Fury said:Maybe she died of her addiction in the meanwhile since no1 was giving her money at all![]()

Fury said:Maybe she died of her addiction in the meanwhile since no1 was giving her money at all![]()
killap said:Custom art is always welcome.
Please read the first post.Puokki said:How can I get behind the goddamn locked doors in EPA's sub-level 1? For now I haven't found almost anything useful there.
Fury said:Possible, since im playing on the german version of the game wich is now like 60% or so englishBut then again if i use a backupsave from The Den i can walk right into Redding and Fannie is there np. Talking a long way over VC and surroudings, and shes gone! Maybe she died of her addiction in the meanwhile since no1 was giving her money at all
For now, there is no need to install it. A tweaked version will be included in RP 1.3. Basically it addressed the problem of ap ammo not doing the damage it was intended to do.SPC said:just one question. great artwork btw. there is a patch included in the rp 1.2 installer; "ap ammo bug fix". i wondered if i need this. what exactly is it supposed to fix?
Nice indeed! Always feels good to know the 1000+ hours I spent working on the fallout 2 patch and RP didn't go unappreciated.GanymeDes- said:Thought I'd mention that there has been (again) a one page article about Fallout 2: Restoration Project in the latest "Pelit" gaming magazine here in Finland. Nice!
Yeah, I've gotten countless complaints about Kaga. Perhaps I should have never included him...oh well, my goal is to include *everything* that was planned to be in the game. I am still tweaking him so he should be much better for 1.3.GanymeDes- said:They basically tell how great it is (and it is!) and how all the new dialog fits almost perfectly, except Kaga's dialog seems to suck according to the writer. (I'm afraid I somewhat agree to this.)
killap said:Yeah, I've gotten countless complaints about Kaga. Perhaps I should have never included him...oh well, my goal is to include *everything* that was planned to be in the game. I am still tweaking him so he should be much better for 1.3.
The Primitive Tribe area does not work on Win9x systems. You can get a fixed map from this post. Just put it in your Fallout2\data\Maps folder.Fury said:Hm i think i have found some major bug now: when entering the map "Primitve Tribe" either by worldmap or teleport from the slaver camp the game instantly crashes to desktop!
Actually I think there's nothing wrong about Kaga himself, it's just that his dialogue is just so, stupid (no offense, Killap) but the character himself is pretty interesting, and I think you should add the chance to meet him again after making deal with him.Yeah, I've gotten countless complaints about Kaga. Perhaps I should have never included him...oh well, my goal is to include *everything* that was planned to be in the game. I am still tweaking him so he should be much better for 1.3.
Puokki said:Actually I think there's nothing wrong about Kaga himself, it's just that his dialogue is just so, stupid (no offense, Killap) but the character himself is pretty interesting, and I think you should add the chance to meet him again after making deal with him.Yeah, I've gotten countless complaints about Kaga. Perhaps I should have never included him...oh well, my goal is to include *everything* that was planned to be in the game. I am still tweaking him so he should be much better for 1.3.
Well, I initially had him as strictly floats so that the dialogue was forced and could not be skipped. His encounters are supposed to be forced so I thought I should make everything about the encounter forced. This obviously was a terrible idea since he is encountered so early on in the game and if you want to create several new characters, you have to always sit through his long initial speech. Not only that, forcing a player to do something in an RPG is obviously a no-no. This was changed for 1.2 though (or at least an update to 1.2. I don't remember anymore) His dialogue is now all done through the dialogue window with the option to skip the speech and go right to fighting. The player also has the ability to peacefully end the Kaga situation 3 times as opposed to only once in the initial release. The first encounter with him is still fight only though - its a trivial fight anyway.Dravean said:I'm curious, is there a reason you want all Kaga's text to be floats? I think changing it so his dialog pops up in a window would alleviate some of the complaints.