Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.0 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

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Endocore said:
--In the past there have always been issues about scripted items contributing to the "too many items bug" and so forth, but now that these problems are supposedly fixed--why not add a simple script with a timer to make a Vault City "Day Pass" live up to its name? I've always thought it's sort of silly that a single one-day pass allows one access to Vault City until the end of time. When the timer runs out at the end of the day the Day Pass item is destroyed and replaced with an "Expired Day Pass" item. The player would then be required to obtain a new valid Day Pass from the Customs Office. I guess whether this is a vanilla FO2 bug or a feature begging to be implemented is debatable.

Yup. I second this idea. This fits with the nature of a day-pass, IMO.
I'm siding with SilverM on this. To me, it was never a single use pass, but rather a pass that worked only during the DAY - hence the name. So yeah, I'm not touching this.

In other news, I believe I found the reason for the Primitive Tribe trader quest crash. Some say it appears to be random, but I want some more details. Please provide me with the dialogue options you took to produce the crash.
Iguana Bob said:
Sorry to bother again, but I did what you suggested me (uninstall, reinstall from scrap, and then RP) but the result is the same...

So you tried uninstalling than cleaning registry with CCleaner and then installing in some directory rather than Program Files?

Make sure you installed in simple directory like C:\Fallout or try installing in your user's Documents or Desktop.

What happens when you try to save? What windows do you have?
A couple of comments on the EPA. Maybe it's just me, but I felt like an idiot while trying to get through that area. Some things don't seem very intuitive or counter to other areas of the game. Some in particular:

1) I had no clue to stick the pipe in the fan, and had to look that part up. It would be nice if there was some indication to mess with it. Perhaps hearing noises from the lower floor so you would know it leads down there, or potentially just making the middle one larger so that you can actually imagine fitting through it. As it is it looks like you might be able to stuff Myron in there but that's about it.

2) While trying to get the lights working the broken generator didn't actually seem to be broken. I got the *whir* messages and such floating above it, but when I examined it the message was something along the lines of "Its working. There's nothing you can do".

I had to look that up as well and go grab some Junk, at which point I received a proper message that it needed fixing.

3) Why can the player not lockpick or blow up the doors to the storage shed? There's nothing particularly critical in there that needs to be gotten at a later time. Regular lockpicks as well as electronic ones did nothing, and dynamite did nothing to the door as well. To fit in with the rest of Fallout, it seems like the player should have an alternative to getting the keys.

4) I also had to look up how to unclog the fans. I was trying the drill, biomed, etc on it to no effect. After looking it up, I realized it was just because the "hand" icon was particular about where it would show up, and so I hadn't seen it before.

5) Can the depressed Mr Handy robot be repaired? The player picks up all sorts of random hardware, so again, I was trying the motor, mechanical parts, drill, etc on the robot to try to fix it. Maybe I was just missing something here.

6) I also ended up not even being able to find the dang solar scorcher. The hologram started off saying something like "It's in the locker over..." and I just closed it because I figured I would get to it as I progressed. Apparently I should have paid attention because I couldn't find it.

7) It seems like turning the valve wheel for the large power generator fans should do something, even if it's counterproductive, such as turning off all the power. Again, maybe I was just missing something here.

8) It might be nice to put some of that ESRI stuff in the medical area as well, as that it what immediately came to mind for me. Figuring out to use Mr Chemie wasn't to difficult though.
First of all Thanks Darek for solving the Francis dialog problem(atleast half way). I did manage to "reboot" the dialog by setting
GVAR301 = 0, and I'm now able to have a dialog with Francis(all the normal options arm wrestling etc. and converse about the missing people with the letter in my inventory). But when I end the dialog and Francis is supposed to leave to atone his actions the screen 'blinks', like it's supposed to when map is being changed, the game always crashes with memory error. And killing Francis is really not on option as all hell breaks loose and the entire city turn hostile.

So got anymore ideas how circumvent this?
Endocore said:
--While leaving Vault City at night I picked up the raider's trail and followed them on a lark. I didn't actually do anything after arriving at the Raider base as my party isn't strong enough to tackle them yet (I reloaded a save game and played on from Vault City), but I noticed that one of my party members seemed to spawn "in" the water truck at the cityscape entrance to the raider base and wasn't able to move. I tried it a second time (left Vault City at night, followed the raiders) and the same thing happened again. I tried going down the ladder and all the party members appeared with me, so it wasn't a permanent problem. However, perhaps the truck should be moved a few hexes south on the topside map.

