killap said:
Where did you start noticing this? I assume Primitive Tribe? If so, where did you find the knife?
The knives all stack except for one particular knife; I had them for a bit before I noticed the issue, so I don't recall where they were from, but it was well before I visited Primitive Tribe. I think they (or at least the "bad" knife) may have come from a random encounter. The knife near the entrance of Primitive Tribe stacks correctly.
The earliest savegame where I have two knives that don't stack is in "Random Encounter - Mountain" where I defeated three random bandits. (It's a map with a building, a brahmin pen attached, some corn stalks in rows, and a well.) The kinfe may not have come from there, though; it may have been from another encounter (somewhere on the trip from Den to Kalama). My inventory in that save has knife #1, 2 spears, and knife #2, in that order. When I take Vic's knife (knife #3), it sorts into the knife #1 stack.
Knives-not-stacking savegame.
The stacking issue is also happening with sharpened spears and combat knives, though it's not the same bug, since they'll re-stack (although the origins of each may be related - but then again, maybe not!). I believe found the sharpened spears in a random encounter with cannibals or a tribal hunting party before arriving in Primitive Tribe, because my save at the entrance of PT has Sulik with 3 of them, stacked. However, my save with the overloaded-Sulik in PT (see below) shows four sharpened spears, not stacked. I'm pretty sure that three of these are the same spears we had when we entered the PT.
It appears that Sulik used the sharpened spears in combat, and switched spears during combat (which he does sometimes mid-attack for no apparent reason), which may have resulted in them being in separate inventory slots. Unlike the bad knife, however, when Sulik's spears are placed into the trade area, they stack.
With a little more tinkering, I've discovered how to replicate the spear splitting, at least in one way: give Sulik two spears (or combat knives, or whatever): make sure they're the best weapon he's carrying (make sure he's disarmed already). Have him equip his best weapon, which should be the spear (or etc.). Then trade him an object he doesn't have, like a piece of fruit. Next, order him to disarm (may have to order him twice: not sure if his not-disarming is another bug or just a feature). Then return to the trade screen: his spears should be in two stacks.
Perhaps related: Once relieved of his excess weight, Sulik chooses sharpened spear as his best weapon, but when I take away one of the sharpened spears (I forget which one), he switches to sledgehammer as his best weapon. Not sure why he does that.
Another (unrelated) bug: Vic got stuck in a map hex. During a random encounter with a bunch of radscorps on "Desert Desert" map (appears to be a RP-enhanced map), Vic got stuck on a map hex when combat ended and couldn't move nor be pushed. The hex is on the edge of a pile of rocks by an open well. Vic did join the party once we left the map.
Vic's stuck: savegame.
Yet another issue: I've got Sulik's inventory too-overweight to trade, even one pound, in either direction. I think this is a vanilla bug; it seems that one can have a recruitable NPC, dismiss them (like Sulik does automatically in Primitive Tribe), give them a bunch of stuff - which they'll take without checking for overloading, apparently - and then rejoin them to the party. When trying to trade with them, either to give or take (even one pound), it seems that if after the trade they'd still be overloaded, the trading dialog reports "Sorry, that's too much to carry."
This seems very odd when the character is only *giving* you items, just shedding weight rather than adding any. I suspect that this won't be (easily) fixable via the trade screen after overloading has happened, but maybe the weight restriction can be checked for hirable NPCs during trading when they're not a party member, so they don't get overloaded in the first place?
Sulik overloaded - can't trade - savegame (also shows the unstacked sharpened spears).
Hope that helps! I'll try posting notes to the wiki, too.
[edit: files will be removed after KillaP addresses their related bugs, so links may be broken in the future. -m]