@BuxnaMan, Tony Brasco, KQX
I had already looked at the brands on the brahmin (twice) before. It seems like this quest is broken somehow, but it's a complicated quest involving a lot of scripts so I don't have any guesses about what the problem may be. I had just played RP 1.2 Klamath a few weeks ago, and as I recall what happened is that while Torr never did come back to town, after saving the brahmin by killing the scorpions I got a new line of dialogue with Maida, who told me to talk her to mom. After that Ardin had new dialogue options allowing me to tell her that the Duntons were rustling the cattle. Those last two steps aren't happening, and if they were replaced with something else then whatever new is supposed to occur isn't happening either.
I'm not sure what to do about the non-stacking items, as I don't quite understand why it's happening yet.
I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, but something is seriously wrong with installation if you're seeing the kinds of disasters you described

. You probably don't want to do a reinstall, but I'd start by finding a fresh copy of vault13.gam (maybe from a manual install pack), using it to replace the one in your Fallout2\data\Data folder, and starting a new game. Although it would be pretty unusual, I'd also look to see that your savegames (and the files in them) as well as your Fallout2\data\Data folder (and the files in it) aren't for some strange reason getting set with the "read-only" attribute.
@Darek, Mash
As it was discussed before, I tried to check out the EPA (in the Mapper). The underground levels map looks ok, but I'm not able to even open EPASL.map or epax.map; therefore they surely won't work in the game for me (no problem, eventually I'll figure something else out for those). From what's been posted here plus some other research, I understand now that my troubles with some of the maps are because I don't use the hi-res mod on my game (or my mapper). I'm very reluctant to even try the hi-res mods for various practical reasons, but I certainly understand that the game has to evolve to keep up with modern technology if it's to stay alive. Such sentiment certainly isn't meant to take anything away from Mash's fine work on the hi-res stuff, without which there would probably be far fewer folks still interested in playing FO2 on new computers. In any case though killap should probably change the hi-res mod from an option in the installer to a requirement (since it is a de facto requirement already), and remove all the EPA content from the Windows 98 installer (plus add a modified coast5.map) to prevent future confusion. The reasons for removing it from the Win98 installer would be:
a) according to my understanding, the hi-res mods require a later version of sfall than any of the versions that are compatible with Windows 98;
b) a computer running Windows 98 likely doesn't have the horsepower to manage the game window in the way required by the hi-res mod, and is therefore likely to lead to frustration for the end user.
I played a little more, doing the Toxic Caves and Klamath Rat Caves (I love playing an unarmed martial artist--I took out Keeng Rat on my very first blow with an aimed punch to his eyes). I wandered the wilderness some more levelling up, and then went into Den to barter and look around (I didn't do any quests yet except delivering Smitty's meal). While playing I ran across the following issues:
--Um, whoa...
[spoiler:acc0f12044]--Has there always been a fence door at the northern edge of the Trapper Town map, allowing the player-character to skip the Rat Caves and grab the car part from the car without any effort? The door isn't even locked. Maybe it's always been there and I just forgot about it, but it seems like some sort of testing aid that was accidently left on the map.
--I see what you were aiming for by taking all the rats out of the alleys and packing them into the one building leading to the ladder down in northern Trapper Town, but the rats are such pushovers I think it would have been better to leave the original rats in the other buildings and add even more for the building the player must go through to get to the ladder.[/spoiler:acc0f12044]
--I usually try not to mention a problem unless I have something helpful to say about it, but there's still something wrong (compared to the RP 1.2 problems) with Slim Pickett although I can't quite put my finger on it without looking at his script. It was a bit too helpful of him to give me the key the first time I asked him for it (by mentioning that I wanted to check out the car). There's also a conversation node with him that doesn't make much sense:
Slim: Well, little missy, you sure don't look chewed up by those rats yet--but you will if you keep pestering them. Just don't bring any back with you.
Chosen's options:
a) Don't worry, I won't.
b) No, thanks to you.
c) Uh, ok.
--This was a bug in older versions as well, but Whiskey Bob never updates his conversation options as the player completes quests in Klamath; even though the rat caves were cleared, the robot at the canyon was destroyed, Smiley was rescued and is standing in the room with him, etc, he still talks about these things as if they're urgent problems.
--When the Chosen rescues Smiley at the Toxic Caves he has a lot of items to barter, but the Smiley back home in Klamath never has anything in his inventory; if that's intentional, Klamath Smiley should probably be set to refuse bartering.
--This is nothing new (vanilla FO2 bug), but if the player hasn't yet picked up Sulik he continues to talk about how Smiley is missing even when rescued Smiley is standing right there staring at him.
--It seems like the critter teams should be reorganized in Klamath downtown. If one gets in a fight with the hated Dunton Brothers the "good guys" (Sulik if he's not in the party, the Buckners, the friendly dog who stares at me lovingly, the children) attack the player but the sleazy crowd at the Golden Gecko doesn't enter the fray (although Sally and her girls correctly fight for the boys).
--I got a random encounter on the Mountain6 map with Trappers fighting Geckos and all the enemies spawned at the southern spawn point, which is now too far south; as a result, I never even saw the Geckos due to scrolling issues, and by the time they all finished fighting two of the Trappers had gone down below the area I could scroll to as well (so I didn't get a chance to trade my charms for gecko pelts). I won't post any more of these issues as bugs now that I understand some of the maps have been modified with the hi-res mod in mind, but if anyone else had trouble with that frequently-appearing map I found that moving the eastern line of scroll blockers east about 3 hexes and moving the southern line of scroll blockers south about 8 hexes = problem fixed.
--The intial conversation with Little Johnny in the Den Residential is fairly manic; a few new dialogue nodes were added for the tyke but no hook to use them was put in place (likely an oversight). Dcliljny.int should be changed in the following way:
procedure Node001
op_gsay_reply(1371, 104 + (op_get_critter_stat(op_dude_obj(), 34) == 1));
op_giq_option(4, 1371, 106, @Node002a, 50);
procedure Node002
op_gsay_reply(1371, 230);
op_giq_option(4, 1371, 108, @Node003, 49);
op_giq_option(4, 1371, 109, @Node005, 51);
procedure Node002b
op_gsay_reply(1371, 220);
op_giq_option(4, 1371, 221, @Node002, 50);
Node002a (not shown) is fine as it's currently written.
--This may be an old problem (I can't remember), but if the player talks to Tyler in Den Business 2 without having ever talked to Lara or Metzger, the very first dialogue goes like this:
Tyler: Who the hell are you and what do you want?
a) Metzger sent me.
b) I'll be back.
Neither of those responses make any sense at all if the player is meeting Tyler the first time, as it's not known that Tyler works for Metzger nor that there would be some reason to come back in the future. To fix this all that's necessary is a line or two of extra dialogue and a small modification of dctyler.int Node006.