I can confirm this. What's more, with the Car on the map, your followers have the tendency to appear inside it when you come crawling out of the caves.
killap said:
In other news, I believe I found the reason for the Primitive Tribe trader quest crash. Some say it appears to be random, but I want some more details. Please provide me with the dialogue options you took to produce the crash.

Hey, since you're working on the Primitive Tribe at the moment, maybe I can get some feedback from the main man himself. I can't even access the location, either via Sulik's sister at the slaver camp, or simply by walking or driving.

I've posted about it a few times, but with little to no bites, and it's driving me insane.

Firstly, a savegame:

I'm on a humongous install, FO2 vanilla fresh install, straight to RP2, on Win XP. The Primitive Tribe area worked fine on RP 1.2, but with this version, the game crashes straight away, with a brief second of the map flashing up on the screen. Unfortunately, I cannot provide what the error message says, as it's hidden beneath the black screen (and alt-tab-ing to the error screen merely closes it out).

Hopefully this can be resolved so that I can stop pestering this thread with my cries for help. :P
bubba0216 said:
A couple of comments on the EPA. Maybe it's just me, but I felt like an idiot while trying to get through that area. Some things don't seem very intuitive or counter to other areas of the game. Some in particular:

1) I had no clue to stick the pipe in the fan, and had to look that part up. It would be nice if there was some indication to mess with it. Perhaps hearing noises from the lower floor so you would know it leads down there, or potentially just making the middle one larger so that you can actually imagine fitting through it. As it is it looks like you might be able to stuff Myron in there but that's about it.

2) While trying to get the lights working the broken generator didn't actually seem to be broken. I got the *whir* messages and such floating above it, but when I examined it the message was something along the lines of "Its working. There's nothing you can do".

I had to look that up as well and go grab some Junk, at which point I received a proper message that it needed fixing.

3) Why can the player not lockpick or blow up the doors to the storage shed? There's nothing particularly critical in there that needs to be gotten at a later time. Regular lockpicks as well as electronic ones did nothing, and dynamite did nothing to the door as well. To fit in with the rest of Fallout, it seems like the player should have an alternative to getting the keys.

4) I also had to look up how to unclog the fans. I was trying the drill, biomed, etc on it to no effect. After looking it up, I realized it was just because the "hand" icon was particular about where it would show up, and so I hadn't seen it before.

5) Can the depressed Mr Handy robot be repaired? The player picks up all sorts of random hardware, so again, I was trying the motor, mechanical parts, drill, etc on the robot to try to fix it. Maybe I was just missing something here.

6) I also ended up not even being able to find the dang solar scorcher. The hologram started off saying something like "It's in the locker over..." and I just closed it because I figured I would get to it as I progressed. Apparently I should have paid attention because I couldn't find it.

7) It seems like turning the valve wheel for the large power generator fans should do something, even if it's counterproductive, such as turning off all the power. Again, maybe I was just missing something here.

8) It might be nice to put some of that ESRI stuff in the medical area as well, as that it what immediately came to mind for me. Figuring out to use Mr Chemie wasn't to difficult though.

5) If this is the toaster, did you try just using repair skill on it? Not sure how high it has to be, but thats all it took for me.

6) There's panels on some of the walls, look kind of like a breaker box. Those are the wall lockers. There's one right by the guy who mentions the solar scorcher.
SilverM said:
Dravean said:
Endocore said:
--why not add a simple script with a timer to make a Vault City "Day Pass" live up to its name?

I like this idea. It gets my vote.
I don't think it's supposed to be a One-Day Pass that expires. It's a pass that grants the holder the access to Vault City ONLY AT DAY TIME, during which (s)he can conduct business. In the evening the person is escorted out of the city and can return the following day. more info: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Day_Pass

Good point. Seems I was a bit hasty is casting my vote. Consider it retracted. :)

bubba0216 said:
A couple of comments on the EPA.

3) Why can the player not lockpick or blow up the doors to the storage shed? There's nothing particularly critical in there that needs to be gotten at a later time. Regular lockpicks as well as electronic ones did nothing, and dynamite did nothing to the door as well. To fit in with the rest of Fallout, it seems like the player should have an alternative to getting the keys.

4) I also had to look up how to unclog the fans. I was trying the drill, biomed, etc on it to no effect. After looking it up, I realized it was just because the "hand" icon was particular about where it would show up, and so I hadn't seen it before.

