Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.0 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

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Voduar said:
@minvader Yes, but its taken forever. I've had one cave full of robbers and 2 empty caves. The empties were very early, and the robbers were after I was already lev35

EDIT:Just managed to get a second one. Both times when there were actual robbers I was in the mountains west of Redding. I don't know if that's relevant
Yeah, i got one myself just now.
I guess i just had bad luck.
killap - Are there any news about any updates/fixes pack coming? I suppose many of them have already been solved and posted in this thread to download (like scripts for example).
DGT said:
Has Jinxed been altered in the UP/RP? It seems like I'm seeing a lot more misses and less critical misses than I used to with Jinxed in vanilla. Missing 3 times in a row (not rarely, either) with 110%-120% unarmed and a 90% chance displayed isn't making sense.
Jinxed has not been altered by me in any way.

FallMan said:
killap - Are there any news about any updates/fixes pack coming? I suppose many of them have already been solved and posted in this thread to download (like scripts for example).
An emergency update 2.0.2e should be out this weekend. It was delayed due to my modding comp b0rking on me. All is well now though. As I said, it will address some of the more major issues. Many more problems have been fixed though, but they will come later. A major update (2.1) will be out in early May.

wastrelwink said:
Any tips for my error? Haven't been able to solve it yet...
Do you have the resolution patch installed? If not, do so, as this appears to fix map issues in the game.
I'm not sure if this is a bug or a normal chain of events. I got the quest from Bishop to kill Westin, stole his holodisk and map, eliminated the raiders, informed Lynette, informed Westin about Bishop's hit job, received job to kill Bishop, Bishop reminded me for the for last time to kill Westin, I told him I don't do it, on quitting the conversation he said he knew I killed the raiders and offered me to redeem myself by killing Westin - again?! Is this a bug?
Hey I've noticed two problems, I've seen them bot mentioned before but I didn't see any solutions

1) I'm having a similar problem to wastrelwink but mines at the primitive tribe. When I go to the Primitive tribe all I get is a black screen and the gui. When I move the mouse around i get copies of the red hex marker, or whatever my point is at the time. I tried to install the resolution patch and that let me see my character but it was just a black map.

Im not sure if I installed it right, when I went back to the Den I was getting a bunch of other problems.

2) Sometimes theres a long fade-in fade-out from the start menu and other places.

Any help, especially for the first one, would be appreciated
killap said:
Jinxed has not been altered by me in any way.
Cool. Anybody know if it might be sfall related, or is it just some random cosmic alignment and I'm now destined to miss?
DGT said:
killap said:
Jinxed has not been altered by me in any way.
Cool. Anybody know if it might be sfall related, or is it just some random cosmic alignment and I'm now destined to miss?

My Custom Perks mod does not take Jinxed into account,if that is installed,and that mod totaly re-writes the combatdamage formula,Cubic2k is testing it for bugs

DGT said:
killap said:
Jinxed has not been altered by me in any way.
Cool. Anybody know if it might be sfall related, or is it just some random cosmic alignment and I'm now destined to miss?

Well, I don't have jinxed but for some reason i do miss more shots in 2.0 than in 1.2.
Re: Crashing to desktop during San Fransico Fights.

I was trying to find a way to reproduce this issue consistantly. I'm noticing that my teammates keep firing after "YOU WIN" comes up.

Also, after I switched all my NPC's to melee only weapons, I could no longer crash the game, after about 20 crashes in a row.

I seem to recall a long time ago, this fight would crash if you killed anyone. I'm not overly familiar with the scripting language of Fallout, but is it possible that we're seeing a race condition- The check for a dead NPC occurs, Cassidy shoots and kills the fallen opponent, the script to depop the old opponent and spawn the new one runs, but by now the old opponent is dead- So you're bypassing the "fixed" code?

Anyone else who has the issue, do your NPC help? Can you see them firing as the screen fades to black?
Many more bugs that are listed on the wiki were squashed yesterday and today. I've skipped a few of the more complex issues for when I have time to really dig into them (the san fran fights being one of them). Basically, I've hit the Encounters/Misc sections (the last two sections of the wiki), which all include random issues not related to any of the main locations.

Though it seems like there are tons of issues, most are actually not that severe. Only a few I would consider serious and there are maybe 3 *known* crash bugs in RP 2.0. Pixote is also making a detailed sweep of every map to address any mapping issues that exist.

Again, expect a big bug-fix update (2.1) out in early May. Another emergency update (2.0.2e) is still planned to address the issues I consider critical - of which there really are not that many.

wikia said:
# CONFIRMED Connar at the Outlander Village requested 4 automatic rifles but takes only one.
(It seems gun removal is exploitable if you have removed ammo from some of the guns that the game is trying to remove. Not sure what can be done about this. - killap)

It's fairly simple really, just remove one gun at a time. :)


variable LVar3;

