

Darek said:
Why should it not be based on what you have in your inventory? There are other quests that are, so there's no inconsistency there.
You've got a point saying inventory items are used as quest triggers in various parts of the game. Skeeter and Lynette are two notable examples. I guess this is another "It's not a bug, it's a feature" issue.

Elitech said:
To get "deliver holodisk" quest, you gotta have the holodisk AND the account book from the Raiders hideout...
Affirmative. I remember reading about those prerequisites in Per's guide.

The bug report I transcribed to the wiki regarding First Citizen Lynette actually addressed the combination of two separate issues: (a) the absence of a dialog option to report the completion of the Raider quest when it was resolved by speaking to Shadow-Who-Walks and (b) the failure to obtain the holodisk to Westin quest.

The question is whether Lynette intentionally considers the quest unsuccessful if it was resolved peacefully and, if so, would this result in her withholding the holodisk to Westin quest (despite having both the holodisk and account book in your inventory)?

N.B. Is the Raider's account book available after speaking with Shadow-Who-Walks? This could be part of the problem.

So, are we looking at two script glitches, merely one, or none at all?
Like what Slowhand wrote, and also curing Fannie from Jet addiction, or figuring out who is rustling the brahmins,
you need to have a pistol to properly assassinate the Orville Wright, Little Jesus will teach you melee skill if you have a knife equipped,
you get different reactions from people while wearing power armor (some you can't even talk to),
if you have plated gloves in your inventory you get to box with those.

I admit it is not much, but inventory checks are still a part of the game, and I have a hard time believing BIS put the weapons check in by mistake.

Darek said:
figuring out who is rustling the brahmins

I think you get that one no matter what you HAVE, but to solve it you gotta have those items... Orville - the same I think - you can get it, but not solve.

And for inventory in the specific 3 step plasma transformer quest - "Thank you for getting me a super tool kit. I have no more jobs for you." OR "I have another quest for you and I'll upgrade your weapon if you do it." Ain't that kinda normal? Opposite to: "I will never ever give you this quest - unless you have now, at-this-moment -when-you-don't-even-know-that-you-need-it an upgradeable weapon, in which case you can have another quest."

Lil Jesus also requires your knife equipped, but to show you, teach you, not for a quest, and you can come back later (if not mistaken).

Most (if not all?) situations are "repeatable", causing you to experiment. If in a power armor someone won't talk to you, you can take it off and they will. With 3 step quest, it ain't the case...

Therefore I believe that THAT is a bug. Not the thing that you have to have an upgradeable weapon, but the fact that, after that conversation, you can come back with an upgradeable weapon and you won't get the quest.
Elitech said:
Most (if not all?) situations are "repeatable", causing you to experiment. If in a power armor someone won't talk to you, you can take it off and they will. With 3 step quest, it ain't the case...

Therefore I believe that THAT is a bug. Not the thing that you have to have an upgradeable weapon, but the fact that, after that conversation, you can come back with an upgradeable weapon and you won't get the quest.

Ok, now I understand you better. I still don't want to call it a bug though, an oversight perhaps, but there are other things where you only get one shot at getting it right.

I think this fits best in RP mod suggestions, but luckily it's not me you need to convince. :)

Slowhand said:
The bug report I transcribed to the wiki regarding First Citizen Lynette actually addressed the combination of two separate issues: (a) the absence of a dialog option to report the completion of the Raider quest when it was resolved by speaking to Shadow-Who-Walks and (b) the failure to obtain the holodisk to Westin quest.

The question is whether Lynette intentionally considers the quest unsuccessful if it was resolved peacefully and, if so, would this result in her withholding the holodisk to Westin quest (despite having both the holodisk and account book in your inventory)?

N.B. Is the Raider's account book available after speaking with Shadow-Who-Walks? This could be part of the problem.

Ok, let me explain how it worked for me (and I don't think that's a bug): I slept with Bishops' daughter, broke Bishops' safe, stole the location of the raider camp AND a holodisk. Went to the raiders camp, convinced shadow who walks to leave. Left to VC, spoke to Lynette and the quest wasn't solved... Went back to the raiders camp. In the raiders camp, took from the safe an account book. Went to VC, spoke to Lynette, got the bring-the-holodisk-to-westin quest... So, actually, you gotta have both to solve the quest AND get the westin quest...
Elitech said:
Ok, let me explain how it worked for me (and I don't think that's a bug): ...
That means Lynette won't consider the Raiders quest resolved unless you're carrying the account book in your inventory. Yes, that makes sense. If she acknowledged your completing the Raiders quest and instructed you to bring the holodisk to Westin, then that part of the Lynette script works as intended and seems bug free. Thanks for the clarification, Elitech.

By the way, what actually happens when speaking to Shadow-Who-Walks? Do you convince him to leave and do the Raiders just pack up and trail off afterwards as well?

