Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

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kansar02 said:
High-res was not on during my crashes... I just had RP vanilla full installed nothing touched

The RP requires the high res patch to run. Even if you don't change the resolutions, it still needs to be installed.
Not a big deal, but on the map where I met Kaga my part members can walk "over the klif". Take a look

Aphyosis said:
kansar02 said:
High-res was not on during my crashes... I just had RP vanilla full installed nothing touched

The RP requires the high res patch to run. Even if you don't change the resolutions, it still needs to be installed.

trying to be a smartass ?

all knows rp full comes with high res patch but I said I did not activate it so what
kansar02 said:
Aphyosis said:
kansar02 said:
High-res was not on during my crashes... I just had RP vanilla full installed nothing touched

The RP requires the high res patch to run. Even if you don't change the resolutions, it still needs to be installed.

trying to be a smartass ?

all knows rp full comes with high res patch but I said I did not activate it so what

Aphyosis is right. High Res Patch is installed by default, so until you deactivated it somehow, it is still on.


as I understand it the high res patch is installed and active all the time, but the default resolution is set to the original values...
ufo_hunter said:

as I understand it the high res patch is installed and active all the time, but the default resolution is set to the original values...

Yes, it is correct. I think the reason is, some maps were unplayable without High Res Patch.
kansar02 said:
Aphyosis said:
kansar02 said:
High-res was not on during my crashes... I just had RP vanilla full installed nothing touched

The RP requires the high res patch to run. Even if you don't change the resolutions, it still needs to be installed.

trying to be a smartass ?

all knows rp full comes with high res patch but I said I did not activate it so what

I'm not trying to be a smartass, I'm trying to assist you in tracking down the problem. You said "High res was not on during my crashes". I'm telling you it needs to be on, even if you don't touch it. Now, i don't know if your saying you turned it on and left it alone (which is fine) or if your disabled it completely (which is not fine) because frankly your wording isn't very clear, but it struck me as something that needed clarification.

Accusing me of being a smartass for that is rude. A simple "Yes, im aware of this, that's not the issue" would have sufficed if you knew of this.
JaW said:
ufo_hunter said:

as I understand it the high res patch is installed and active all the time, but the default resolution is set to the original values...

Yes, it is correct. I think the reason is, some maps were unplayable without High Res Patch.
This is all correct.

No need to bicker about this anymore. The crash problem has been found and is being addressed.
JaW said:
kansar02 said:
Aphyosis said:
kansar02 said:
High-res was not on during my crashes... I just had RP vanilla full installed nothing touched

The RP requires the high res patch to run. Even if you don't change the resolutions, it still needs to be installed.

trying to be a smartass ?

all knows rp full comes with high res patch but I said I did not activate it so what

Aphyosis is right. High Res Patch is installed by default, so until you deactivated it somehow, it is still on.


what are you trying to prove boy to whom ? are you lawyer for that guy ?

i was playing in default setting 640x480 so what is so hard to understand there
kansar02, stop being an ass.
You said "High-res was not on during my crashes". Now JaW was merely stating that unless you deactivate (uninstall) the high-res patch, it will always be on.
That is true. It doesn't matter if you play with the default setting or not. The high-res patch sets it's own values for map scroll edges, and that is why I wondered if it could have a part in the bug we were discussing.
Sorry if it was mentioned before - I have no music in game.
Humongous install + RP 2.1.2.

Tryed to change music settings in ddraw.ini - music didn`t appear.
Babax said:
Tryed to change music settings in ddraw.ini - music didn`t appear.
Did you check your fallout2.cfg path? If you did a humongous install you should see music files in the music directory. If you didn't do a humongous install then you'll need the cd for music.

Darek said:
The high-res patch sets it's own values for map scroll edges, and that is why I wondered if it could have a part in the bug we were discussing.
A way to test this would be to place a critter at that hex in a game that doesn't have the res patch enabled.

I said this discussion is over. Lash out inappropriately like that again and you'll get a strike.
I'd take the warning from the Bearguy seriously.

I got a strike a long time ago and my ass still hurts...
killap said:
Darek said:
The high-res patch sets it's own values for map scroll edges, and that is why I wondered if it could have a part in the bug we were discussing.
A way to test this would be to place a critter at that hex in a game that doesn't have the res patch enabled.
I tried the save with the hi-res patch disabled and got the same results, so I don't think the res patch is at fault. Also the game isn't actually crashing it's just running very slowly.
One thing I tried was disabling the map edges so I could access the area to the south. Walking the PC below Derek's line produced the same slowdown problem. On the gecko trapping map I tried the same thing without issue, I even initiated combat with a gecko without problems so it may just be the downtown map or maybe something wrong with the saved game.
Mash said:
Thanks for testing! It's definitely an odd issue. Ensuring that every map has a border of blockers should hopefully prevent this problem from happening.
Fairly annoying bug in Modoc; Whenever I'm on the initial map, the description box constantly displays the message" visible 28710,0", repeating one after another, complete with the little beep sound effect as though I had deliberately inspected an object.

I'm running the latest release, clean install, with everything but the children patch, Vista (but not default directory so as to avoid savegame problems). I realize, what with your coming haitus, I'm mentioning this a little late (assuming I'm not the only one it's happening to), but I only noticed it tonight, as it never happened to me with 2.1.1.

Hopefully this can be addressed before the official release, since it renders that particular piece of Modoc rather unplayable unless one is willing to play without descriptions (and with the sound off to avoid the constant beep) but whether it can or not, I'd still like to close by saying thanks again for all your work Killap, and I hope you can find some relaxation during your hiatus.
Reference Obscura,
check the first post of this thread, grab latest update and install it.
valcik said:
Reference Obscura,
check the first post of this thread, grab latest update and install it.
Yep. The fix on the first page of this thread will address the debug message in Modoc (both the main map and the ghost farm map).
killap said:
Did you check your fallout2.cfg path? If you did a humongous install you should see music files in the music directory. If you didn't do a humongous install then you'll need the cd for music.

Somehow paths in fallout2.cfg was broken. There was some strange symbols in the path variable. I guess it was because of my Russian Windows 7, who knows :P

After restoring the right paths music is there again, thanks!
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