procedure Node015
	variable LVar0 := 0;
	variable LVar1 := 0;
	variable LVar2 := 0;
	if (LVar3 == 4) then begin
		set_map_var(0, game_time);
		LVar1 := obj_carrying_pid_obj(dude_obj, 94);
//		LVar2 := obj_carrying_pid_obj(dude_obj, 23);
		LVar0 := rm_mult_objs_from_inven(dude_obj, LVar1, 1);
//		LVar0 := rm_mult_objs_from_inven(dude_obj, LVar2, 4);
		add_mult_objs_to_inven(self_obj, LVar1, 1);
		set_global_var(0, global_var(0) + 20);
		debug_msg("Player gains " + 20 + " Karma Points.");
		set_global_var(37, 0);
		set_global_var(38, 0);
		set_global_var(39, 0);
		set_global_var(40, 0);
		set_global_var(41, 0);
		set_global_var(42, 0);
		set_global_var(43, 0);
		set_global_var(44, 0);
		set_global_var(45, 0);
		tmp_gen_rep := global_var(0);
		if (has_trait(0, dude_obj, 95)) then begin
			tmp_gen_rep := global_var(0) * 2;
		if (tmp_gen_rep >= 1000) then begin
			set_global_var(37, 1);
		else begin
			if (tmp_gen_rep >= 750) then begin
				set_global_var(38, 1);
			else begin
				if (tmp_gen_rep >= 500) then begin
					set_global_var(39, 1);
				else begin
					if (tmp_gen_rep >= 250) then begin
						set_global_var(40, 1);
					else begin
						if (tmp_gen_rep > -250) then begin
							set_global_var(41, 1);
						else begin
							if (tmp_gen_rep > -500) then begin
								set_global_var(42, 1);
							else begin
								if (tmp_gen_rep > -750) then begin
									set_global_var(43, 1);
								else begin
									if (tmp_gen_rep > -1000) then begin
										set_global_var(44, 1);
									else begin
										set_global_var(45, 1);
		set_global_var(143, 4);
		display_msg(message_str(14, 100) + 800 + message_str(14, 101));
		gsay_reply(126, 139);
		giq_option(4, 126, 140, Node999, 50);
	else begin
		LVar2 := obj_carrying_pid_obj(dude_obj, 23);
		LVar0 := rm_mult_objs_from_inven(dude_obj, LVar2, 1);
		LVar3 := (LVar3 + 1);
		call Node015;

Same thing for "procedure Node033" and "procedure Node991".
killap said:
Pixote is also making a detailed sweep of every map to address any mapping issues that exist.
Just to let people know I am open to suggestions if some aspect of the maps seems out of place (i.e. - the rusting doors in the lower levels of the EPA) - they have been changed. Send them here: Fallout 2 Restoration Project Discussion. (ideas/suggestions) I think everyone working here wants to make the game a better experience for all, but as individuals we all have our own concept of the perfect Fallout. I am reluctant to do any major renovation on maps built by other contributors, unless they have major failings. As for removing all of the weeds and general rocky rubble, I’m sorry that is too much work.

There are many small technical issues regarding the actual original artwork built for Fallout - they have always been there (i.e. – critters hidden behind various scenery), the game has its faults, and the engine is very limited, we have to accept this…some of the oversights were attempts to eliminate some of these issues. But the community has served as excellent bug finders, and it was unrealistic to think the release was going to be completely bug free. For every problem found we will do our best to successfully rectify them. :wink:
I noticed a quirky/funny bug today. At the SAD, you can retrieve the cadaver of Private Dobbs an infinite amount of times, thus getting as many Red Ryder LE BB guns as you want. Dunno if it's always been that way, but each time you go to the computer and initiate a new dialogue, it give you the option.
CONFIRMED In the new special encounter that's only available when you beat the game, the Light Saber you get has text stating you get it from Emperor Timeslip. Though, it was actually Obi-Wan-Killap that gave it to me. (It seems the wrong weapon was given. Killap should give the green version, while Timeslip gives the red version. - killap)

Lol, Killap and Timeslip immortalized themselves in the game? Nice. Now how about one for Pixote and Dravean? I can picture it already:
Don Pixote and his sane but trusty companion Sancho Dravean on their ever futile crusade against the buggy rags and whatnot. :wink:

Something has gone wrong. When I start FO2, the movies play but after that it crashes, giving an error message "Instruction at ******** referenced memory 00000000. THe memory could not be written."

******** seems to be different everytime. It was working just fine yesterday.

Please help.
If you haven't changed anything since yesterday, this is very likely the sfall update problem. Sourceforge are doing some server maintenance, but rather than simply erroring out, which sfall could have coped with, all http requests are being redirected to an error page. sfall is grabbing that thinking it's the update file, and then crashing because it's not in the format it expects.

Set CheckForUpdates to 0 in ddraw.ini to get it working again. Unfortunately there's nothing I can do at my end for now; sfall's svn and downloads are down too. Everything will be back to normal in 6 hours or so, after which I'll fix the update code to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Lol, Killap and Timeslip immortalized themselves in the game?
Don't look at me, that's killaps doing. I didn't even know it was there until you just spoilt it for me. :P (haven't completed an rp2.0 playthrough myself yet. Still too busy modding)
Timeslip said:
If you haven't changed anything since yesterday, this is very likely the sfall update problem. Sourceforge are doing some server maintenance, but rather than simply erroring out, which sfall could have coped with, all http requests are being redirected to an error page. sfall is grabbing that thinking it's the update file, and then crashing because it's not in the format it expects.

Set CheckForUpdates to 0 in ddraw.ini to get it working again. Unfortunately there's nothing I can do at my end for now; sfall's svn and downloads are down too. Everything will be back to normal in 6 hours or so, after which I'll improve the update code to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Ok thank you, I will try this.

EDIT: It worked like a charm! Thank you very much!
Few bugs.

1. New Reno: After I win second match - screen goes blank.
2. After talking to francis in Broken Hills (after you receive the letter) - screen goes blank.

keyboard respond only to "enter" and "esc", both drop me to desktop. I got clean fallout2 + RP2. Win XP. Maybe its has to do smth with that ddraw.dll file. I remember when I did RP2 manual install and didn't copy that dll at all, I was getting black screen just after I choose my character and start game. It goes black but sounds are there. So later I downloaded auto installer and it seemed fine.
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