In a related note… It'd be great if someone knowledgeable please examined Skeeter's script for clues whether both the "once-only" chance and "upgradeable weapon in inventory" prerequisite were actually intended by the devs. * looks at killap *
Slowhand said:
By the way, what actually happens when speaking to Shadow-Who-Walks? Do you convince him to leave and do the Raiders just pack up and trail off afterwards as well?

Yeah, he is a guide for the raiders when they go through the mountains. When he leaves, they have no one to guide them and they stop attacking, pack their bags and leave.

But it's pretty hard to convince him to leave.
Slowhand said:
In a related note… It'd be great if someone knowledgeable please examined Skeeter's script for clues whether both the "once-only" chance and "upgradeable weapon in inventory" prerequisite were actually intended by the devs. * looks at killap *
From skeetr.int:

If you are carrying the super toolkit, or if you return to him with it after he's asked for it:
procedure Node025
	if (local_var(7) == 1) then begin
		gsay_reply(136, 371);
	else begin
		gsay_reply(136, 370);
	giq_option(4, 136, 372, Node915, 50);
	giq_option(4, 136, 373, Node999, 50);
Agree to give it to him and you are sent to Node915
procedure Node915
	if (obj_is_carrying_obj_pid(dude_obj, 308)) then begin
		set_local_var(7, 2);
		item := obj_carrying_pid_obj(dude_obj, 308);
		rm_obj_from_inven(dude_obj, item);
		add_obj_to_inven(self_obj, item);
		item := create_object_sid(253, 0, 0, -1);
		add_obj_to_inven(dude_obj, item);
		set_global_var(393, 2);
		set_global_var(51, global_var(51) + 5);
		display_msg(message_str(136, 710));
		display_msg(message_str(14, 100) + 250 + message_str(14, 101));
	call Node026;
So the super toolkit gets exchanged for the car part and sends you to Node026:
procedure Node026
	call Node150;
	if (combyn == 0) then begin
		gsay_reply(136, 380);
	else begin
		gsay_reply(136, 381);
		giq_option(4, 136, 382, Node027, 50);
	giq_option(4, 136, 383, Node009, 50);
	giq_option(4, 136, 384, Node999, 50);
Where it's decided whether you get the "Get 3-step plasma transformer for Skeeter" quest or not.
Calls Node150 below for the upgradeable weapons check:
procedure Node150
	combyn := 0;
	if (obj_is_carrying_obj_pid(dude_obj, 313)) then begin
		combyn := 1;
	if (obj_is_carrying_obj_pid(dude_obj, 18)) then begin
		combyn := 1;
	if (obj_is_carrying_obj_pid(dude_obj, 10)) then begin
		combyn := 1;
	if (obj_is_carrying_obj_pid(dude_obj, 23)) then begin
		combyn := 1;
	if (obj_is_carrying_obj_pid(dude_obj, 351)) then begin
		combyn := 1;
	if (obj_is_carrying_obj_pid(dude_obj, 160)) then begin
		combyn := 1;

Node026 is the only node giving you the plasma transformer quest, and you can only get to there from Node915(When you give the toolkit), so there are no second chances. There's also no dialog text in skeetr.msg that supports a second chance. My conclusion is that it works as intended. However it may be argued that it was an oversight from the developers, to only give you one chance.
Anyway this is not my call, I just say the way I see it.

There were always those tricky quests like that, even in the original, weren't there? Good advice from Per's walkthrough was "always save your game before entering dialogue".

If you have an idea there is a potential quest or benefit (from cheating and reading a walkthrough) then you can go back and try different approaches if it doesn't work. Not only do you have to know which dialogue options to choose, but there is often another speech check on top of that. (I had to load a save and try 5 times before I could get the squatters in the Den to agree for the best ending - for example.) I think these were intentionally difficult and never bugs.
Morticia said:
There were always those tricky quests like that, even in the original, weren't there? Good advice from Per's walkthrough was "always save your game before entering dialogue".

If you have an idea there is a potential quest or benefit (from cheating and reading a walkthrough) then you can go back and try different approaches if it doesn't work. Not only do you have to know which dialogue options to choose, but there is often another speech check on top of that. (I had to load a save and try 5 times before I could get the squatters in the Den to agree for the best ending - for example.) I think these were intentionally difficult and never bugs.

Agreed, BUT... I'm not arguing any conversations or anything, just this 1 particular quest. It's kinda normal when you say to somebody "I'm gonna kill you if you don't do this" and they say "no" (squatters), you get no second chance.

And again, I'm not arguing the inventory checks, 1-shot-talks or anything else. I'm questioning the reasoning... Cause the game, by me, is based on such things where the action causes reaction.

I just don't get in this particular quest (3 step transformer), what's the reasoning behind the "I'll give you a new quest if you got an upgradeable weapon on you."... Though it could be just me...
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