5) Can the depressed Mr Handy robot be repaired? The player picks up all sorts of random hardware, so again, I was trying the motor, mechanical parts, drill, etc on the robot to try to fix it. Maybe I was just missing something here.

8) It might be nice to put some of that ESRI stuff in the medical area as well, as that it what immediately came to mind for me. Figuring out to use Mr Chemie wasn't to difficult though.

3) I agree, a player with a good lockpick skill should be able to lockpick their way in there. Fallout is all about having multiple paths to a goal.

4) Yeah, that has always bothered me to. I've asked killap if he could increase the "interactable" area to at least be the size of the actual fans, but since it never happened, I'm guessing it can't be done. Or, it was done, but then Pixote updated the map and the alteration wasn't carried over to the updated map--that's been known to happen.

5) There's nothing you can do about the poor depressed Mr. Handy. Save for put him out of his misery. He's just there for flavor.

8) There can only be one canister of ESRI, because that's what's stopping the player from unfreezing more than one of the new NPCs.[/spoiler:707495b357]
I'm sure it's s'posed to be that way, but the scripting forces it anyway. Adding another ERSI to my inventory via F2se didn't allow me to get another NPC. >_>
BuxnaMan said:
Sephis said:
Ever since I installed RP 2.x (anything) whenever I alt tab out of Fallout 2 it crashes upon my attempt to come back to it.

Win7 64 bit user if it helps.
I posted this in tech support but there weren't a ton of replies, and the problem apparently isn't unique to me either.

Disable DX-9 mod in SFALL in SCRN in OPTIONS. Just use plain HI-RES. There is no major difference unless you are trying to play in a window. If you disable it ALT-TAB will not be a problem no more. At least it is like that for me.

Thanks I'll try this tonight
Edit Update: Didn't seem to work, bummer
The Day Pass thing was just a thought. I've always interpreted "Day Pass" as meaning good for one day, but I can see the point others have about it meaning "valid during daytime hours."

@Darek et. al.
I had a little extra time and was curious about all these troubles in Broken Hills, so I used my save from outside the Raider camp and went down there since it's close. Maybe killap already fixed all these things, but I ran through the stuff around town with the note about the missing people, Jacob and Aileen, etc, and here's what happened to me:

--Making no other change to Francis other than using the latest script Darek posted in this thread plus the comment he made about the typo in the global variable reference, Francis was working perfectly as far as I could tell (no F2se fiddling needed). I went down to the ant caves and got the note, showed it to Zaius, and then confronted Francis. He agreed to leave town and disappeared. If you talk to Marcus about the missing people before talking to Francis, it's the same as if you talk to him afterward--you just mention that you found the missing people, but nothing about the note (as it should be, since the Chosen One says upon finding the note "I'd better not tell Marcus about this"). This isn't to say others aren't having problems with Francis, but I can't see any reason why he wouldn't work, the game would crash, etc and didn't have any problems like that.

--I think all the troubles with Marcus stem from three issues:

a) It's true that he's in "testing mode" in regard to joining the party, which is easily fixed by changing procedure Node001a in his script to:

procedure Node001a
  if ((op_global_var(302) == 7) or (op_global_var(302) == 8) or (op_global_var(302) == 9) and ((op_global_var(304) == 7) or (op_global_var(304) == 8) or (op_global_var(303) == 7) or (op_global_var(301) == 5)) and ((op_global_var(0) >= 0) or op_has_trait(0, op_dude_obj(), 39)) and (((((op_metarule(16, 0) - 1) >= (floor(op_get_critter_stat(op_dude_obj(), 3) / 2) + op_has_trait(0, op_dude_obj(), 98))) or ((op_metarule(16, 0) - 1) >= 5)) == 0) and ((op_party_member_obj(16777377) != 0) == 0))) then
    call Node030();
    call Node031();

b) Even after that, though (of course re-entering Broken Hills for the first time so the changed script will load), the player can walk up to Marcus without ever having spoken to him before and basically say "Hey stranger, who are you? Come travel with me and we'll be tentmates 4ever." That seems pretty silly--and is made even more confusing by the fact that Marcus may respond by saying "You have too many people with you already" when he wouldn't have joined anyway. However I looked at some older versions and it's always been that way with Marcus, so even though it's potentially confusing it's not a bug.

