Fallout 2 Restoration Project 1.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

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Darek said:
My conclusion is that it works as intended.
Thanks for taking the time to check the script, Darek. The programming seems clean but, as you suggest, that's not saying the one-shot chance wasn't an oversight by the devs after all.

Granted, I can easily live with the quest's present state, now that I know how it works. Nevertheless, it'll still leave other players confused and empty handed.

Per's guide is a known reference for the clueless. I checked the plasma transformer quest and found an entry regarding the inventory prerequisites, but not the single chance of obtaining it. Perhaps he could be persuaded to include this info in the guide's next revision, if planned.

EDIT: PM'd Per suggesting inclusion in a future update.
Hello everybody... This is my first post, I know, but I already wandered around for the last 4 months ;)

So... Hello world.

Killap, you did a really nice job! :clap:

Still I noticed a bug with Vault15. After I killed Darion, each time I get back to the squat, I am not arriving at the right place. Instead of arriving by the rocky path or by the ladder, I am showing up at the bottom of the map, near the "World access zone".

Also this led me to lose my car, it simply disappeared. I already got this bug once with vanilla F2 but this time, I can not retrieve it (with Vanilla, I could retrieve it at the Den). Sincerely, I find it boring to always walk from place to place and to lose all the items I put in the trunk. :(

If you need the savegame, just ask!

Note: I already search the forum but I could not retrieve any info. If it was already reported, I apologize.
Slowhand said:
Per's guide is a known reference for the clueless. I checked the plasma transformer quest and found an entry regarding the inventory prerequisites, but not the single chance of obtaining it. Perhaps he could be persuaded to include this info in the guide's next revision, if planned.
From said entry:
"Skeeter will ask for this when you bring him the Tool Kit, if at the time you are carrying at least one weapon that he can upgrade."

It's subtle, but it's there. :)

@ IIyamaxp
Have you tried to load a save from before you entered the Vault 15 map the first time? I'm just guessing here, but to me it sound like it could be a save or map corruption.

Nope, I do not have any save before entering the first time. Anyway, the first times I went there, the issue was not present. I could go there quite some times and issue happened very lately :(

If anybody has a start of answer to get it back... Thank you in advance. Otherwise, I'll be condemned to walk all my post-nuclear life :lol:

(or restart a new one ;))
@ Elitech, is your name Slowhand? :P
Look, I only tried to show Slowhand that the "one shot" was already (sort of) mentioned in Per's guide, so the guide don't need to be changed.

@ IIyamaxp
I can take a look at your savegame, although I probably can't fix it. I'll PM you my mail address.
Darek said:
@ Elitech, is your name Slowhand? :P

Maybe :-P
Darek said:
Look, I only tried to show Slowhand that the "one shot" was already (sort of) mentioned in Per's guide, so the guide don't need to be changed.

Guides should change & they do with every patch... I can show you a guide which states you must kill the raiders to solve the raiders quest. That doesn't mean that that's how it should be in the final version. People who write guides don't make the game, so their guides are not a leadpoint of "what should be".
Darek said:
It's subtle, but it's there. :)
On second reading, you're right, Darek. The acute subtlety completely sailed past me. Wish one could increase PE in real life as easily as in FO's character creation screen. ;-) Nevertheless, it wouldn't hurt if Per rephrased the statement to emphasize the quest's one-chance only characteristic.

Darek said:
@ Elitech, is your name Slowhand? :P
No probs with Elitech assuming my identity. Could be fun. ;-) Jesting aside, I'm happy my apprehension to register on NMA was needless. Everyone's been friendly, courteous and helpful so far.

IIyamaxp said:
Also this led me to lose my car, it simply disappeared.
IMO all those "missing car" reports aren't bugs, they're a feature. Smitty probably noticed he'd been short-changed via the "drop item" barter cheat and consequently repossessed the Highwayman. I image that's ruined countless Wasteland credit ratings. ;-)
@ IIyamaxp

I just looked at your save, sorry there's nothing I can do.

To narrow it down:

When you complete the deal between the squatters and NCR, a new map is used for the Vault 15 squatter area.
This revamped Vault 15 map has a bug, once you set foot on that map you lose your car, and the placement of the player's characters is always to the south, even if you enter from somewhere else.

This has nothing to do with Darion or leaving the vault, as soon as the squatters join NCR you can't go back there without losing your car.
Unless someone more knowledgeable than me can help you, my advice is to reload an earlier save or start polishing those boots.

@ Slowhand, :lol:

killap said:
Clearly writing dialogue at 2am is not always a good idea, then again it was usually the only chance I had to work on Fallout.
Would it be possible for you to "outsource" the grammar/spelling/etc fixes to the dialog?
Elitech said:
Outsource? If you mean "take out" or separate (so you can change them), then that is no trouble...
Well, I mean if it would be practically doable for Killap to let the rest of us fix the spelling/grammar. I know we could just go ahead and edit the existing files, but that wouldn't work in practice since Killap is working on the files, changing names, removing files, etc. But maybe this has to be done when v1.2 is completely finished and bugtested.
I had the same idea, pmed killap.

I see no problem in taking the dialogue files when the project is done and sending them via mail to someone who fixes them & then sends the back to killap. Even better if there would be more people, each one gets xy dialogue files to check 4 grammar and then send back...
Darek said:
@ IIyamaxp

I just looked at your save, sorry there's nothing I can do.

To narrow it down:

When you complete the deal between the squatters and NCR, a new map is used for the Vault 15 squatter area.
This revamped Vault 15 map has a bug, once you set foot on that map you lose your car, and the placement of the player's characters is always to the south, even if you enter from somewhere else.

This has nothing to do with Darion or leaving the vault, as soon as the squatters join NCR you can't go back there without losing your car.
Unless someone more knowledgeable than me can help you, my advice is to reload an earlier save or start polishing those boots.

@ Slowhand, :lol:


I think I had this problem with one of the early versions of the 1.1 patch, and I want to say that by finishing the deal between Vault 15 and NCR made my car re-appear on the shiny new Vault 15 city map. Might be worth a shot, unless you're going for some kind of NCR opposed run.
llamaman said:
I think I had this problem with one of the early versions of the 1.1 patch, and I want to say that by finishing the deal between Vault 15 and NCR made my car re-appear on the shiny new Vault 15 city map. Might be worth a shot, unless you're going for some kind of NCR opposed run.
Are you sure about this? When\how did you lose your car then?
If I'm not completely wrong you can't get the new map until you complete the deal.
Unfortunately, the deal is complete and I could not retrieve my car :'(

Guess I'd better settle another game ;)

Thanks for your time ;)
I just downloaded the patch and everything seems to be working great until I get to a place after Klamath -- all the towns turn solid black with massive graphical trails from the cursor and/or the character sprites. Any thoughts?
Randian Hero said:
I just downloaded the patch and everything seems to be working great until I get to a place after Klamath -- all the towns turn solid black with massive graphical trails from the cursor and/or the character sprites. Any thoughts?

Bad install.
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