SPC said:
Can someone tell me please if that's a bug i stumbled upon? I can't show Bishop's holodisk to Lynette. There is no option for it in her conversation tree. ......
The bug is in the description of the disk I suppose, because it clearly says that someone from VaultCity will be interested in this.
I have the quest to find/dealwith the reaiders from Stark, but I dont think you can tell them about the location or the disk until you have at least visited the raiders, mnaybe even destroyed them all.
There were a lot of discussions about Marcus a few pages back, so this may be related tto hose problems. Basically the first time I went to Broken Hills, I went straight up to marcus, chatted for a while then asked him to join me... He then said yes!
Thats without doing a single quest related to broken hills. Well just wanted to check if thats normal... I never had that happen before, normally I would have t solve the murders at Broken Hills.
I have also stumbled upon a reproducable CTD bug, I will pot a save once I can rule out any addon scripts I am using though....
The bug is a CTD from trying to have sex at the Cats Paw.
I'll elaborate, at first there was no crash, my char spent lots of money there trying to get that Karmic title, then suddenly a CTD. Reload try to have sex, CTD... same CTD no matter which sex option is chosen, allies can shag fine just not the PC and only seems to happen at Cats Paw.
I Just remembered another bug that I ran into, it was a conversation with the merchant that sells you the Armor for Marcus.
The conversation options were allmessed up, I was choosing the merchants text and he was saying my text... if that makes sense. (Was the same with Balthas the Tanner in Modoc.)
I was able to get the armor by saying that I didnt want the armor