c) There's a relatively bad bug (because it fouls up two quests) in procedure Node025a that may be behind the remaining confusion and troubles with Marcus. Presently it reads:

procedure Node025a
  variable LVar1 := 0;

  Perform_Jailing := 1;
  if (op_global_var(305) == 7) then
    op_set_global_var(305, 11);
    op_item_caps_adjust(op_dude_obj(), 500);
    op_gsay_reply(600, 198);
  else if (op_global_var(305) == 8) then
    op_set_global_var(305, 11);
    LVar1 := op_create_object(287, 0, 0, -1);
    op_add_obj_to_inven(op_dude_obj(), LVar1);
    op_display_msg(op_msg_string(600, 644));
    op_gsay_reply(600, 199);
  op_giq_option(4, 600, 200, @Node999, 50);

Node025a deals with telling Marcus about the missing people, not Jacob and Aileen. It should be changed to:

procedure Node025a
  variable LVar1 := 0;
  if (op_global_var(305) == 7) then
    op_set_global_var(305, 11);
    op_item_caps_adjust(op_dude_obj(), 500);
    op_gsay_reply(600, 198);
  else if (op_global_var(305) == 8) then
    op_set_global_var(305, 11);
    LVar1 := op_create_object(287, 0, 0, -1);
    op_add_obj_to_inven(op_dude_obj(), LVar1);
    op_display_msg(op_msg_string(600, 644));
    op_gsay_reply(600, 199);
  op_giq_option(4, 600, 200, @Node999, 50);

The line about the perform_jailing variable was probably just included accidently. I followed all the dialogue nodes about the quests in the script with the msg open beside it, and (unless I missed something) if that's fixed everything should be fine.
You can't enter vault city at night. (so it is named a day pass) A day pass in the sense your suggesting would be I assume 24 hour pass.
From what I understand it's restricted to day time hours because you are a trader or whatever non-citizen resident status you claimed to get in.

So you basically have no right to be there during night time hours in the already exclusive vault city.
Many thanks to Obi Wan Killap & all others, who makes this mod. Excellent work, guys, you have my admiration.

bubba0216 said:
[spoiler:ab22c1c1ce] .. 5) Can the depressed Mr Handy robot be repaired? The player picks up all sorts of random hardware .. [/spoiler:ab22c1c1ce]

Maybe this is reference to "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", written by Douglas N. Adams. There was Marvin the robot, he was android with high intelligence, in top hardware condition, but totally depressed. Just imagine: this robot is awaiting in darkened and abandoned place for many years; without any hope for change. It's no hardware question, but "psychological". :- )[/spoiler:ab22c1c1ce]
I'm not sure if this is the right place, but...
after Arroyo is raided by Enclave, i find out about Navarro. if I go there (by car), description says I came hidden in a vertibird.

is this RP or general problem?
@ NielsK, thanks for your save games. Though I have already fixed those. I never bothered to link to the Balthas bug fix as he will start working again when his quest is finished.

@ NielsK and Jerico, and everyone else who still hasn't, get the fix for both Francis and the missing peoples quest here.

@ Endocore
Thanks for highlighting what I was talking about earlier with Marcus.
As For Francis, if you finish the FTM quest and become his hero first, you will have to "fiddle with F2se" if you want to arm wrestle or confront him with the letter later. It's all about what order you do things.

@ Tihi, did you get the fixes from the first post of this thread?
I downloaded Darek's fix and copied it to the script folder, replaced to old file also. Then I loaded my game went to the caves where to bodies are, got a message about getting 500EXP so I guess it registered me entering the area. Headed back to Francis, talked to him and still the game crashes when the dialog ends.

If you wanna check my savegame HERE.

P.S Thanks for all the help already. Hopefully solution can be found.
Oh and the GVAR = 0 is still ablied.
BuxnaMan said:
Sephis said:
Ever since I installed RP 2.x (anything) whenever I alt tab out of Fallout 2 it crashes upon my attempt to come back to it.

Win7 64 bit user if it helps.
I posted this in tech support but there weren't a ton of replies, and the problem apparently isn't unique to me either.

Disable DX-9 mod in SFALL in SCRN in OPTIONS. Just use plain HI-RES. There is no major difference unless you are trying to play in a window. If you disable it ALT-TAB will not be a problem no more. At least it is like that for me.
I'm a Win7 64-bit user and this fixed video for me.

Fresh-installing to C:\FO2 fixed saving for me also, even without using CCleaner as recommended.

You guys rock!
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