I hope i didnt miss a post Regarding my question.
Ive Installed the RP 1.1 on a German Version AND a US Version of Fallout 2. At Both Trys no other Mods, Updates, Patches etc, was installed. At the Try with the German Version i DID Rename the Folder in Data/txt to German.
And now the Problem is, whenever i Hit the Print to File Button, to Save the Char Stats, Inv etc to a Text File, the Game Crashes. What can i do ?
Honestly that is not a great Problem, an you can say, dont do it, play the Game you dont need it to play ^^. But im a Statistics Freak ^^ So please help me
Ive Installed the RP 1.1 on a German Version AND a US Version of Fallout 2. At Both Trys no other Mods, Updates, Patches etc, was installed. At the Try with the German Version i DID Rename the Folder in Data/txt to German.
And now the Problem is, whenever i Hit the Print to File Button, to Save the Char Stats, Inv etc to a Text File, the Game Crashes. What can i do ?
Honestly that is not a great Problem, an you can say, dont do it, play the Game you dont need it to play ^^. But im a Statistics Freak ^^ So please help me